Magic Switcher
  • Great script!  Should this be installed in the ScriptUI folder, or just the Scripts folder?
  • It should be on ScriptUI folder
  • Thanks for this freebie, but in both AE 2019 and 2020 after opening the Settings & About window there is no way to close it (or the script window itself) without force quitting AE. All the windows are stuck open.
  • Thanks for the feedback, this will be fixed soon
  • I simply paste the recently posted youtube comment: so simple yet effective, I was missing this feature forever. even though you can hide adjustment layers by hand, to switch em on again still basically only works in its containing composition. It works more or less "okay" if you just have to deal with a single adjustment layer, but dealing with multiple ones, most likely in different comps is a pain and probably even too much stress to even think of it. Great that finally someone with the required development skill couldn't stand it anymore to create a custom solution like this.

    Edit: wait, what? even "for free"?! that developer is a hero and also a generous one!
  • Я просто вставляю недавно опубликованный комментарий на YouTube: такой простой, но эффективный, мне навсегда не хватало этой функции. Несмотря на то, что вы можете скрыть корректирующие слои вручную, повторное включение их по-прежнему работает только в содержащейся в нем композиции. Это работает более или менее «нормально», если вам просто нужно иметь дело с одним корректирующим слоем, но работа с несколькими, скорее всего, в разных композициях, является болью и, вероятно, даже слишком большим стрессом, чтобы даже думать об этом. Замечательно, что наконец-то кто-то, обладающий необходимыми навыками разработки, больше не мог терпеть создание такого нестандартного решения. Изменить: подождите, что? даже «бесплатно» ?! этот разработчик герой и щедрый!

  • Hey! How do I install this script correctly? For some reason, it does not work for me in CS6 and CC2020 (AE does not find it in the search bar) ... I put it here:
    C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe After Effects CS6 \ Support Files \ Scripts \ ScriptUI Panels

    C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe After Effects 2020 \ Support Files \ Scripts \ ScriptUI Panels

    Perhaps someone knows the reason and the solution?
  • very nice idea! I get a lot of errors. I will wait a little bit maybe there will be updates...then i'm coming back!
    Thanks a lot it's a great idea!
  • In the new update to the tool (v1.2) there is a Readme pdf file, please read it and follow the steps
    Hey! How do I install this script correctly? For some reason, it does not work for me in CS6 and CC2020 (AE does not find it in the search bar) ... I put it here:
    C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe After Effects CS6 \ Support Files \ Scripts \ ScriptUI Panels

    C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe After Effects 2020 \ Support Files \ Scripts \ ScriptUI Panels

    Perhaps someone knows the reason and the solution?

  • Thanks a lot for the feedback, it will be really helpful if you could Email us what are the bugs you are experiencing using the tool and we will fix them asap

    This is our email:

    very nice idea! I get a lot of errors. I will wait a little bit maybe there will be updates...then i'm coming back!
    Thanks a lot it's a great idea!

  • So this does not work project wide, but only one comp at a time, correct?  If I use MS  on one comp and switch to a different comp, the same MS buttons remain activated but with no results on the second comp.  SO...i would love to see MS work on all Layer Styles, Adjustment Layers, and Effects project-wide (I  use Layer Manager for that now), or be comp specific which means MS has to update its status per comp. Please do that and I think you should charge for it.
  • So this does not work project wide, but only one comp at a time, correct?  If I use MS  on one comp and switch to a different comp, the same MS buttons remain activated but with no results on the second comp.  SO...i would love to see MS work on all Layer Styles, Adjustment Layers, and Effects project-wide (I  use Layer Manager for that now), or be comp specific which means MS has to update its status per comp. Please do that and I think you should charge for it.
    Thanks, we'll think about it and maybe do it in the future :)
  • Was super excited about this, but looking at the other comments it seems you have to do it for each comp? Does that mean you have to remember to go through each comp and enable before rendering...Seems like a faff? 

    I use RenderHogs plugin currently but it definitely requires you to make sure you tag things as HOGS from the start of a project as you add effects. Otherwise you have alot of manual work later to go through and HOG everything. Works really well if you keep on top of it though and works when copying and pasting effects your using throughout. 

    You should definitely make this plugin more robust project wide and then charge for it. Maybe even more options where you can filter an effect name or something, like turning all GLOW effects off at once. I would pay good money for that!
  • Friends, maybe someone knows the answer: what needs to be done to make the Magic Switcher script turn off the effect of the adjustment layer only on a specific layer (not all at once)?
       At first, as soon as I installed it in AE, it was (if my memory serves me). Now there is some kind of mysticism, either everything turns off or nothing ...
  • So this does not work project wide, but only one comp at a time, correct?  If I use MS  on one comp and switch to a different comp, the same MS buttons remain activated but with no results on the second comp.  SO...i would love to see MS work on all Layer Styles, Adjustment Layers, and Effects project-wide (I  use Layer Manager for that now), or be comp specific which means MS has to update its status per comp. Please do that and I think you should charge for it.

  • Script Fighter сказал:
    Так что это не работает для всего проекта, а работает только с одной компом за раз, верно? Если я использую MS на одном компе и переключаюсь на другой комп, те же самые кнопки MS остаются активными, но без результатов на втором компе. Итак ... мне бы хотелось, чтобы MS работала над всеми стилями слоев, корректирующими слоями и эффектами в масштабах всего проекта (сейчас я использую Layer Manager) или для конкретной композиции, что означает, что MS должна обновлять свой статус для каждой композиции. Пожалуйста, сделайте это, и я думаю, вы должны взять за это плату.
    Спасибо, мы подумаем и, возможно, сделаем это в будущем :)

  • Hey everyone! I stumbled upon Magic Switcher, and I have to say it's an amazing tool. It allows you to easily toggle On and Off Layer Styles, Effects, and Adjustment Layers with just a single click. It's a real time-saver when it comes to managing and editing your compositions in After Effects.

    For those interested, you can check out the script at As for the installation, it seems like it should be placed in the ScriptUI folder based on the previous comments.

    I do appreciate that it's a freebie, but I noticed a minor issue reported by James Scott. It seems that after opening the Settings & About window, there's no way to close it or the script window itself without force quitting After Effects. It would be great if this could be addressed in future updates.
    The "close" button doesn't work?