• imagePixel Melt

    Pixel Melt simulates independent stretching and displacement of pixels. Applicable for various image distortions, including melting simulation or scanlines separation with modulation ability.


  • Pixel Melt and Modulation
    Hello, I gave myself a huge Christmas present with these two plugins. However, I got a warning message from After Effect about these two plug-ins. Here are the images so that you can understand my request.

  • Pixel Melt and Modulation
    Hello, I gave myself a huge Christmas present with these two plugins. However, I got a warning message from After Effect about these two plug-ins. Here are the images so that you can understand my request.
    Hi Catherine. Apologies for my late reaction! Do you still have a problem with Pixel Melt? I see no image with a warning message. Please, let me know if your issue was solved meanwhile.
  • I am having an issue as I apply the effect on to a video clip. I get a red warning flag reading "A low-level exception occurred in: Pixel Melt (AEVideoFilter:11)". I am unable to preview the effect layered onto the clip as well. At this moment, I am unable to use the effect and I would like to as soon as possible. Thank you!
  • I am having an issue as I apply the effect on to a video clip. I get a red warning flag reading "A low-level exception occurred in: Pixel Melt (AEVideoFilter:11)". I am unable to preview the effect layered onto the clip as well. At this moment, I am unable to use the effect and I would like to as soon as possible. Thank you!

    Hi Brooks,

    I am sorry to hear you have the following issue. I don't want to blame Adobe and dismiss it as not a problem on our side, but all indications are that it is a bug in Premiere Pro (introduced in the 2018/19 version) utilizing GPUs (while Pixel Melt is utilizing CPU only). Which versions are you using? I assume that your operating system is Windows. It also happens for some users who use built-in Lumetri Colors. Since it doesn't happen on our side, it's hard to replicate. But the following recommendations helped others in the past; please try:

    • disable your onboard graphics driver (as suggested in this video )
    • turning off GPU usage in File/Project Settings/General/Renderer: choose 'Mercury Playback Engine Software Only'
    • clean your media cache in Edit/Preferences/Media Cache/Delete...
    • reorder a sequence of effects applied to the footage
    • quit other apps heavily utilizing your GPU

    Regarding preview in PP, did using the Enter key to prerender your effects on the timeline cause the same error?

    Please let me know if any of the above tips have helped.