Joystick 'n Sliders
  • Hello!

    If I have a character rig that consists of some precomps with joysticks in them that are set to the parent comp.
    and in the main parent comp there are joystick too. 

    How can I duplicate the master character rig comp so that is independent so I can create different animations from the character rig.
    I would like to duplicate the final master character comp - Animate a shot there, then duplicate the master comp again and creating another animation etc.. all using the master character rig as my start comp to animate.

    If you are making rigs that you plan to reuse within the same project, I highly recommend putting your controller properties into Master Properties via the EGP panel in AE instead of moving controllers to the parent comp. These properties can be controlled from their parent comp and the animations made on them only apply to that instance of your rig.
  • Hi Mike! Is there any way to change the joystick and slider graphics in the composition? I see you can change the box for the joysticks and the lines for the sliders, but can you change the box or the arrows? Thank you for your time! 
    I am actually working on a joystick styling module for the next release, which will allow you to adjust the visual properties of your rig and store it as an option. These controllers are all shape layers and you can change their appearance yourself in most cases without breaking their functionality.
  • Good day! I downloaded the trial version. I do everything according to the instructions, but I always get a message «No properties in your selected layers are ready  to be connected to a joystick...» Is this because of the trial version or am I doing it wrong? Thank you so much!
  • Good day! I downloaded the trial version. I do everything according to the instructions, but I always get a message «No properties in your selected layers are ready  to be connected to a joystick...» Is this because of the trial version or am I doing it wrong? Thank you so much!

    Please open a support ticket here for assistance:
  • Hiya Mike. I'm using the most uptodate version of joysticknsliders but I'm facing an issue. Whenever I try to create a slider ui for a slider I've created earlier, it gives me the naming conflict error. I've tried the following but have found no solution:

    - I've installed older versions of joysticknsliders
    - Reinstalled Ae
    - Tried a new project file and used it on an older version of Ae.

    Please let me know if there's a fix for this! ^_^ 
  • Hiya Mike. I'm using the most uptodate version of joysticknsliders but I'm facing an issue. Whenever I try to create a slider ui for a slider I've created earlier, it gives me the naming conflict error. I've tried the following but have found no solution:

    - I've installed older versions of joysticknsliders
    - Reinstalled Ae
    - Tried a new project file and used it on an older version of Ae.

    Please let me know if there's a fix for this! ^_^ 
    The naming conflict means you need to rename the slider properties in your slider null to unique names that don't conflict with the names of other layers in your comp before creating ui sliders. This is to prevent JnS from writing broken expressions.
  • hi mike, is there a tutorial for switch template from front to behind of a layer like on the sheep ear on the promo video?
  • Hi! not sure if anyone had asked similar questions before...

    I'm using the version 1.7.2, trying to use collapse transformations function for the rigged character's comp, but seems to me the rig is somehow slightly broken? (some elements are moving to weird places)

    The character is built with all shape layers, is there something I could have done wrong?

    Many thanks in advance!
  • Hi, I just bought the script and activated it (licence only for me and my personal use). However, next year I should be upgrading my laptop. Will my activation code still work when I install AE and the script again in this new computer, or will I have to pay for Joysticks n Sliders again?

  • Hi, I just bought the script and activated it (licence only for me and my personal use). However, next year I should be upgrading my laptop. Will my activation code still work when I install AE and the script again in this new computer, or will I have to pay for Joysticks n Sliders again?
    In the help menu of Joysticks 'n Sliders you have the option to deactivate your license. This deactivates the license on your machine so that you can reactivate it on a new machine. So be sure to deactivate your tools on your old machine before upgrading.
  • Jade Wu said:
    Hi! not sure if anyone had asked similar questions before...

    I'm using the version 1.7.2, trying to use collapse transformations function for the rigged character's comp, but seems to me the rig is somehow slightly broken? (some elements are moving to weird places)

    The character is built with all shape layers, is there something I could have done wrong?

    Many thanks in advance!
    Please open a support ticket for more hands-on support
  • Hey everyone, 

    I've recently tried to download the latest version of Joysticks 'n Sliders to upgrade to the latests version. I purchased before the update. My floating license wont work. I get an error that asks me to install the floating license in a different way but I don't see any documentation that explains what the different way is. 

    I'm on windows. v1.6.6 works with my floating license but 1.7.5 will not except my license. Any help would be awesome! 

    Thank you,

  • Hi Mike ! I’m using CC2020 and I purchased Joysticks’n sliders today.I’m facing a problem when I try to animate a shape by changing it’s path… Even though I‘ve read that live path animation only works for users of CC2018 or later, I tried to use the update path shapes button and yet nothing happens…Thank you.
  • I just purchased and installed on my current mac os operating system, but upon opening AE2020, I get a crash report immediately after selecting the UI panel from the drop down. see screenshot

  • I have a question about combining controllers. If I make a slider, J&S creates a new layer to put the slider control on. If I make another slider for something else, it creates a new layer for that controller too. Is there any way to point to one master controller layer and then have all the slider controls be applied to that, so all my sliders are on one layer?
  • Hi, Im not sure if this has already been answered but each time i flip an open path (mirror icon), the shape flip but closes the shape and the open closed path button in LAYER\MASK AND SHAPES\ is blocked.

    Am i doing something wrong
  • I can't seem to create a slider null. I have selected 2 scale property keyframes (the only keyframes on this property) and when I click to create slider null, I get this message "You will need at least two keyframes on each of your selected properties to set up sliders."

    Any ideas? Thanks!

  • Hiya Mike. I'm using the most uptodate version of joysticknsliders but I'm facing an issue. Whenever I try to create a slider ui for a slider I've created earlier, it gives me the naming conflict error. I've tried the following but have found no solution:

    - I've installed older versions of joysticknsliders
    - Reinstalled Ae
    - Tried a new project file and used it on an older version of Ae.

    Please let me know if there's a fix for this! ^_^ 
    The naming conflict means you need to rename the slider properties in your slider null to unique names that don't conflict with the names of other layers in your comp before creating ui sliders. This is to prevent JnS from writing broken expressions.
    I've just come across the same - it was the default slider control naming that was the issue - I had to change the name of the slider control in effect controls for this to work. Maybe the plugin could be updated to name the slider control to the name of the slider - that way, the issue should be avoided and prevents the user from having to manually change the name.
  • Have you thought about selling packs of advanced rigs for faces, mouths, hands, etc? I would love to be able to take a file like that and switch the elements with my own. That's how I work with Character Animator. Thanks.
  • Hi there, I just bought the license and installed it, but when I open AE and select Joysticks n Sliders from the Window drop-down, AE freezes. There's no error message just a spinning beach ball until I force-quit. The tool panel won't even open. I've tried reseting AE preferences. Thanks for any help!
  • Hi there can anyone help when I run the joystick tool I get this error message? Missing JoystickBase.ffx preset??
  • When will Apple silicon be supported?
  • Hi, I am struggling to get my head around using more than one joystick or slider in a comp.  I have a JS set up for head position (right, left, up down), but now I want to add a slider for the eye shape, and a slider for the mouth shape, but I get the error 'You will need at least two keyframes on each of your selected properties to set up sliders". Would you have a guide on setting up a rig with more than one JS/Slider? I am just not getting it.  Thanks in advanced.  Steve
    You probably moved your "second position"' keyframes too far. Check if they are on the first frame on the timeline.
  • Hi, I am using the plug in to create a Face/Head rig. After rigging the head movement, I wanted to create a separate joystick for the eyebrows, but realised that I was unable to tweak the path of the stroke, and this will greatly limit my ability to create dynamic facial expressions. Can you help?
  • HI there, I am gettin a very drastick error when I try to create a UI slider control. 
    I do create the Slider tool, the null properties works just fine. No expression error there. 
    But when I select the null and the properties and hit create UI sliders, error 83::3  pop ups
    and then a loop of non stop erorrs screens. 

    I am using Joystics n Sliders verision 1.7.2
    And AE 16.1.3
  • Hey Mike,

    Love this script! I have been using this for a project animating hours of facial rigs.

    I was wandering if possible in a future update to ad a library for poses & possibly set keyframes for these poses, this would be a great time saver especially for lip syncing.

    Thanks again mate for all your hard work :)
  • hi!! i'm sorta getting an error when i want to connect the keyframes to the joystick control, it has this error, "No properties in your selected layers are ready to be connected to a joystick. Click the help button '?' for more information about setting up your joystick rig." i hope that i can have this solved soon since i would love to try out this script with it's full potential! 

    the version of after effects i have is 17.0, and i use Joysticks n Sliders Version 1.7.2. 

    Thank you, I hope you have a nice day!!

  • Hi Mike,

    With this toolset I feel like AE is finally about caught up to where I want it to be for UI character rigging. Thank you!!

    Question, is it possible to move the slider UI to parent comp? 

    I know you can move the slider null, but I like to create an appealing rig control deck in the head rig, and then also send it over to the Full Body Comp so it's available alongside the body controls I set up. However, at the moment it looks like I have to re-design the slider UI in the full body comp, after deleting it from the Head Comp. Any workaround for this?

    Many thanks again.

  • Hi Mike,

    With this toolset I feel like AE is finally about caught up to where I want it to be for UI character rigging. Thank you!!

    Question, is it possible to move the slider UI to parent comp? 

    I know you can move the slider null, but I like to create an appealing rig control deck in the head rig, and then also send it over to the Full Body Comp so it's available alongside the body controls I set up. However, at the moment it looks like I have to re-design the slider UI in the full body comp, after deleting it from the Head Comp. Any workaround for this?

    Many thanks again.

    Nevermind! I found that using DUIK to "tag" all the controller layers allows you to "extract" the controllers along with their effects into a parent comp using Master Properties in two clicks. Simply amazing.
  • Using both versions of J&S that are available to download and each of them are crashing AE 2020 every time. 
  • Hello are we going to have a compatible version with AE 2023 anytime soon?
  • It seems that lately J&S does not remember my license; I had to re- insert the code several times now. (Updated J&S today, so maybe it works now)
    Any Ideas?
  • Hi.

    Been using the script and it's fab. However, I want to reuse a character i've rigged in another comp for the project I'm working on. I saw you mention for these sort of circumstances to use the EGP to set up a master control set. But how do you do this? Is there a tutorial or explainer to show the process? 
  • This looks incredible! I am playing with the trial now and am on the verge of purchasing.
    I wanted to ask - how would I go about connecting the joystick to an animated null which was animated using motion sketch?
    Pickwhip expression throws the coordinates off etc...
    I would so appreciate any input on this :) 
  • Hi Mike,

    With this toolset I feel like AE is finally about caught up to where I want it to be for UI character rigging. Thank you!!

    Question, is it possible to move the slider UI to parent comp? 

    I know you can move the slider null, but I like to create an appealing rig control deck in the head rig, and then also send it over to the Full Body Comp so it's available alongside the body controls I set up. However, at the moment it looks like I have to re-design the slider UI in the full body comp, after deleting it from the Head Comp. Any workaround for this?

    Many thanks again.

    Nevermind! I found that using DUIK to "tag" all the controller layers allows you to "extract" the controllers along with their effects into a parent comp using Master Properties in two clicks. Simply amazing.
    If I'm reading you right, you have to push just the slider null to the parent comp, then create the slider UI from the null in the parent comp. Is that what you meant?
  • Is this able to be controlled with a MIDI or XBOX controller? 
  • Hello AEScripts. I've recently updated to AE2024 but don't think Joysticks and Sliders app is compatible? It that right and is there a fix as in the middle of a project. Many thanks, Rob
  • Hello AEScripts. I've recently updated to AE2024 but don't think Joysticks and Sliders app is compatible? It that right and is there a fix as in the middle of a project. Many thanks, Rob
    Joysticks 'n Sliders is compatible with 2024. Please make sure you installed it correctly. If you still need assistance, please open a support ticket instead.
  • Hey, i buy now the script, and cant make a slider, why.? I selected 4 keyframe, and press slider tool, create slider, and write, need selected more 2 keyframes.. wtf
  • is this pay once and get all the versions when a new version released?
  • Hello Mike Overbeck or Team Joysticks 'n Sliders, is the latest version compatible with a German version of After Effects or do you have to use the English version?
    Many thanks and best regards
  • I bought your plugin today. I use essential graphic properties. Is that even possible? I have very strange effects, when I use the "umbind" button, the entire graphic shifts.
  • I bought your plugin today. I use essential graphic properties. Is that even possible? I have very strange effects, when I use the "umbind" button, the entire graphic shifts.
    If you  need assistance, please open a support ticket.
    • hi mike, is there a tutorial for switch template from front to behind of a layer like on the sheep ear on the promo video?
  • Hello!
    I keep getting a "naming conflict" error when creating sliders. I give unique names to my layers, nulls and sliders, but the problem still persists and I can't use the script in this area. Is there any solution to this problem? Thanks