• Does it only work on opacity? Is it possible to support other attributes in the future, such as position, rotation, etc.?
  • Yes, It applies to opacity since fading layers is every-day need of a Ae user.
    You mean for example, change the rotation of object when the layer starts in timeline, right?
    It sounds interesting but is it something useful and every-day need of a Ae user?
  • You say that this opacity is a function that needs to be used every day, is there any literature to support this?
    If not, then it's your own perception, so it doesn't mean others will think so.
    I said position, rotation and other things will be needed, it's my own perception,
    but you don't think so, so it's also your perception.

    If your plugin is free, then you're welcome to make it as you see fit.
    But now you want to sell it for 12 dollars.

    I can only say good luck with this kind of development attitude.
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to disapprove your suggestion. Contrariwise, I found it a nice & interesting idea and I appreciate suggesting it.

    I was just wondering if having something similar for rotation and position would be useful or not. I'm not saying it doesn't worth it. I was just wondering. Sorry about it, again. 

    As an appreciation for your suggestion, I would like to offer you a free full-access license of this tool for one month (I just need an email address to send the license). 

    I hope you find it useful, after all.
  • Thank you for your kindness, it's enough to have such sincerity,

    Rotate and position, there are many things we can do, in terms of opacity, currently from 0% through your script to 100%,
    then rotate and position is the same, from one angle -> through your script -> to another angle,
    From one position -> through your script -> to another position.
    So, this would be another easy ease script available, and it would be done through Marker's time.

    btw, with your other script, the arrows will be invisible if the path does not have setting stroke on.
    It's not a big problem, but sometimes people don't want a path, just want the arrows to follow the path (e.g. the mouse cursor moving).
    If there is a way to fix this, that would be great.

  • Very cool. I see you add the markers for the opacity tween position. Can there be an option to protect it so you can then stretch the layer and not change the fade length?
  • There's so many ways to fade something - I personally like to use gradient wipe most of the time for fading since it has a more realistic type of fade rather than just using opacity to dim all at once.  This would be really helpful if it come with different types of fades, like the gradient wipe among other methods so that you can choose different forms of fading that best fits the project.  Fading isn't always a "one size fits all"

    If it did come loaded with these options, I can see it being very very helpful.  
  • Thank you for your kindness, it's enough to have such sincerity,

    Rotate and position, there are many things we can do, in terms of opacity, currently from 0% through your script to 100%,
    then rotate and position is the same, from one angle -> through your script -> to another angle,
    From one position -> through your script -> to another position.
    So, this would be another easy ease script available, and it would be done through Marker's time.

    btw, with your other script, the arrows will be invisible if the path does not have setting stroke on.
    It's not a big problem, but sometimes people don't want a path, just want the arrows to follow the path (e.g. the mouse cursor moving).
    If there is a way to fix this, that would be great.

    I really appreciate your comment and your suggestion sounds promising and I will definitely take it into consideration for future development. It will make the tool more powerful and handy. 

    Also, about "Head to Line" script, I totally agree with you. Honestly, I didn't think about it bafore. I will definitely try to add this option in the 2nd version. 

    Thanks a lot for your great feedback and ideas.
  • Very cool. I see you add the markers for the opacity tween position. Can there be an option to protect it so you can then stretch the layer and not change the fade length?
    Thanks for your feedback, Kevin. Glad you found it useful. Right now, when you change the length of layer, it doesn't affect the markers duration and the fade length and it's place.
    Or maybe I didn't get what you mean by "stretch". Can you please explain more if you find my response not correct?
  • There's so many ways to fade something - I personally like to use gradient wipe most of the time for fading since it has a more realistic type of fade rather than just using opacity to dim all at once.  This would be really helpful if it come with different types of fades, like the gradient wipe among other methods so that you can choose different forms of fading that best fits the project.  Fading isn't always a "one size fits all"

    If it did come loaded with these options, I can see it being very very helpful.  
    I really appreciate your feedback and suggestion, Brandon! Thank you. Yes, gradient wipe and linear/radial wipe are other options for fading that I will take them into consideration for future development of the tool. 
    Thanks again for your idea.
  • Nice tool! There is one idea that would improve this a lot. What instead of having IN / OUT checkboxes there would be three buttons side by side (there's space for these) IN, IN&OUT, OUT. This would reduce one step and would be more quicker and intuitive to use. 
  • Question - what if I pass over a project to a different team. Do they needa copy of this in order to maitain all fades? 

  • Question - what if I pass over a project to a different team. Do they needa copy of this in order to maitain all fades? 

    No, you don't need a copy of the tool in order to make it work on other AE accounts. Once you make the fades with the tool, it will work fine on any other equipments and with the markers you can still handle the time and duration of fade in and fade out.
  • Nice tool! There is one idea that would improve this a lot. What instead of having IN / OUT checkboxes there would be three buttons side by side (there's space for these) IN, IN&OUT, OUT. This would reduce one step and would be more quicker and intuitive to use. 
    Great Idea! using 3 radio buttons that are connected to each other and enabling one resutls in disabling the other. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. I will consider it for the 2nd version of the tool.
  • Nice tool! There is one idea that would improve this a lot. What instead of having IN / OUT checkboxes there would be three buttons side by side (there's space for these) IN, IN&OUT, OUT. This would reduce one step and would be more quicker and intuitive to use. 
    Great Idea! using 3 radio buttons that are connected to each other and enabling one resutls in disabling the other. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. I will consider it for the 2nd version of the tool.
    Radio buttons would be one way to go, but what if there wouldn't be "Fade it!" button at all and the "Fade it!" button would be replaced with IN, IN&OUT, OUT buttons? Basically you would confirm the fade you want (in, in&out, out) in by pressing that button. I think that would be the most intuitive and would take even less of a clicking. 
  • Oh, now I got it! It sounds perfect! I really like the idea. Thanks very much! I will definitely consider it for the next version.