After effect 2d track for mocap face to poser
  • I like to have a script for setting a position marker like setting morph poser value

    is it possible create it ?
  • Not sure we understand what you are requesting but have you checked out Mask Avenger? It allows you to link tracker points to mask vertices
  • nope,
    i need a script for link a setup track points position to a poser morph target value

    1) load face footage with a neutral face expression on first frame
    2) track any marker on face
    3) go on first frame (neutral face expression)
    4) load MocapFaceScript plugin ;-)
    5) set this first frame as neutral expression in MFS plugin
    6) go on another frame to another expression
    7) set this select frame as a example name:Smile morph
    8) make the same thing with others expression along the footage and use another morph name
    9) export all tracking face footage data from MFS Plugin like pz2 file (pz2 is the poser format about motions and morphs value)

    When the marker point are in neutral position the morph have value 0 if there are in Morph (Smile) position the value is 1.

    This plugin to work well and do not make things more complicated head should remain steady or face will go first stabilized with respect to a fixed point type a marker on the tip of the nose.
  • If i understand you correctly you should be able to accomplish this with Mask Avenger and some simple expressions in your project.  All you need to do is find an AE artists that understands how to link properties with expressions and they can make a "rig" for you in an After Effects project.
  • It seems easy to say so, then I am completely ignorant on the subject and script expressions, I do not know where to start :-(

    other problem i need it for CS4
  • I'm sorry, it seems you need help beyond the scope from what we can offer here.  You can ask for help on the Adobe forums.