Hi Guys I have the same issue as Lars Jandel. Unfortunately re-starting AE did not resolve the issue. I am aware that your already working on this so no need to respond I just wanted to let you know.
I have that same bug as well. On a Mac, running latest 2017 version. I removed the old version I had (1.3) completely. I manually removed it from the presets xml file in the application bundle and I used the old installer to remove.
I hope you tracked it down, and can release soon. My coworker was able to get it to work, but he never had the older version at all.
Hi John, can you open up a ticket from the about dialog of Ouroboros? This way I can get some specifics about your OS and AE version. I think this might just be a similar problem as the other bug, but it only happens on specific systems. It doesn't happen anywhere in my testing setup.
This Plugin is really great :-) Thanks for sharing this for free choice of payment...
I found a bug, maybe you can fix it.
When i took a font and created a shape layer out of it and then tried to ouroboros it i got expression errors. I need to rename for every letter the expressions because ouroboros uses "Path 1" as default, but the leters have different names in the parent layer.
This Plugin is really great :-) Thanks for sharing this for free...
I found a bug, maybe you can fix it.
When i took a font and created a shape layer out of it and then tried to ouroboros it i got expression errors. I need to rename for every letter the expressions because ouroboros uses "Path 1" as default, but the leters have different names in the parent layer.
I hope you can fix that... :-)
And... when you have through converted font layers to shape layers two or more the same "shape name" it refers to the first. For example an "ANNA" would show just the first A and N.
By the the way i am on MacOS Sierra 10.12.5 withe AE CC 2017
I've noticed two things that don't seem to quite work with this. I wonder if there is a known issue with letters with holes in (O, A, B, D, etc) and having more than a certain number of shape layers? I've not watched all of the tutorial videos yet so apologies if these get covered in one of those. I'll keep working my way through though, this looks great!
Thanks Michael, we are aware of the letter shapes issue and will work on it as soon as possible. Ouro should work with multiple layers though… Can you open a support ticket with a screen recording of what happens with multiple layers?
When you parent an Ouro layer to another layer it requires the exact same structure as the original layer it was created from. Can you open a bug report so we can discuss the matter further?
Hi Sir, When I try to add more colours by pressing the '+' button, the Ouroboros doesn't respond or change at all. May you help to figure out what I had done wrong in the progress or it's a bug? I'm using the latest version of Ouroboros 2 (v 2.0.2), and After Effect CC 2017 I even tried to completety removed the very first version of Ouroboros 1 but still not work.
Hi Jackson, you might not see anything because the amount of colors is more then the amount of strokes. Check if you see more colors in the effects panel.
If that doesn't work would you be able open a support ticket and send us a screen recording of it? You can use a program like screenomatic to do that depending on what platform you are.
I couldn't find any previous comments with this problem. Ouroboros is installed in the correct folder, and allow access is turned on. But when i go to Window / Ouroboros, it opens up but there is no buttons or anything. Any ideas?
I couldn't find any previous comments with this problem. Ouroboros is installed in the correct folder, and allow access is turned on. But when i go to Window / Ouroboros, it opens up but there is no buttons or anything. Any ideas?
Thanks, Kirt
Hi Kirt! Can you open a support ticket and send a screen recording / screenshot of the steps you take so I can help you?
First off, thank you so much for your excellent work on this script! It is simply awesome.
One thing I'm having a hard time figuring out is how to control the length of each path (which I assume is through trim paths). I see that you can obviously trim each segment the same amount by applying a "global" trim, but I want it to be set individually. I reviewed the "random seed" trim length, which is heading in the right direction, but I'm looking for the ability to precisely control the length of each segment. I'm trying to design a dynamic doughnut chart, so obviously the "slices" of the chart need to be precisely measured to reflect the data. Is there a way to individually set lengths of each segment?
I understand this might be confusing, so hopefully the below example helps.
If I create a circle and apply a ouroboros effect, it will create a circle broken up into three segments. Obviously a trim effect applied is going to equally trim each path. But let's say I dont want the circle to be broken into three segments that are 33.3% of the circle's rim. What if I want the segments to be 70%, 20%, and 10%? Is there a way of setting this, so that you can manually enter the desired length you want each segment to be?
Thank you so much for your help! And again, killer script!
You can absolutely do this, but it requires some manual work.
Create a circle with three ouro strokes and set the correct values of (or expression link) every ouro stroke's trim paths to match the percentage you need.
Be aware that some modules like Link, Trim and Speed will overwrite some or all expressions you have on the trim paths.
Beautiful! I was getting hung up on trying to change the Ouroboros effect settings...and I wasn't seeing anything there. Didn't think to check in the actual stroke groups! Thank you so much!
Love this plug in! I was wondering what the process is for just getting dots with out the lines might be.
Hi Jake, You have a couple options:
1) Add a trim path module and set the start at 99.99% and the end at 100%, make sure your stroke caps are round and every line will turn into a dot.
2) Add the dots module (either start or end) and turn off the visibility for the stroke group in the shape layer so you're left with the dots only. This video goes more into the dots:
thank you so much for this plugin! I was wondering what the process is to create an outline-looking stroke. See attached images. Is there a way to do this with Ouroboros?
We're researching what's causing this. In the meantime you can still use the legacy expression engine by going to File > Project Settings > Expressions and selecting the Legacy Extendscript engine.
Hi Ben, please make sure you're on the latest version (2.0.3). If the problem still exists, can you open a support ticket from the about panel (by clicking the little gear icon)?
I just got the sample file (Ouroboros-Intros) and I am running AE 2019 with Ouroboros plugin version 2.0.3.
When you try to open the file it warns you that it needs to convert it and a few seconds after agreeing AE crashes and dissapears.
I am on Windows 10. And Ouroboros is working otherwise.
Any help?
Thank you!
Hey Javier, Not sure why you're getting the error. Have you tried importing the project into an empty project vs opening it? If you send me a message at [email protected] I'll send you a version of the file saved in CC2018, maybe that could help.
I've come across this problem and can't seem to find a manual work around for it yet, wondering if i can get some help?
I want to create a trail using the ouroboros stroke but having it following a single dot. I've created the stroke, used set matte, then link to trim the entire path and animated it.
This looks perfect for what I need but my problem now is that I can't have a dot on the same stroke without it being cropped by the track matte.
Hello and thank you so much for this amazing plug-in! I have a quick question:
Is it possible to copy and paste the attributes from one Ouroboros shape to another?
When I try to do this like I would for other FX, it doesn't make a difference. This would be super helpful (or being able to save Ouroboros presets would be even better!)
2.0.1 (Current version) - Jun 11, 2017
I understand this might be confusing, so hopefully the below example helps.
Thank you in advance for your attention!
First of all, I wanted to congratulate you for the quality of this script that I intend to buy soon.
I'm getting an error on the rotation property of every Ouroborus layer