This script takes a 3D position and creates an animated 2D null in it's relative 2D screen-space. Select a 3D Layer and press 'Link' to tie a new null to the 3D point with an expression or press 'Bake' to convert the expression to keyframes straight away.
when I run the 3D to 2D ScreenSpace script nothing happens, no UI. Any ideas?
Is it in your scriptUI folder?
Sorry guys, I promise I will make the following fixes to this script soon (this was my first, and quite frankly opening it up and looking at it again is a SMH moment, also did not have this forum bookmarked so... sorry for the delay as well.)
1. Single use (bake only, expression only) buttons for use with RD_scriptlauncher or Launch pad
2. The UI based one will include an option to use the anchor point instead of Layer corners.
3. The UI will launch as a window and as a dockable panel.
4. The quotation mark bug will be addressed. (Thanks Nathan, I had no idea)
Any progress on an updated version of this script.?
put the script into the script folder of afx
load it
go to menu - windows - all the way down you will find "3dto2dscreenspace"
works perfectly
thank you very much for the script!!!