I really like this plugin and find the workflow much easier for getting things into AE. However, Version 1.08 does not seem to be working in R20. It never loads an populates the plugin menu. Do you have a R20 compatible build in the works?
I really like this plugin and find the workflow much easier for getting things into AE. However, Version 1.08 does not seem to be working in R20. It never loads an populates the plugin menu. Do you have a R20 compatible build in the works?
Sorry, can not confirm! AEC4D v1.08 is working as expected in R20.
Hi. We bought the first version of this plugin. We had lots of problems with the z rotation and we fixed by hand. Do we need to pay again to get the upgrade of the fixed version? Please confirm this. Thank you.
Hi. We bought the first version of this plugin. We had lots of problems with the z rotation and we fixed by hand. Do we need to pay again to get the upgrade of the fixed version? Please confirm this. Thank you.
Sorry, that you had troubles Mario... These latest updates & new versions are free for everyone who bought AEC4D... Just go to your "Dashboard" under "My Downloads & Licenses" you can download the latest version!
I just found out that if I import auto-scaled Nulls or Shapelayers, the values after the comma are disregarded. For example a plane that is 20,8x15,5 in C4D gets imported as 20x15 in size (on the rectangle path). Is this a known thing or have I done something wrong?
I just found out that if I import auto-scaled Nulls or Shapelayers, the values after the comma are disregarded. For example a plane that is 20,8x15,5 in C4D gets imported as 20x15 in size (on the rectangle path). Is this a known thing or have I done something wrong?
Thanks Lasse. Thing with shape layer is i cant precomp em and keep attributes. I m almost sure that in previous versions of AEC4D, i could have a solid precomped with 1 click. Have u changed this behavior or it was never there?
Thanks Lasse. Thing with shape layer is i cant precomp em and keep attributes. I m almost sure that in previous versions of AEC4D, i could have a solid precomped with 1 click. Have u changed this behavior or it was never there?
Yes, I see what you mean and yes, I've changed the behavior to only support Null and Shape-Layers, because Shape-Layers are superior in many aspects. Not in this particular case, though... ……I will have a look what I can do for AEC4D-PRO, to bring back Solids or a better solution for this particular case!
Thanks yes, plz return this function if u can, cause it really helps eg. screens with graphics in there. Will u release AEC4D-PRO shortly or maybe a revised version of this one with solids and precomps? thanks keep it up!
Hi can i have access to a version before solids change? In my download area i have only the initial one or the last one. I have a commercial that its crucial to have this behavior with many phone screens.
Plus why are shape layers superior when we mainly need camera data? At least i never had a case that i needed something other than solids for precomps or for nulls for points in space? Lights i get it for optical flares for instance. But shape layers? I can have em inside a precomp again. Can u elaborate so i can understand the usage? ty
Regarding the Shape-Layers, for me they work like a charm. I think it's a big benefit to not have thousands and thousands of Layers in the Solid Folder. I've changed the behaviour of Solids for the upcoming AEC4D-PRO ... Looking forward to the Release!!
is it possible that the focus distance between C4d and Ae is a bit of? I tried to sent a camera and it's focuse value over to AFX and there is slight offset between those 2. In C4d it reads at the start 2900cm and when I check it in AFX it is at 2926,24Pixels. And if I check it from the top view the focus is slightly behind my object. And this continues throughout the shot. At the end it is in C4d at 250cm and AFX 314 PIxels.
I also get a message in C4d everytime I click the button saying that it looks like I use the version for the first time and that I should check the settings. It's not a huge deal but it is something that happens at my workstation.
Looking forward to the Pro Version
Sprache erkennenAfrikaansAlbanischAmharischArabischArmenischAserbaidschanischBaskischBengalischBirmanischBosnischBulgarischCebuanoChichewaChinesisch tradChinesisch verDänischDeutschEnglischEsperantoEstnischFilipinoFinnischFranzösischFriesischGalizischGeorgischGriechischGujaratiHaitianischHausaHawaiischHebräischHindiHmongIgboIndonesischIrischIsländischItalienischJapanischJavanesischJiddischKannadaKasachischKatalanischKhmerKirgisischKoreanischKorsischKroatischKurdischLaoLateinishLettischLitauischLuxemburgischMalagasyMalayalamMalaysischMaltesischMaoriMarathiMazedonischMongolischNepalesischNiederländischNorwegischPaschtuPersischPolnischPortugiesischPunjabiRumänischRussischSamoanischSchottisch-GälischSchwedischSerbischSesothoShonaSindhiSinghalesischSlowakischSlowenischSomaliSpanischSuaheliSundanesischTadschikischTamilTeluguThailändischTschechischTürkischUkrainischUngarischUrduUzbekischVietnamesischWalisischWeißrussischXhosaYorubaZulu
is it possible that the focus distance between C4d and Ae is a bit of? I tried to sent a camera and it's focuse value over to AFX and there is slight offset between those 2. In C4d it reads at the start 2900cm and when I check it in AFX it is at 2926,24Pixels. And if I check it from the top view the focus is slightly behind my object. And this continues throughout the shot. At the end it is in C4d at 250cm and AFX 314 PIxels.
I also get a message in C4d everytime I click the button saying that it looks like I use the version for the first time and that I should check the settings. It's not a huge deal but it is something that happens at my workstation.
Looking forward to the Pro Version
Sprache erkennenAfrikaansAlbanischAmharischArabischArmenischAserbaidschanischBaskischBengalischBirmanischBosnischBulgarischCebuanoChichewaChinesisch tradChinesisch verDänischDeutschEnglischEsperantoEstnischFilipinoFinnischFranzösischFriesischGalizischGeorgischGriechischGujaratiHaitianischHausaHawaiischHebräischHindiHmongIgboIndonesischIrischIsländischItalienischJapanischJavanesischJiddischKannadaKasachischKatalanischKhmerKirgisischKoreanischKorsischKroatischKurdischLaoLateinishLettischLitauischLuxemburgischMalagasyMalayalamMalaysischMaltesischMaoriMarathiMazedonischMongolischNepalesischNiederländischNorwegischPaschtuPersischPolnischPortugiesischPunjabiRumänischRussischSamoanischSchottisch-GälischSchwedischSerbischSesothoShonaSindhiSinghalesischSlowakischSlowenischSomaliSpanischSuaheliSundanesischTadschikischTamilTeluguThailändischTschechischTürkischUkrainischUngarischUrduUzbekischVietnamesischWalisischWeißrussischXhosaYorubaZulu
C4D crashes often cause AEC4D to un-license, then starting up C4D will see the popup (that halts C4D opening until user does something) asking trial or input of license. So going to this site, copy/paste, bit of a pain in the butt when C4D crashes a lot and keeps losing license. Anyone else experienced this?
C4D crashes often cause AEC4D to un-license, then starting up C4D will see the popup (that halts C4D opening until user does something) asking trial or input of license. So going to this site, copy/paste, bit of a pain in the butt when C4D crashes a lot and keeps losing license. Anyone else experienced this?
Hi James, i'm not experiencing a lot of crashes in C4D in general. Are you using any other external Plugins like Octane, Redshift for example?! Un-licensing really shouldn't happen at all, even if you experience crashes... I'm just curious about what's causing those crashes in general...!?
AEC4D v1.08 is ready for R20!
Yes, AEC4D does support CC 2019 and using camera morph is no problem. AEC4D will always transfer your global PSR-Data !
Will try to provide a solution for the next version!
2.) If no versions showing up in the dropdown, set it to "Choose..."
Setting floats is currently a limitation of AEC4D.
cool sounds promising!
link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/529okbrczmf0b8p/AEC4D issue.webm?dl=0
I m almost sure that in previous versions of AEC4D, i could have a solid precomped with 1 click. Have u changed this behavior or it was never there?
see below what i mean:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/861zsdvme91nikx/aec4d shape layer precomp.webm?dl=0
thanks keep it up!
I have a commercial that its crucial to have this behavior with many phone screens.
Plus why are shape layers superior when we mainly need camera data? At least i never had a case that i needed something other than solids for precomps or for nulls for points in space? Lights i get it for optical flares for instance. But shape layers? I can have em inside a precomp again.
Can u elaborate so i can understand the usage? ty
Regarding the Shape-Layers, for me they work like a charm. I think it's a big benefit to not have thousands and thousands of Layers in the Solid Folder. I've changed the behaviour of Solids for the upcoming AEC4D-PRO ... Looking forward to the Release!!
Anyone else experienced this?