Smart Precomposer allows you to do a "precompose and leave all attributes" on text and shape layers, which After Effects otherwise doesn't allow. What's more, Smart Precomposer allows you to precompose any type of layer and selectively move some attributes into the new precomp, while leaving the rest in the original comp.
* in smart precomp 2D text gets shifted (anchor point related?) - motion path clipping
* in smart precomp text w (3D checkbox on) disappears ?
- would still be very useful if compatible with CC 2015
- any plans to update ????
Hello ,
thanks for this script , I a have a problem with it , it doesn't work in AE CC 2017 , It's should do
Precompos for all layers at onc click , and it doesn't , please ,it would be great if you make it to work with after effects CC 2017 latest .
heads up...