pt_OpenSesame Server
  • Hi Phil, they're already compatible with CC2017 as far as I know. Are you just referring to the compatibility listing on the product pages (which I haven't updated yet) or have you tried it and run into any issues?
  • Ah ok - yeah I was looking at the compatibility listing. I haven't tried it in CC2017 yet.  There was a problem with it running in CC2015 (AE going into 'Not responding' mode throughout the render when started by OSS - see support ticket #1028971). I think we figured it was an AE bug rather than the script though, so may have been fixed by Adobe since?
  • Hi Paul,
    A few months ago we talked about the possibility of checking if the render process is complete.
    Are there any new information about this?
    best regards
  • Hi Hans, I'm not having any luck finding our previous conversation on this. If you can open a support ticket and remind me of your specific requirements I'll be happy to help.
  • Hi :)
    Do you have a web application were users can create custom videos by changing assets to an after effects template via a web form?
    Opensesame Server its great, but i need a webform for this. I pay only 500Euro with a webform  ;)
  • Hi David, yes people do use OpenSesame Server in this way. But typically you'd want a custom webform based on your individual requirements. There are plenty of web designers out there that can help with this, but it's not something I offer as it's outside my area of expertise.
  • Hi Paul,

    Firstly, thanks for creating such useful set of scripts.

    Does OpenSesame automate solids or shape layers?  Say I have a JSON file with HEX values (FFFFFF = white; 000000 = black; etc) is OpenSesame able to use those HEX values to adjust the colors of solids and/or shape layers?

    -Thank you,
  • Hi Paul, You can only alter the color of a solid source with the full project export/import, but I wouldn't recommend doing it that way. Pretty much any property that is visible in the timeline can be exported as an editable value, such as color properties on shape layers (i.e. fill / stroke color), and you could always add something like a Fill effect to a solid so you could alter the color that way.
    It requires decimal color values (0 = black, 1 = white) but it's fairly trivial to convert HEX or RGB values to that when creating the JSON file. For 0-255 RGB values you'd just divide by 255. HEX is a little trickier but there's plenty of code examples online that show how to do it. It could even be done using a custom helper script.
  • Paul,

    Is there a way to export the JSON (Export List Only) with only a relative path, or is the absolute path required?
  • Hi Nicholas, While there isn't an option to export just relative paths, absolute paths aren't required if you're using relative paths, so you can just edit them out of the json file.
    If in the OpenSesame prefs you've set it to favour relative paths then the absolute paths will be ignored anyway unless the relative paths are invalid.
  • Hello Paul, i am David again.

    I testet template 2,too. Next days i will test sesame server.

    2 Questions:

    1. I pay 499,99 Dollar and i can use Sesam Server for ever? Or i must pay after that 249 dollar every month?
    2. With template 2 bot, i made a Google Spreedsheet API for webform. This works fine. Its possible use google api with sesame server?

  • Hi David,
    1. It's a one off cost, you don't need to pay monthly. But there is the option of paying for support on a monthly basis. Some do that for the initial months, some only when they need specific help, some not at all.
    2. No it doesn't support the google API. But it should be fairly trivial to generate the required JSON file from your webform.
    BTW: When you're ready, open a support ticket to request on OpenSesame Server trial.

  • Approximately how many sub-folders can the Watch Folder scan through?
  • Hi Matthew, It only searches one subfolder deep, but you can have as many subfolders as you like in that top level of your watch folder.
  • Has anyone created a Website that cooperates with OpenSesame Server? If so, could you please send me a link? My boss is wanting to know what capabilities we could possibly create. Thanks!
  • Hi Matthew,
    I don't have any links I can share, but from conversations with users it's certainly something people are doing.
    You can have OpenSesame Server alter most relevant parts of a project, and it's relatively trivial to populate the required json text files from a webform to request those changes and render.
    OpenSesame Server is the bridge between whatever system you set up and After Effects, so it's really a case of how far you want to take it. Template selection, layout controls, user uploaded footage, generating OSS requests for previews then showing the results, some form of content delivery.

    If there are any OSS users out there who want to share their efforts or offer services to others, feel free to contact me using a support ticket and I'd be happy to pass on that info.