Audio to markers problem. Cannot get script to perform.
  • I must be doing something wrong, this script seems to simple, to the point and easy. But for the life of me I cannot get this to work.

    Here's my process.

    1. new project
    2. import files (grab a couple audio files, one mp3 one wav)
    3. new comp with one of the audio files.
    4. Animation>convert audio to keyframes (i can verify this works, as I can see all the keyframes now).
    5. load the script (audio to markers)
    6. Select the audio amplitude layer to be marked, and choose 'add markers to layer'. Click 'do it' and it does... nothing.

    No matter which setting, be it, text, split layer, or mark layer, it does nothing. it appears to process the layer but nothing is done.

    I can also raise or lower the level to trigger, and it makes no difference.

    It also makes no difference what file i run it on, though it shouldn't matter because it's really looking for the keyframes.

    I am just blown away. i know i have to be doing something wrong, but for the life of me i can't figure out what it is

    If needed I can record my session and show you exactly what i'm doing but it's described above

    this is the middle process in my overall project. i need to use typemonkey to sync to these markers (just creating lyrics synced to the audio track). but boy is this frustrating.

    any ideas? i have the only version i see. i got it just now, but when downloading it doesn't show any older versions.

  • What version of AE are you running? You need to check the compatibility tab to make sure your version is compatible. If you open a support ticket we can try to help you with the version you are running, just make sure to let us know what version you are running.
  • ok I now know how to create a ticket so i will try that. FYI it's AE CC