• Is there a way to add motion blur to the box when animating? When i add motion blur the panels are clearly separated.
  • hi Jose! I guess AE has some issues rendering motion blur on 3D layers like this.
    You may try to low the shutter angle value in the "Advanced" tab of Composition settings or apply the "CC Force Motion Blur" effect outside of the comp with the box.

    Let me know if that works for you.

    584 x 537 - 16K
  • Cool thanks Tiago!
  • Hi, how can i solve this problem? Whe i use the texture box, die Panel are clearly separated. What am i doing wrong?
  • hi Axel! thanks for your message.
    Are you with motion blur enable?
    I know that AE doesn't render 3D layers and motion blur very well.
    If you are, you may try to low the shutter angle value in the "Advanced" tab of Composition settings or apply the "CC Force Motion Blur" effect outside of the comp with the box.

    check the last message before yours. I guess it's the same issue.

    let me know if that works.
  • Super Awesome!. Buying soon!
  • thank you Avinash! 
    If u have any question just let me know.
  • Tiago, Does the script allow me to keyframe the params of the cube? If yes how does it handle the textures? I am assuming it stretches?
  • hey man!
    yeap, you can animate all the parameters below.
    It doesnt stretch the textures since the textures comps are parented via coding to the faces.
    The faces work as a matte.

    Ultra Box 3D settings dialog
  • Hi, How can modify the height from the bottom?... I know i have to modify the anchor point but how i can do it?.

  • hi Ivan!
    I don't know if I understand your question. You need to change the bottom size?
    Have you tried changing "Taper Bottom" inside "Options" group?
  • Hi Tiago,

    Sorry for my confuse answer. I want to modify the anchor point to grow up the cubes from the anchor point and modify the taper top or taper bottom from the anchor point as well. Right now you only can grow up a cube from the middle and i want to leave the cube in the floor and grow up from there.
  • hey Ivan!
    All faces are parented to the "Controls" layer. You can change its anchor to be at half of the height of the cube.
    Alternatively, you can use this expression in the anchor point property, to place it at the bottom:
    var height = effect("Ultra Box 3D")(2);
    [value[0], height/2, value[2]]
    The anchor point position doesn't affect the taper at all.
    Let me know if that works for you.
  • Thanks a lot, with the script you have gave me works perfectly... Best