Santa's Little Credit Helper
  • This looks like a very useful and detailed script. Does is also do Roles?
  • Hi John...

    If you mean scrolling credits or credit rolls, unfortunately it does not at this time.  The reason being is that because it's calculating so many expressions on each text layer, it quickly grinds to a halt when you essentially have them all on one long card and it needs to calculate them all simultaneously.  But it's definitely something I've worked on and hopefully can find a solution for in a future version.

    That said, there are a few ways to hack things and still get some of the functionality of SLCH with scrolls, but it's tricky and takes some AE know how. If it's something you really need for your workflow and you want to dig in, open a support ticket and I can give you some more information privately.


  • I can't seem to download the Google Doc templates- any attempt just results in the following message:

    After Effects warning: ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
  • Hi Brendan,

    Are you on a PC or a Mac?  Seems to be a PC issue, which I'm currently looking into.  In the meantime, please use this link to access the google sheets.


  • Thanks! I'm on Windows 10.

    Also, I'm getting this instead of the file type dropdown from the Browse button in the Load Credits tab.

    (If you can't see the image:
  • Hi Brendan,

    Sorry for the compatibility issues on Windows.  I've addressed all of these and things should be working in v.1.1 that's been uploaded to  Once you've updated to the new version, please reach out if you find any more issues.

    Thanks for your patience!

  • Hey Gerrad. Just bought your script and can't seem to save a credit preset. I'm on Mac. Noticed this from the trial but thought it was disabled. Any insight on what can be done? I've selected the credit comp and get the prompt to name it but nothing shows up in the pull down window.

  • Hi Chuck...  

    Not sure what's going on... please open up a support ticket so I can get a little more information and I'll try to fix asap.


  • Hello, two questions:

    1) When I want to make an update using the TSV file, and then try to load the TSV file back in, and then asks to overwrite current credits, it overwrites all the customization I've done to the credits (resets all my font/formatting options, deletes my other control nulls, etc). What's the proper way to update the credits using an updated TSV file (editing the credits manually in After Effects kind of defeats a major purpose of the plugin when you have a lot of credits to update)? 

    2) The credits glitch out when the contents of a card reaches a certain height, even though that height is well within the dimensions of the comp. This is most apparent when when I'm trying to vertically center the card.

    It's not a matter of having too many lines, because I can make this card center vertically by decreasing the name/title spacing/block spacing, but it seems awfully strict about the height (plus even if something were too tall, it shouldn't just break, it should just go past the screen).
  • Hi Arvin,

    Thanks for the feedback!  See my responses in bold below.
    Hello, two questions:

    1) When I want to make an update using the TSV file, and then try to load the TSV file back in, and then asks to overwrite current credits, it overwrites all the customization I've done to the credits (resets all my font/formatting options, deletes my other control nulls, etc). What's the proper way to update the credits using an updated TSV file (editing the credits manually in After Effects kind of defeats a major purpose of the plugin when you have a lot of credits to update)? 

    Currently, when you load over existing credits is does reset everything. (Essentially loading them fresh.). The easiest way to get around this would be to save you settings as a preset and reload it onto your new credits when you re-import them.  Not the easiest solution, but the quickest way around it.  

    Honestly, I typically just usually do all little tweaks to them in AE so haven't run into this very often... but I think what you suggest is a good idea.  I'll add this to the list for the next update, so that when you overwrite existing credits it preserves the settings (or gives you the option to).

    2) The credits glitch out when the contents of a card reaches a certain height, even though that height is well within the dimensions of the comp. This is most apparent when when I'm trying to vertically center the card.

    It's not a matter of having too many lines, because I can make this card center vertically by decreasing the name/title spacing/block spacing, but it seems awfully strict about the height (plus even if something were too tall, it shouldn't just break, it should just go past the screen).

    I saw your screenshots... I've never seen it fully glitch out like that.  What I can say, is that what the vertical centering does is a visual check of the top and bottom of the alpha on your card, and adjust the anchor point of the Card to center it. (It doesn't actually shift the position of the text layers inside the card).  Because the title layers in the card itself are still positioned based on the position of your CONTROLS null, if you don't have it placed so that all the text fits on screen, they will go off the edge of the comp before the centering occurs.  The best way to check this is to turn of Vertical Centering and be sure everything is fitting on the screen before you turn it back on.

    Also a good suggestion though... if I can think of any way to make this work better in the next update I will. 

    Please reach out again if you have any other concerns or suggestions.  Thanks!  


  • I am using the trial version (1.2) on windows 10 and I am seeing the same problem brendan smith showed back in September. (FUNCTION MASKFILE() when trying to load a file)  You show in version history that this was fixed in version 1.1.  Is there any way I can try that version?
  • Hi Ron...

    Sorry for the inconvenience!  I had fixed that issue in v1.1, and don't see the issue my version of 1.2. Not sure why it's happening.  Let me investigate and will try to post a new update.  Or maybe I will just remove the file masking all together and avoid it altogether.  I will let you know asap when I have something ready and will look into if there's a way I can extend your trial to make sure you can get a chance to test the script fully.



  • I am using the trial version (1.2) on windows 10 and I am seeing the same problem brendan smith showed back in September. (FUNCTION MASKFILE() when trying to load a file)  You show in version history that this was fixed in version 1.1.  Is there any way I can try that version?
    I too get the (FUNCTIONMASKFILE() when trying to load a file. Any suggestions?
  • Hi Gerrad !
    I have a question before purchasing your plugin,
    I 'm interested in the "Save Card" feature
    is it possible to save multiple card a once ?
    Thank's for your time
  • I am using the trial version (1.2) on windows 10 and I am seeing the same problem brendan smith showed back in September. (FUNCTION MASKFILE() when trying to load a file)  You show in version history that this was fixed in version 1.1.  Is there any way I can try that version?
    I too get the (FUNCTIONMASKFILE() when trying to load a file. Any suggestions?

    Please open a support ticket
  • Will there be an update for AE 2022?