Smart Adapt - Recurring Subscription

  • imageSmart Adapt - Recurring Subscription

    Smart Adapt is an After Effects extension that allows you to create hundreds of screen adaptations in a few steps, with the ability to export the list of your screens to use next time.

  • Can someone explain why this is a subscription model?
    Because it reaaaaally seems like just a blatant cashgrab for something that should be a one time purchase.
  • Ultimately, our goal is to provide a valuable solution that consistently meets the evolving needs of our users. The subscription model enables us to offer ongoing support, updates, and improvements to ensure a seamless experience. Ultimately, it all boils down to what you'll gain. When you consider the potential time savings of 10 to 15 hours per project, the cost of the subscription becomes negligible compared to the value you receive. 
  • Ultimately, our goal is to provide a valuable solution that consistently meets the evolving needs of our users. The subscription model enables us to offer ongoing support, updates, and improvements to ensure a seamless experience. Ultimately, it all boils down to what you'll gain. When you consider the potential time savings of 10 to 15 hours per project, the cost of the subscription becomes negligible compared to the value you receive. 
    I agree with what you're saying in some cases. And I have multiple subscriptions for tools I feel offer value worthy of on-going maintenence costs. 

    This script however doesn't feel like that. It's more of a, 'oh cool this will help me create screen adaptions abit quicker..I'll throw down $40-50 for that'..

    You are asking for almost $500 per year for a script! Just to put it in perspective..I pay $258/year for Octane render, a full 3D render engine. $350/year for xparticles. I mean no offence but this doesn't fall into those categories and yet you are asking for double what those tools cost?
  • I'm going to have to agree with the other comments below. You're trying to charge more than whole website services, plugins and software who offer offer something unique and much more of an ongoing reason why someone might need to keep paying a subscription.

    This is simply an offline script that has zero reason to need to be a subscription to keep functioning - especially at this price! Nearly as much as a whole Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. I almost admire the arrogance to ask for so much 
  • Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your comments. I want to clarify that the pricing of the Smart Adapt extension is not arbitrary. I have years of experience working on movie adaptations for major studios and distributors. I am well aware of the substantial amounts they typically pay for each artwork, starting from $1500 and up. Many studios employ dedicated animators who work full-time solely on creating adaptations.

    Consider the possibilities when you can reduce the time spent on adaptations by 50% or even 80%, depending on the complexity of your artwork and the number of screens involved. In the video tutorial, I mentioned that the extension may not be as beneficial for projects with 10 to 15 adaptations (at least for now, perhaps in the future). This tool truly shines when you have 40+ or even 1000+ adaptations. Have you ever faced such a scenario and experienced the amount of time it can consume?

    For those of you looking to create a limited number of adaptations, say below 20, I am more than willing to provide it to you for free. This offer extends even to the trial version. However, please note that I cannot keep the trial version available indefinitely due to aescripts' license terms.

    Lastly, it's important to consider that our target audience is a very small niche market, unlike Adobe and other companies with millions of subscribers catering to all designers.