Mobo Motion Bundle
  • FYI: The MOBO Motion Bundle lists CS6 compatibility, but LayersGenerators only shows CC and later. Pastiche looks like a great plugin, but without LayersGenerators its ease of use is severely reduced for those of us still using CS6.

    Assuming the above problem can be addressed, since you have offered a discounted bundle have you considered offering a discount for current Newton 2 owners as well?

  • Hi James!

    So we have added CS6 compatibility to LayerGenerators so now the bundle is fully CS6 aware.
    Thanks for pointing that issue.

    Sorry, no special offer for current owners of Newton2.

  • Thanks Val, I appreciate the quick response.
  • I just purchased the bundle. Had no trouble installing Newton 2. In the Pastiche folder, however, the contents do not match what the installation guide references. There is only a Premiere Pro plugin file. The LayersGenerator folder doesn't come with any installation guide—only three .jsx files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    EDIT: Never mind. I did a bit of research and figured everything out.
  • PASTICHE REGISTRATION License code. Where I can find the lincense code to activate my newton 3 plugin?. Thanks
  • found it. No worries. 
  • Hi, is this one license can install on iMac and macbook air? or i need two license for them? thank you
  • You can use the same licence for work and portable or home but not at the same time.

    Hi, is this one license can install on iMac and macbook air? or i need two license for them? thank you