I'm looking at automation blocks as an automation tool and wanted to see if it can perform spefic tasks. I'm wondering is it possible to extend or shorten a sequence/subsequence based on the duration of an audio layer, I'm trying to find a solution to automating localised versions of videos where a language version may have audio files per clip that may be longer or shorter than the original recording. Can you tell me if this is something that is achievable in using Automation blocks please let me know if you need clarification on the request
in general, yes, Automation Blocks can set the duration, start time in sequence and end time in sequence. If you change a clip, the clips behind it won't be affected. The best strategy for an automation is probably to loop over the clips of the original sequence and create a new sequence where the insert the same clips step by step with the adjusted length.
To get you started, here are some tools, which populate a sequence based on data from a spreadsheet (you want to do something similar, but probably want to read the data directly from the original sequence instead of from a spreadsheet):
Maybe you also want to go the detour with a spreadsheet - like first exporting your original sequence to a spreadsheet, then inserting the files for the other language in the spreadsheet and then generating new sequences from there. Then this is also helpful for creating the spreadsheet:
and here is another example, which inserts clips into one track of a sequence based on clips in another track of the same sequence:
If this is all a bit overwhelming, you can also hire an expert:
I'm looking at automation blocks as an automation tool and wanted to see if it can perform spefic tasks. I'm wondering is it possible to extend or shorten a sequence/subsequence based on the duration of an audio layer, I'm trying to find a solution to automating localised versions of videos where a language version may have audio files per clip that may be longer or shorter than the original recording. Can you tell me if this is something that is achievable in using Automation blocks please let me know if you need clarification on the request
in general, yes, Automation Blocks can set the duration, start time in sequence and end time in sequence. If you change a clip, the clips behind it won't be affected. The best strategy for an automation is probably to loop over the clips of the original sequence and create a new sequence where the insert the same clips step by step with the adjusted length.
To get you started, here are some tools, which populate a sequence based on data from a spreadsheet (you want to do something similar, but probably want to read the data directly from the original sequence instead of from a spreadsheet):
Maybe you also want to go the detour with a spreadsheet - like first exporting your original sequence to a spreadsheet, then inserting the files for the other language in the spreadsheet and then generating new sequences from there. Then this is also helpful for creating the spreadsheet:
and here is another example, which inserts clips into one track of a sequence based on clips in another track of the same sequence:
If this is all a bit overwhelming, you can also hire an expert:
I'm looking at automation blocks as an automation tool and wanted to see if it can perform spefic tasks. I'm wondering is it possible to extend or shorten a sequence/subsequence based on the duration of an audio layer, I'm trying to find a solution to automating localised versions of videos where a language version may have audio files per clip that may be longer or shorter than the original recording. Can you tell me if this is something that is achievable in using Automation blocks please let me know if you need clarification on the request
Thanks Very much, ill take a look through clips you have shared !!
Hi there! I am trying to create a workflow for translations in Premiere Pro. I would love it if I could export all sequences data to a spreadsheet file, or to multiple spreadsheet files. Specifically, if I could export the mogrt text data for all sequences in a project to a spreadsheet/multiple spreadsheets. I could then do the translations and re import the spreadsheet/spreadsheets. The Text2Spreadsheet tool for After Effects does this like a charm! I can't seem to find a similar workflow for Premiere though? I have been using the PR Project Items block -for each item in bin and sub-bins, but haven't managed to get it working. Curious if this is possible? Thank you.
not sure exactly what you want to do. Create a separate sequence for each clip or one containing all clips. You should be able to write custom scripts for both:
close to what you need is the workflow to Update Clips, Texts, Colors and More With A Spreadsheet. It exports all mogrt texts, but also many many other properties to a spreadsheet. You can either manually delete the other properties from the spreadsheet or modify the block code to come up with some filtering mechanism.
Hi there! I am trying to create a workflow for translations in Premiere Pro. I would love it if I could export all sequences data to a spreadsheet file, or to multiple spreadsheet files. Specifically, if I could export the mogrt text data for all sequences in a project to a spreadsheet/multiple spreadsheets. I could then do the translations and re import the spreadsheet/spreadsheets. The Text2Spreadsheet tool for After Effects does this like a charm! I can't seem to find a similar workflow for Premiere though? I have been using the PR Project Items block -for each item in bin and sub-bins, but haven't managed to get it working. Curious if this is possible? Thank you.
Hi Mathias, thank you for responding! I respect your work, and I've collected many Mamoworld's scripts over the years. Always great! That being said, I'm struggling to understand Automation Blocks fully. While I'm not expecting to be an expert, I feel like there is a critical step I'm missing. I've watched this tutorial several times: Update Clips, Texts, Colors and More With A Spreadsheet . It's a great video tut, and I have learned how to export, "all selected clips" to a spreadsheet. I've modified the data and re-imported it. Works great! I try to reverse engineer this process by adding the automation block: For Each Project Item, but I've been unsuccessful so far. My goal is to export all clip data from all sequences in a Premiere project to a .CSV. As an example, the projects I work with have many sequences, and each sequence contains Essential Graphics. Rather than exporting the data of "the selected clips" one at a time, is it possible to export the data for all clips inside all sequences to a spreadsheet?
in a nutshell, you have to nest the block, which loops over the items of the sequence into a block which loops over all sequences. See attached screenshot. That way, you cannot only loop over the clips of the active sequence, but off all sequences one after the other. Note that in this case, you should also modify the "add row to spreadsheet" block to also save the sequence itself in some cell. Otherwise you don't know which data belongs to which sequence and won't be able to do anything useful with it on import.
Hi Mathias, thank you for responding! I respect your work, and I've collected many Mamoworld's scripts over the years. Always great! That being said, I'm struggling to understand Automation Blocks fully. While I'm not expecting to be an expert, I feel like there is a critical step I'm missing. I've watched this tutorial several times: Update Clips, Texts, Colors and More With A Spreadsheet . It's a great video tut, and I have learned how to export, "all selected clips" to a spreadsheet. I've modified the data and re-imported it. Works great! I try to reverse engineer this process by adding the automation block: For Each Project Item, but I've been unsuccessful so far. My goal is to export all clip data from all sequences in a Premiere project to a .CSV. As an example, the projects I work with have many sequences, and each sequence contains Essential Graphics. Rather than exporting the data of "the selected clips" one at a time, is it possible to export the data for all clips inside all sequences to a spreadsheet?
Hi Mathias, Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate you trying to help me out. I am going to move this conversation over to the forums like you requested. Thanks.
Hey Mathias, I am working with blocks for premiere and I have noticed that "Update Text of Ae Mogrt" (template) works well if the old text is just one line, if it returns to another line it doesn't work. I had a look to the block script but I am not sure if this is fixable with the blocks.
thank you for pointing me to this issue! I did some tests and noticed that there are some issues with different flavors of the linebreak symbol. In some scenarios it worked (for example, if you first set a multiline text with Automation Blocks itself and then replace it) and in other cases it didn't (when you set the multiline text in Pr manually and then try to replace it with Automation Blocks). I just uploaded a new version 1.1.002 of Automation Blocks which fixes the issue and should be able to replace multiline texts reliably.
Hey Mathias, I am working with blocks for premiere and I have noticed that "Update Text of Ae Mogrt" (template) works well if the old text is just one line, if it returns to another line it doesn't work. I had a look to the block script but I am not sure if this is fixable with the blocks.
Hey Mathias, I am happy to be helpful. Thanks a lot for your quick reply and update. Congratulations on your amazing work! Your contributions to After Effects scripting are invaluable.
Actually I wanted to export multiple sequences to multiple separate individual projects by one click.
I'm wondering is it possible to extend or shorten a sequence/subsequence based on the duration of an audio layer, I'm trying to find a solution to automating localised versions of videos where a language version may have audio files per clip that may be longer or shorter than the original recording. Can you tell me if this is something that is achievable in using Automation blocks please let me know if you need clarification on the request
To get you started, here are some tools, which populate a sequence based on data from a spreadsheet (you want to do something similar, but probably want to read the data directly from the original sequence instead of from a spreadsheet):
Much appreciated. Thank you.