Its now Feb, hasn't been any update since December. You posted "Certainly this year, but unfortunately not for Cyber Monday." that was last year.
Sorry, it was a mistake to hint at a release date. The process comes with unforeseeable problems and I'm not doing this full-time. Right now there is a fundamental bug that only occurs on OSX AE CC18, which I have to fix before I can release.
If the problem is on OSX is there any chance of a Windows only release in the meantime?
Fantastic update, it fixed the scrolling issue I mentioned way back. However, It seems like the Shift Click functionality is broken for me. After selecting a property I tried clicking in the text, the border, the title and all places in between. Used to work fine. Windows 10 AE 2018 (V15).
Happy to hear it fixed that issue! The default shortcuts have changed, because shift-click can also be used to select text and could cause the editor to be cleared. Please check the shortcuts in the online help.
Just wanted to say BRAVO on the updates! I had been chomping at the bit for CC2018 compatibility, and now I am seeing all of these great new features along with it. Great work!
I think adding a code snippet library feature would be nice for this. I am constantly copy/pasting code snippets I reuse over and over again. It would be a nice addition to this I think.
Even with AE CC 2019's updated expression "features", Expressionist is worth every penny. It's a joy to use and helps me focus on solving problems without AE's UI getting in the way.
Even with AE CC 2019's updated expression "features", Expressionist is worth every penny. It's a joy to use and helps me focus on solving problems without AE's UI getting in the way.
When I bought this I made the assumption "Load Expression" allowed me to choose say a text or JS file that I stored on My Pc that had some code in it. I was really hoping that was in this plug in. I have an idea where you could "point to "Saved Expressions" either a folder on local computer or a github repo. That would make this excellent plugin perfect for me.
I don't know if I'm using the pick whip in a wrong way, but it seems to only work with elements in the timeline, not with values from an Effect Controls window, which makes it pretty tedious to use this feature.
Maybe it's cause the plugin was last updated 2019, but it seems impossible (at least for me) to find a proper manual for it.
Sorry for the late reply, I thought I had replied already! Properties in the effects panel cannot be selected, so the pickwhip can't work, but you can double click a property to show it in the timeline panel. The manual is available at
I was really hoping that was in this plug in. I have an idea where you could "point to "Saved Expressions" either a folder on local computer or a github repo. That would make this excellent plugin perfect for me.
You can find the manual at