• imageDrive

    Drive allows the user to control one property with another. For example, you can rotate a layer based on the x position of another layer. Change a particle emitter rate based on the scale of a layer. Change the hue of a layer based on the opacity of another layer. Okay, you get the idea.


  • Are the buttons able to be mapped to kbar function/arguments?
  • Its not working for me, i select the property and click the drive button, and creates a Null but the null and the layer have no effects or something.
  • Are the buttons able to be mapped to kbar function/arguments?
    Not at the moment, but I'll keep that in mind for a future update.
  • Hy, is it possible to do the script in a language that i can use in a german version of AE too, without an alert
  • Its not working for me, i select the property and click the drive button, and creates a Null but the null and the layer have no effects or something.
    Hey, I figured this out. The instructions say "copy entire drive folder..." but it's meant to say "copy the entire CONTENTS of the drive folder...".
    So in your script UI panels folder should be a 'drive_preset' folder and the 'drive_1xxx.jsxbin' file. NOT the 'drive' folder itself.
    That tripped me up too. Good luck!
  • Its not working for me, i select the property and click the drive button, and creates a Null but the null and the layer have no effects or something.
    Hey, I figured this out. The instructions say "copy entire drive folder..." but it's meant to say "copy the entire CONTENTS of the drive folder...".
    So in your script UI panels folder should be a 'drive_preset' folder and the 'drive_1xxx.jsxbin' file. NOT the 'drive' folder itself.
    That tripped me up too. Good luck!
    The thing that is throwing some people off is that the script does show up, but when it's in a subfolder the script get added after the scripts installed in the main folder. Therefore, it will be at the bottom for most users. I'll change the install instructions to prevent that from happening. Thank you.
  • I Installed through the ae script + ae plugin manager, i dont copy anything manually

    Its not working for me, i select the property and click the drive button, and creates a Null but the null and the layer have no effects or something.
    Did you copy the entire "Drive" folder to your ScriptsUI folder?

  • Can you demo how to set up the other two Driven Options?  I can't seem to figure this out.  For example having the x position of the ball control both the rotation, scale and opacity of the square.

    Also noticed the script doesn't seem to work on separated dimensions. 
  • Can you demo how to set up the other two Driven Options?  I can't seem to figure this out.  For example having the x position of the ball control both the rotation, scale and opacity of the square.

    Also noticed the script doesn't seem to work on separated dimensions. 

    There's a link to the advanced video in the help file for the script. If you SHIFT + Click the main drive icon it will open the help. The link to the video is here. I'll get it added to the product page to make it easier to find. 

    Also, it appears that there's a bug in AE when the Driver is set to a layer’s position with separated dimensions. The value of the Driven property does change, but the Comp Viewer doesn’t show the property updating. If you save the project file, close it, and reopen it the property responds appropriately in the Comp Viewer. I’ve been looking online and it looks like something that has been happening in AE for some time. I’ll see if there’s anything that I can do on my end to eliminate the issue. 

  • Hello,

    Does the Driver have to be animated in order for this script to work? I'm building a template where I have a matte that has to be scaled up or down depending on the size of text. I want to be able to have a paper unfold animation maintain its scale while the user scales the main Matte up and down. This all has to be done manually with out keyframes. Can you help? Thanks in advance. I have linked the AE AE File 

  • Hello,

    Does the Driver have to be animated in order for this script to work? I'm building a template where I have a matte that has to be scaled up or down depending on the size of text. I want to be able to have a paper unfold animation maintain its scale while the user scales the main Matte up and down. This all has to be done manually with out keyframes. Can you help? Thanks in advance. I have linked the AE AE File 

    Yes, Drive can work without keyframes. In order to do so, you'll want to use the Custom Property option so that you can set your own start and end range that isn't determined by keyframes. If you watch the in-depth tutorial you can see the workflow for working with Custom Properties.