Super Resize Me!
  • How does this work differently from File > Scripts > Scale Composition?
  • How does this work differently from File > Scripts > Scale Composition?
    Good question Peter Rollo! "Super Resize Me!" is like the ScaleComposition script mixed with RecursiveScaleComp by Blurrypixel Software, plus a modern UI and several bug fixes. Extra features include:

    1. Recursively scales all nested precomps downstream from the starting composition. Aka, if you resize your starting composition by 50%, all the precomps contained within it will also be resized by 50%. ScaleComposition works on one comp at a time.
    2. Correctly scales the Default AE 3D Camera in every comp. ScaleComposition only scales Camera Layers.
    3. Dockable palette + responsive UI.
    4. Auto-saves your last used settings in the panel.

    Feel free to download it and try it out. If users like yourself have new feature requests, I'll add them in. Hope that all makes sense! 
  • Hi,

    Unfortunately it does not work with cameras in a 3d scene with Element 3d. 
    Any idea why? Possible solution? 
  • you saved my life 
  • Can I scale a comp from 4K or HD to a Portrait (1080x1920) or square (1080x1080) aspect ratio?
    Additionally can I scale multiple comps -> Select the comps in the project window and apply the scale with one click?

  • Nikits AE said:
    Can I scale a comp from 4K or HD to a Portrait (1080x1920) or square (1080x1080) aspect ratio?

    Additionally can I scale multiple comps -> Select the comps in the project window and apply the scale with one click?

    The script scales a composition's resolution up or down, it does not change aspect ratios or reflow layers from Wide -> Vertical. You can enter your desired Width or Height to scale to, and then manually adjust the other dimension in the Composition Settings.

    The script requires one comp to be selected at a time and can scale all child-comps contained inside a top-level composition.

    To scale multiple comps, put all comps inside one top-level comp and select it. Leave the Recursive checkbox enabled. Hit Scale button.

  • Great !!! This is SO SO SO helpful!
    I needed to convert a few rather old but very complex Templates from HD to UHD and I was quite confident this script would not be able to pull off the task and screw up some parts. But everything worked like a charm. Each used Text has the correct size, Cameras work correctly, nested Videos work correctly.
    Thank you so much.