CI Layer Stripper
  • Hi, this doesn't seem to work for me.

    I hit the Proceed button and get no dialogue box, and nothing happens. This is for any comp I try - ones that should have layers removed. Any ideas?

    Current version of CC, Mac Pro 2013.
  • Can you share any of your comps? It'd be best if you use the support ticket mechanism, this way it only reaches me personally and it stays private.
  • Thanks Bart - I've submitted the ticket as suggested. The script seems to work fine with most projects, but I still have one project that is stubbornly not working, so I attached that, along with a few pertinent details, in the ticket. Thanks again!
  • Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for submitting the comp. The cause was a disabled expression referencing a layer that was no longer present in a composition. I fixed this in the latest release. 

    All the best
  • great script- any way you can add remove disabled effects? Also old disabled audio files seem to still be around (not a huge deal). 
    Much thanks!!
  • This is a great feature request. I'm putting it in my backlog.
  • This looks like almost exactly what I'm looking for ... 
    But it sounds like it `strips` every comp in the project ... 
    I need to (at least) be able to narrow down to the current Comp.

    Ideally I would also like to narrow it down to just selected layers in current Comp; or maybe ignore locked layers?
    I also second Orrin's suggestion for removing disabled effects.

    EDIT: ... which I realize is from 3 years ago! Is this still active?
  • Hi,
    What is this option for? "Strip all comps in the project".
    Is not clear to me.
  • will this work in cc 2022?