• Hello David, I was about to script something very similar when I saw your plugin. 
    I just bought it, it works great, but there's a tiny feature that would made it a bit more robust regarding recreating the folder structure of the comps to be rendered.

    Right now you enter a value which is the number of parent levels you want to recreate.
    There are two issues for me with this:
    1/ This number is limited to 3 or 5, what if you have a bigger hierarchy?
    2/ Setting a number like that basically mean every comp needs to have the same amount of parent folder otherwise the hierarchy will be messed up.

    Please have a look at the following screenshot, it's an exemple where the CPF number doesn't work.

    The solution for this issue is actually not that complicated.
    You get the parent folders of the comps to be rendered with a while loop.
    This while loop will stop either when there's no more parent folders or if the parent folder is the one define in the UI as the root folder.
    Being able to define a root folder is better as you can keep your ae file tidy in an "_OUT" folder for instance.

    Please let me know what you think. I would have done it myself but your script is encrypted.
    I actually already have the code for this that I could send you if you want.
    Otherwise if you don't have time, I would also be happy with a non encrypted version of your script so I can modify it. And of course give it back to you with the added features.

    All the best,

  • Hi Hadrien,

    Thank you for this feature request, I agree that it would make a lot of sense to have this functionality and can hopefully implement this soon.


  • Hi, it seems like versioning is broken in the current version. If "Look for Highest Version#" is enabled, it will just name the file v01 no matter what's in the output folder. If it's unticked it just says "v" without a number. I've tried different machines, AE2020 und 2019 drifferent paths on different drives as well as relative and absolute paths.
  • Hi Ruben,

    I can't seem to reproduce that issue on my end.  Would you mind opening a help ticket so we can begin troubleshooting this issue?  Thanks!

  • Does this work with After Effects 2020 ? it doesn't say
  • suggestion:
    to make the setting file more compatible in WIN and MAC
    add a variable code named like: <osSlash>
    turn the path code from something like: 
  • it would be awesome to have it compatible with Media Encoder
  • My RenderQueue.settings file gets corrupted every time I make adjustments to it. It becomes a "Zero bytes" file and the script gives an error when After Effects tries to load the palette.
  • Error "Unable to execute script at line 1. does not have a value" since a few days... And the plugins doesn't launch. Any solution? :)
  • Error "Unable to execute script at line 1. does not have a value" since a few days... And the plugins doesn't launch. Any solution? :)
    If you have a technical or customer support issue, please open a support ticket 

  • Hello, 
    when i want to render just a still image, (Tiff with alpha)  I need the render name to be written without any numbers at the end, like image sequences normally does. Is there a way to avoy the numbers at the end?
    Thanks in advance
  • Hi Ivan, unfortunately QM doesn't support writing images without the frame numbers.  Thank you.
  • I don't normally comment but this script is incredible. It saves me a huge amount of time every single day.
    The labelling system is intuitive and the overwriting without warning is a click / time saver. Thanks for making this wonderful script.

  • Hi Cameron, thanks so much for the comment.  Really thrilled to hear this script is making your life easier!
  • Hi. 

    I just bought the script, but it's not working like in the demo. Versioning doesn't work, and the script is very slow when you configure preferences and outputs.  I'm using After Effects 2024 

    Is there anything I can do?

  • Hi Oscar, QueueMaster hasn't been tested with the most recent versions of After Effects as I haven't had the time to maintain it.  I'm sorry to hear it's not working as you expected, I'd like to recommend opening a ticket to request a refund.  Thank you.
