• Doesnt work and directly by start: problem in line 34 ...
    there are no blind text only helpguidelines ...
  • Doesnt work and directly by start: problem in line 34 ...
    there are no blind text only helpguidelines ...
    Hi! I'm sorry about it((
    We tried to fix it and you can download the new version of Ustav (1.0.1). If the problem not solved, notify us.
    Best regards! Stanislav
  • support right to left languages??

  • support right to left languages??

    RTL languages in not suppurted now, but we are working in this direction and will make RTL languages support in the next version
  • https://d.pr/v/y3wvw9

    not work font size
    Could you check Expressions Engine (File → Project settings → Expressions) must set up to JavaScript.

    Снимок экрана 2022-12-26 в 11.23.04.png
    1540 x 1296 - 321K
  • https://d.pr/v/y3wvw9

    not work font size
    Could you check Expressions Engine (File → Project settings → Expressions) must set up to JavaScript.

    Thank you! 
  • I am in the trial period.

    I have set the Project Settings to "JavaScript" and "Allow scripts to write files and access network".

    I cannot seem to get the "Remove layout expressions" button to work.  I select the Layout layer (six dots) and click the "Remove layout expressions" button but nothing happens.  I have watched the tutorials a few times and do not know what I am missing.

    I am using After Effects 23.3.0.

    Any suggestions?

    Also, "Full documentation and tutorials are here" just makes me sign up for Notion.  After I create an account that I do not want, there is no information about your product there.  ???