I am testing the trial version for a time sensitive assignment. It worked a couple days ago however now I am trying to open the project and am receiving an error. I also receive an error when attempting to add the Blace effect to a new project. "After Effects error: Couldn't find main entry point for Blace-1-4-1.aex (48 :: 72). Please advise ASAP. Thank you!
I tried latest Blace for Windows on After Effects 2021.
And i got same error when I start AE2021 on my PC (Windows 10).
After several tests among some different platforms, it turned out as CPU support constraints.
(maybe it requires some specific CPU instructions to run properly)
works well on (newer CPUs):
- [Dual CPU] Intel Xeon E5-2620 v2
- [Dual CPU] Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4
- Intel Core(TM) i7-10510U
- AMD Ryzen 5 5500U
can't load the plugin on (older CPUs) :
- AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Thuban
- [Dual CPU] Intel Xeon X5650
All test cases were on After Effects 2021 & Windows 10.