High Pass for AE
  • o. m. g.  i have waited SO long for this, always bemoaning the absence of this effect.  high pass is the best.  today is a good day.
  • Alex Weinberg, will this effect be made available for After Effects CC 2019?
  • Peter, this effect seems to work just fine in CC2019. 
  • This doesn't work on Mac OS 11.2 and AE2021.  Update coming?
  • Please check the latest 1.0a version which is notarized for macOS.

    And please check the FAQ on how to upgrade "Name Your Own Price" products (https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/how-to-upgrade-name-your-own-price-products/)
  • very cool to have this effect, and its great like in Photoshop ...  but it broke my render so bad. 
    I've spent so much time trying to figure out why the render was crashing, did many tests, and it ended to be the Highpass effect.
    Don't know why, but it crashed at different frames, so I'm guessing its a memory problem. Seems that the effect keeps using more memory every frame, 'till AE freezes. What I do know, is that when I turned it off, everything went normal again.
  • Could you please add a bug ticket with your AE version and system details? In fact I've noticed strange behavior with intense vram usage in recent versions of AE, but  it actually seems gone now. (It existed in our tests, and now it doesn't exist).
  • (see above please please). Or, if it's too much hassle for you, could you please at least post your gpu model/driver version here? It's really important and could be quite easy to fix but we would need more info to track this one down.
    very cool to have this effect, and its great like in Photoshop ...  but it broke my render so bad. 
    I've spent so much time trying to figure out why the render was crashing, did many tests, and it ended to be the Highpass effect.
    Don't know why, but it crashed at different frames, so I'm guessing its a memory problem. Seems that the effect keeps using more memory every frame, 'till AE freezes. What I do know, is that when I turned it off, everything went normal again.

  • You know what, I think we got this, expecting update =)
  • Fixed version is online!
  • Hey, I can't get this to work with After Effects 2023 (on MacOS). Is there a fix in the works? The AEScripts plugin manager doesn't install it to 2023 and if you manually install by copying it to the plugins folder, it doesn't show up after a restart
  • Hey, I can't get this to work with After Effects 2023 (on MacOS). Is there a fix in the works? The AEScripts plugin manager doesn't install it to 2023 and if you manually install by copying it to the plugins folder, it doesn't show up after a restart

    Please open a support ticketĀ for assistance: https://aescripts.com/contact/
  • Why in PS did I use Vivid light mode to soften the skin, but in your product I increased it to 1000 px but still didn't erase the skin's blemishes? I use 1 photo in both PS and AE
  • Hi Nguyen,

    I'm a bit unclear on what we're comparing here tbh -- vivid light behaves the same way in both photoshop and after effects; also, using a 1000px high-pass filter on a 1080p image sure won't pick up much details.

    If you're looking to soften an image, you might try copying an original image, applying a high-pass filter, inverting the result with e.g. curves, and then using Vivid Light mode on that copy to blend over the original. But I'd recommend keeping the radius between 3-10 pixels for a 4K photo to capture those small details.

    Hope that might help!

  • Hello Nguyen, I'm a little unclear on what we're comparing here tbh -- vivid lighting works the same way in both photoshop and after effects; Also, using a 1000px high-pass filter on a 1080p image certainly won't capture much detail. If you want to soften an image, you can try copying the original image, applying a high-pass filter, inverting the result with curves for example, then using Vivid Light mode on that copy to blend it. mixed with the original. But I recommend keeping the radius between 3-10 pixels so the 4K photo captures those small details. Hope that can help!

    I want to apply your tool to do the same as this guy did in PS, but when I apply HighPass in AE it doesn't seem to work, I would be grateful if you could download it and test it on the same image. in the video I sent you

  • Yes, it works exactly like in that Photoshop tutorial, please check this quick example project: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cvsytmri5srqzl5jyq0pm/Highpass_wrinkles_example-folder.zip?rlkey=ccrtm6trj1bqe9ny98vvnvz1s&dl=0
  • Also, it probably worth noting that to match the Photoshop color blending result, you might need to go to Project->color management->turn off "blend colors using 1.0 gamma", if you are working with the 8bpp project - that's the only thing that might prevent you from matching the Photoshop result, that I can think of. 
    Also you probably don't really need to blur the vivid light overlay, I'm not sure why the guy in the tutorial does it - just setting up some particular highpass radius should work just fine).