• imageOrganizerPro

    Select the compositions you want to organize, and simply hit the button. OrganizerPro analyzes and sorts your project panel according to your settings, with just one click! Compositions, precompositions, images, videos, and audios are easily extracted from chaotic project files, while unnecessary items are moved into a separate folder. Share your presets with your team using a simple file, without disrupting anyone's workflow.


  • I like it, but you need to change the analyzation to recognize when a PRECOMP is used multiple times in a RENDER comp from when it's actually being shared between different RENDER comps. Cause right now it moves any PRECOMP that's used more than once into a SHARED folder. And a wishlist item would be a rename comps.
  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! I’m currently working on improvements for the overall script and specially for the Shared folder. I’ll definitely keep your suggestion about renaming the selected comps in mind. I appreciate your input!