Still Exporter
  • could you please update this so that I could export stills with name based on TIMECODE/FRAMENUMBER please. Bought a few of your plugins/scripts and love em but need this to let me easily export my images as seq timecode OR frame number
  • Thank you for this suggestion, Harvey. I've put it on my list of feature requests and will see what I can do. Framenumber does not sound too complicated but timecode could become pretty complex due to all the different timecode variants that exist. I cannot promise that it will happen soon - really depends on how much effort it turns out to be.

  • Hola amigos saludos en que dicrectorio de premiere debo instalar los archivos soy usario windows.
  • Hi Jose,
    please use this installer:
    See HOW_TO_INSTALL.pdf (in the product download) for details.

    Hola amigos saludos en que dicrectorio de premiere debo instalar los archivos soy usario windows.