Motion Extractor

  • imageMotion Extractor

    Your stock footage is more interesting than you thought! Reveal only the movement and unlock potential in a seemingly dull shot. It's a reminder that life's always in motion, even when we can't see it. Can we call this a Poetic plugin? Well, I hope it will inspire you in your next editing session :)

  • Hi. Is this any different from putting a copy of your video on a top layer, offset it by 2 or 3 frames, and setting the blend mode to Difference?
  • Hi. Is this any different from putting a copy of your video on a top layer, offset it by 2 or 3 frames, and setting the blend mode to Difference?
    Hi !
    Yes, a bit different.

    The algorithm takes multiple frames at once into consideration, not only one offset. The result is not exactly the same, tho similar. Often times Motion Extractor will be more stable, less flickery than a simple time difference. There are also additional features like motion amplification
