I'm about to buy this tool and have 2 questions about the optimal ressource allocation :
> Do you plan to have "automatic setting" of the optimal number of threads ? It could be based on the analysis of the CPU / RAM / GPU load during the rendering of the first frame VERSUS THE AVAILABLE HARDWARE (CPU / RAM / GPU capacity), then dynamically adjust the number of threads if necessary.
It would add 1 thread if enought CPU / RAM / GPU is available, or on the contrary at another point of the render remove 1 thread if the system lacks RAM. Etc until the end of the render, so the optimal number of threads is set automaticaly and changes dynamicaly, so the render speed is always optimal.
> How does the GPU is shared between the threads / render instances ?
More and more AE effects and plugins are GPU accelerated, so this is an important point : it's not all about the CPU and RAM.
Not sure how much / how well a GPU can be shared by different threads / processes running at the same time...
I'm about to buy this tool and have 2 questions about the optimal ressource allocation :
> Do you plan to have "automatic setting" of the optimal number of threads ? It could be based on the analysis of the CPU / RAM / GPU load during the rendering of the first frame VERSUS THE AVAILABLE HARDWARE (CPU / RAM / GPU capacity), then dynamically adjust the number of threads if necessary.
It would add 1 thread if enought CPU / RAM / GPU is available, or on the contrary at another point of the render remove 1 thread if the system lacks RAM. Etc until the end of the render, so the optimal number of threads is set automaticaly and changes dynamicaly, so the render speed is always optimal.
> How does the GPU is shared between the threads / render instances ?
More and more AE effects and plugins are GPU accelerated, so this is an important point : it's not all about the CPU and RAM.
Not sure how much / how well a GPU can be shared by different threads / processes running at the same time...
Thank you for your answer !
Hi Olivié,
At the time GPU accelerated plugins are not as good for parallelization, but that does not defeat the main BGR point: background rendering, remote monitoring, sequence management etc.
We do not plan on the automatic settings yet, and in general you need 2-4 iterations to make sense of the BGR pipeline and find the sweet spot for your projects.
Hi is compiling to Video a feature that's not working in trial?
Hi Salih-Gökhan,
The feature is intended to work, we are releasing 1.0.18 soon with a minor Compile Video fix that might be stopping your copy from working properly.
Ok, cool. Do you know when it will be out? Considering purchasing during summer of sale week.
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Just bought BG Render Max and it's timestamping my renders with incorrect dates. In this case, in the future. (today is 05/19)
It's pretty important for me to that these dates be accurate.
BGR does not mess with timestamps and never touches metadata – it launches aerender to create sequences and ffmpeg to compile them. There might be a system-specific issue in your case we are not aware of, so we'll keep an eye on it.
I have to tell you.. your script is great and it helped me so many times..
but it also has many problems.. about half of the time it simply isn't working for me..
it's rendering for 20 seconds and stops or I get one of those error msges...
many times it feels like it isn't working without any reason..
will there be a version that works ALL the time?
I'm using AE 2019, and my pc has very strong hardware..
Hi Yaron,
We've recently upgraded our test rig to the 3900X Ryzen with all the cool stuff like fast RAM and NVMe drives and ran some extensive testing.
BGR instability roots from the system (most possibly I/O and RAM) bottlenecking when setting over 8-10 threads for the BGR, and we now find no real evidence for the high thread count to be more effective than say 3-4 in most cases.
BG Renderer had been working swell for me. Our company recently updated to 1.0.18, and I went to launch a render using an EXR preset I had setup in my render queue (which I hadn't used with BGR before). BGR wouldn't begin rendering; it seemed stuck. So I quit out of AE and restarted it. The BG render panel would no longer appear; I rebooted my workstation and it still wouldn't appear.
I downgraded to .16, the panel still wouldn't appear. Upgraded back to .18, and the panel appeared, but it still won't let me render anything (even using jpeg preset).
BG Renderer had been working swell for me. Our company recently updated to 1.0.18, and I went to launch a render using an EXR preset I had setup in my render queue (which I hadn't used with BGR before). BGR wouldn't begin rendering; it seemed stuck. So I quit out of AE and restarted it. The BG render panel would no longer appear; I rebooted my workstation and it still wouldn't appear.
I downgraded to .16, the panel still wouldn't appear. Upgraded back to .18, and the panel appeared, but it still won't let me render anything (even using jpeg preset).
Many thanks! I didn't realize there was a sneaky right-click diagnostic menu in there; will definitely be perusing that more in the future if need be. 'Clear current state'' seems to have remedied it.
Many thanks! I didn't realize there was a sneaky right-click diagnostic menu in there; will definitely be perusing that more in the future if need be. 'Clear current state'' seems to have remedied it.
I believe there has been an error with upgrading and then downgrading BGR versions. Strictly speaking, downgrading a version would only mess up the saved data, we did not account for it in our code.
I need to render multiple sequences as Avid DNxHR Quicktime .mov files. I can render these directly out of AE but I can't work out if it is possible with BGRenderer. For speed I want to be able to use multiprocessing. I see that it can compile the image sequences to ProRes. Is there anyway for me to create a preset that compiles to the Avid codec? On a side note, if the video is being compiled from an image sequence, does it remember the original frame rate from the project?
I need to render multiple sequences as Avid DNxHR Quicktime .mov files. I can render these directly out of AE but I can't work out if it is possible with BGRenderer. For speed I want to be able to use multiprocessing. I see that it can compile the image sequences to ProRes. Is there anyway for me to create a preset that compiles to the Avid codec? On a side note, if the video is being compiled from an image sequence, does it remember the original frame rate from the project?
On a side note, if the video is being compiled from an image sequence, does it remember the original frame rate from the project?
Hi Paul, regarding frame rate, in custom ffmpeg command we also allow you to use tags, which will be related to rendered composition, one of the tags is {{FPS}} which is frame rate. You can use it in you command. I have attached a screenshot from just an example of command with tags.
Media encoder now renders faster than BG Render Max after Adobe's June 2020 update. I tested it on many projects and came to this conclusion
Hi Vivian,
Could you please tell me, what PC or Mac configuration are you running as well as the plug-ins you are using along with BGR settings. I'd like to replicate this environment to run our tests.
Thank you,
Hello, I'm thinking about purchasing the BG renderer. It works great for 1920X Threadripper!
Couple of quick questions for the BG Renderer team please:
- Are you planning to implement support for QuickTime Animation codec/video export? (in addition to already available image sequence template options?)
- Will there be discounts any time soon, like previous years? - What is the compatibility with third party plugins like Optical Flares, 3D Element, Particular and other?
Hello, I'm thinking about purchasing the BG renderer. It works great for 1920X Threadripper!
Couple of quick questions for the BG Renderer team please:
- Are you planning to implement support for QuickTime Animation codec/video export? (in addition to already available image sequence template options?)
- Will there be discounts any time soon, like previous years? - What is the compatibility with third party plugins like Optical Flares, 3D Element, Particular and other?
Using the latest version, I have have a 1300 frame sequence (with work area set to entire length). However BG only renders about 312 frames before claiming it finished. Tried resetting everything multiple times. Any ideas?
Using the latest version, I have have a 1300 frame sequence (with work area set to entire length). However BG only renders about 312 frames before claiming it finished. Tried resetting everything multiple times. Any ideas?
It's memory/RAM related. It looks like when a frame exceeds all available memory the operation fails silently. I had originally set Adobe apps to leave 6GB of RAM (out of 32GB) for other applications. When I set 3 threads to render, 98% of my system RAM + 90% of my GPU RAM were utilized.
I changed the settings to have Adobe apps leave 12GB free and that fixed the issue. Now the 3 threads utilize 90% without issue. It seems like it hits a particularly RAM heavy frame, runs out of memory, and fails silently.
It's memory/RAM related. It looks like when a frame exceeds all available memory the operation fails silently. I had originally set Adobe apps to leave 6GB of RAM (out of 32GB) for other applications. When I set 3 threads to render, 98% of my system RAM + 90% of my GPU RAM were utilized.
I changed the settings to have Adobe apps leave 12GB free and that fixed the issue. Now the 3 threads utilize 90% without issue. It seems like it hits a particularly RAM heavy frame, runs out of memory, and fails silently.
Hi Keith,
Thank you for the insight. It's not easy to estimate the RAM necessary for the particular composition render before the render starts, but I guess we are going to update our thread warning system for amounts less than 64Gb.
I don't know if I am doing something wrong or need to change settings, but according to Aida 64 I am not getting full CPU usage when using BG Renderer Max. I would also expect my temp cores to be higher if I was. Is there something I am doing incorrect?
I don't know if I am doing something wrong or need to change settings, but according to Aida 64 I am not getting full CPU usage when using BG Renderer Max. I would also expect my temp cores to be higher if I was. Is there something I am doing incorrect?
I don't know if I am doing something wrong or need to change settings, but according to Aida 64 I am not getting full CPU usage when using BG Renderer Max. I would also expect my temp cores to be higher if I was. Is there something I am doing incorrect?
I don't know if I am doing something wrong or need to change settings, but according to Aida 64 I am not getting full CPU usage when using BG Renderer Max. I would also expect my temp cores to be higher if I was. Is there something I am doing incorrect?
Compile I have set a video file, but after outputting a TIFF serial number file, it freezes in the processing state of converting to a movie file.
Mac Pro 2019 16core
AMD Radeon Pro 580X
macOS Catalina
After Effects 17.1.0
Compile I have set a video file, but after outputting a TIFF serial number file, it freezes in the processing state of converting to a movie file.
Mac Pro 2019 16core
AMD Radeon Pro 580X
macOS Catalina
After Effects 17.1.0
I purchased on version 1.0.18 and have updated to 1.0.19, but I'm still unable to get the plugin to work correctly. The multiprocessing renders the image sequence, but the render never stops when the final frame is reached. The timer just keeps running and the job stays running in the bg renderer queue until I manually cancel and remove it. It goes without saying that because it never actually stops the sequence render, that it also never progresses to converting the sequence to .mov or .mp4 when I have conversion enabled.
I purchased on version 1.0.18 and have updated to 1.0.19, but I'm still unable to get the plugin to work correctly. The multiprocessing renders the image sequence, but the render never stops when the final frame is reached. The timer just keeps running and the job stays running in the bg renderer queue until I manually cancel and remove it. It goes without saying that because it never actually stops the sequence render, that it also never progresses to converting the sequence to .mov or .mp4 when I have conversion enabled.
Hi Andre,
Thanks for reporting the issue. I've sent you instructions via the ticket systems. Something is amiss and we are going to fix this asap.
I'm also experiencing the issue since version 1.0.18 where the render hangs on the last frame and never compiles.
On another machine which uses 1.0.17, I have no issues compiling. Except lately, the file sizes for the resulting .mp4 files are MUCH larger than they have been. What used to be a 12MB file is now 150MB. Did the presets get updated or changed on the backend?
I'm also experiencing the issue since version 1.0.18 where the render hangs on the last frame and never compiles.
On another machine which uses 1.0.17, I have no issues compiling. Except lately, the file sizes for the resulting .mp4 files are MUCH larger than they have been. What used to be a 12MB file is now 150MB. Did the presets get updated or changed on the backend?
Hi Michael, thank you for a comment.
On the machine with 1.0.18 can you please upgrade to 1.0.19, the issue with frozen compilation should be fixed in latest version. At least that was one of the fixes included in it.
As for filesize increase, can you please open a ticket so we can ask for some logs. There was a change related to presets, but it was quite minor and shouldn't give 15x time filesize difference.
hi. downloaded the trial version and wanted to test it first. my current comp took in Media Encoder 4mins and with the bg renderer max 7mins. have I done something wrong?
hi. downloaded the trial version and wanted to test it first. my current comp took in Media Encoder 4mins and with the bg renderer max 7mins. have I done something wrong?
Hi Matthias,
It all depends on the computer configuration you have and the amount of threads you've set up. As a rule of thumb, start with 2 threads and work the way up till you see the performance drop. The bottleneck is not the processor cores/threads, but rather RAM amount and disk speeds. I also recommend using a separate cache SSD.
I'm using AE 2019 16.1.3
or is it working perfectly for you?
- What is the compatibility with third party plugins like Optical Flares, 3D Element, Particular and other?
Compile I have set a video file, but after outputting a TIFF serial number file, it freezes in the processing state of converting to a movie file. Mac Pro 2019 16core AMD Radeon Pro 580X macOS Catalina After Effects 17.1.0