Very cool! And by that I mean very nerdy. I would def be interested in a medium if they become available again.
We found a box mediums of the aescripts + aeplugins logo shirts we gave away at After Effects World in Seattle last fall. We updated the inventory so can get one now.
We finished shipping the first batch of t-shirts from Las Vegas and we had missed an entire box in our original count so we just added a bunch of more shirts to the inventory! So if you ordered the first time around you should be expecting your shirts soon (if you log into your account you can see your tracking number) and if you missed out the first time round then now is your chance to grab a shirt.
haha.. we are considering making a new print run. however we won't be able to make them free this time around. Would you guys still be interested if they weren't free? We would still try to make them as cheap as possible.