  • imageQualityControl

    Manage the preview render quality of your project with ease. Save layer properties, effect parameters and composition switches like frame blending, motion blur and depth of field to three presets; low, medium and high, then apply them project-wide, instantly, in one click. 


  • This is awesome! 

    Btw. is it possible to make QC to adjust the "quality" globally over the project? I tried the trial on Element 3D and being able to adjust render quality through QC is in itself really useful function. It seems like now I need to make this setup for each "Element" instance within the project. I believe in most cases you want  to have "instance specific" quality controls, but would be awesome if without any additional setup after the initial setup you could control for an example all the Element effects within the project. So basically you would setup Low, Medium, High Quality for Element and you could choose if it works only on that instance or globally over the project on every instance of the same effect (Element 3D in this case).

    Thanks so much for this awesome tool!
  • This is awesome! 

    Btw. is it possible to make QC to adjust the "quality" globally over the project? I tried the trial on Element 3D and being able to adjust render quality through QC is in itself really useful function. It seems like now I need to make this setup for each "Element" instance within the project. I believe in most cases you want  to have "instance specific" quality controls, but would be awesome if without any additional setup after the initial setup you could control for an example all the Element effects within the project. So basically you would setup Low, Medium, High Quality for Element and you could choose if it works only on that instance or globally over the project on every instance of the same effect (Element 3D in this case).

    Thanks so much for this awesome tool!
    Thanks for your positive comment, Miika! Yes, your suggestions are definitely useful and something like that is planned for future updates.