Nth Layer Selector
  • Hi Lloyd, I really like this little script, it came in quite handy a few times for me already. Unfortunately it seems to have issues with CC 2017. It starts up fine, but executes nothing. Any chance for an update?

    Michael / downloops.com
  • Hi Lloyd, I really like this little script, it came in quite handy a few times for me already. Unfortunately it seems to have issues with CC 2017. It starts up fine, but executes nothing. Any chance for an update?

    Michael / downloops.com
    Works fine for me here. It works of the layer selection so if you have any layers selected it will do the operation on only those layers, if you want it to work on the whole comp make sure you don't have any layers selected.
  • Thanks Lloyd,

    you're right, it works flawlessly.. I'm not sure what I did wrong this morning. I need to remember to hit F2 before applying the script to the entire comp.

    Thanks again!
  • mostly a note for myself when I google this later: still works great in CC 2022 on an M1.