Duplicate It!
  • I'm using the trial version and is not working. I already tried both Selected and Active sequence and I'm unable to get a duplicate.
    When I click the duplicate button absolutely nothing happens.
  • I'm using the trial version and is not working. I already tried both Selected and Active sequence and I'm unable to get a duplicate.
    When I click the duplicate button absolutely nothing happens.
    Can you write your configuration, operating system, Premiere Pro version and is it possible to record a screencast? You can send it in a support ticket: https://aescripts.com/contact/?product_id=1568&direct=1

    This can happen if you work in the "Bin" window (all extensions work in the Project window).
    Or your sequence name contains some invalid characters in the name (for example, ":" or "/"), and we will soon release patch 1.0.1 to fix this.
  • There is similiar tool for AE here, but would be cool if this would come with AE extension as well, like some of the other tools here. 

    I'd imagine this can't "handle" duplication of Dynamic Link comps as it would be technically impossible to do?
  • There is similiar tool for AE here, but would be cool if this would come with AE extension as well, like some of the other tools here. 

    I'd imagine this can't "handle" duplication of Dynamic Link comps as it would be technically impossible to do?
    Hi Miika! 
    1) We are different developers with the developers of True Somp Duplicator for AE, therefore we cannot be in one set.
    2) Righ, the “Dynamic Link” is technically impossible to duplicate the Premiere, because it is associated with the project in AE.
  • I think it'd be very helpful to potential buyers of this extension to provide an explainer video that includes painpoints upfront or at least some initial text on the page describing a user's "pain points" or "current method in PrPro and what you can't do without this extension" before going into all your features/benefits. For example, I'm familiar with PrPro, but I'm having a hard time gathering how my current workflow would be different with your extension. What's painful for me that your extension solves? That would be an easy sell. Your extension looks great, but I have to think long and hard about my workflow to consider buying it right away. So, just a slight tweak by adding a "pre-frame" could reduce the load and make it an easier sell to potential buyers. : )
    I feel like you'd immediately know if it'd be helpful or not for existing workflows. I immediately recognized this as something that would've saved me a ton of time on a previous couple projects. Basically, when doing versions of a sequence with multiple nested sequences within that get edited as well with each version, I was previously duplicating the parent sequence, then duplicating each child sequence and the child of that sequence, replacing each in the timelines of their respective parent for the new version. This can do this all in one click.  That way if I need to revert back to a previous version of a project, the child sequences of the previous version don't have edits that I did in the subsequent parent sequence version. 

    Main 01 > Child 01 > Grandchild 01
    Main 02 (copy of 01) > Child 02 (copy of 01) > Grandchild 02 (copy of 01)

    Cool that it is useful to you!
  • There is similiar tool for AE here, but would be cool if this would come with AE extension as well, like some of the other tools here. 

    I'd imagine this can't "handle" duplication of Dynamic Link comps as it would be technically impossible to do?
    Hi Miika! 
    1) We are different developers with the developers of True Somp Duplicator for AE, therefore we cannot be in one set.
    2) Righ, the “Dynamic Link” is technically impossible to duplicate the Premiere, because it is associated with the project in AE.
    Hi Tony, Yeah I ment that you could create this tool for AE too. I just mentioned about TrueComp duplicator existing. 
  • There is similiar tool for AE here, but would be cool if this would come with AE extension as well, like some of the other tools here. 

    I'd imagine this can't "handle" duplication of Dynamic Link comps as it would be technically impossible to do?
    Hi Miika! 
    1) We are different developers with the developers of True Somp Duplicator for AE, therefore we cannot be in one set.
    2) Righ, the “Dynamic Link” is technically impossible to duplicate the Premiere, because it is associated with the project in AE.
    Hi Tony, Yeah I ment that you could create this tool for AE too. I just mentioned about TrueComp duplicator existing. 
    I think it will look like a duplicate of a duplicator :)
    True Comp is distributed through the donation system, so it’s probably not ethical to create the same extension. I think if you need some functions in the True Comp you can write a request to the developer!
  • The need for a True Comp Duplicator (like) plugin for Premiere has been needed for years. I don't need it right now, but when I do, I'm excited to give this a spin. It's use cases are obvious to me :) 
  • Cam Vokey said:
    The need for a True Comp Duplicator (like) plugin for Premiere has been needed for years. I don't need it right now, but when I do, I'm excited to give this a spin. It's use cases are obvious to me :) 
    Yeah, you are welcome!
  • I think I'm the one who emailed you regarding the error of incorrect characters in the sequence name. Thank you for fixing that the "Fixed bugs with incorrect characters in the sequence name" And actually this is what I needed for years in Premiere. I'll always do is to duplicate all and arrange its again wasting time.. And now I have DUPLICATE IT it easy to use and save a lot of time. Thank you Kabansky.
  • I think I'm the one who emailed you regarding the error of incorrect characters in the sequence name. Thank you for fixing that the "Fixed bugs with incorrect characters in the sequence name" And actually this is what I needed for years in Premiere. I'll always do is to duplicate all and arrange its again wasting time.. And now I have DUPLICATE IT it easy to use and save a lot of time. Thank you Kabansky.
    Greats! Write if you have an idea for a new function or find some kind of error!
  • There is similiar tool for AE here, but would be cool if this would come with AE extension as well, like some of the other tools here. 

    I'd imagine this can't "handle" duplication of Dynamic Link comps as it would be technically impossible to do?
    Hi Miika! 
    1) We are different developers with the developers of True Somp Duplicator for AE, therefore we cannot be in one set.
    2) Righ, the “Dynamic Link” is technically impossible to duplicate the Premiere, because it is associated with the project in AE.
    Hi Tony, Yeah I ment that you could create this tool for AE too. I just mentioned about TrueComp duplicator existing. 
    I think it will look like a duplicate of a duplicator :)
    True Comp is distributed through the donation system, so it’s probably not ethical to create the same extension. I think if you need some functions in the True Comp you can write a request to the developer!
    I think it would be only logical counter part to Premiere extension ;). It being "Name Your Own Price" tool, makes people "donate" money to the developer. As far as I've undrestood how it works, DUPLICATE IT! is richer in features.
  • Okay, thank you. You and your team are geniuses. 

    I want to toss out an idea to you. 
    It would be AMAZING to have a PPro extension that can tell you / show you / guide you to every instance an effect has been used in a project, across multiple timelines. 

    I don't know if it can be done. Maybe it reads XMLs, I don't know, but I think this could be really valuable to a lot of people.

    In my instance, PPro 2020 won't open a MASSIVE project file because an obsolete audio reverb filter that was used someplace. It's been an absolute nightmare trying to find it. My dream extension would not only tell me where it is, but also allow an option to disable / delete the filter from its pane.

    If I had to run the extension in an older version of PPro - just to recognize the obsolete effect - no problem. I'd save a new project file that would become compatible with current and future versions.

    I maybe dreaming, but your team clearly understands dreams like this. 

    Thanks again. You've truly gifted people with your skills. 
  • Okay, thank you. You and your team are geniuses. 

    I want to toss out an idea to you. 
    It would be AMAZING to have a PPro extension that can tell you / show you / guide you to every instance an effect has been used in a project, across multiple timelines. 

    I don't know if it can be done. Maybe it reads XMLs, I don't know, but I think this could be really valuable to a lot of people.

    In my instance, PPro 2020 won't open a MASSIVE project file because an obsolete audio reverb filter that was used someplace. It's been an absolute nightmare trying to find it. My dream extension would not only tell me where it is, but also allow an option to disable / delete the filter from its pane.

    If I had to run the extension in an older version of PPro - just to recognize the obsolete effect - no problem. I'd save a new project file that would become compatible with current and future versions.

    I maybe dreaming, but your team clearly understands dreams like this. 

    Thanks again. You've truly gifted people with your skills. 
    Hi Brian! Very nice to hear such words! Cool that we are useful to you!
    About your idea - this is interesting, we will try to think about how it is possible to implement.
    Thanks for your feeback!
  • Question: Can I click on a nested sequence inside my timeline and duplicate it from my timeline?
    Or does it all have to be done inside Project Folder
  • Question: Can I click on a nested sequence inside my timeline and duplicate it from my timeline?
    Or does it all have to be done inside Project Folder
    Hello! We work only in the project window, because all sequences that you can duplicate on the timeline will in any case be duplicated in the Project Window. You can quickly find a sequence from the timeline by right-clicking and "Reveal in Project".
    Perhaps in the future we will add the ability to speed up this process and make duplication and addition to the timeline, thanks for the idea!
  • Hi, I have tried to duplicate a selected sequence on proj window however there's an error saying "select the sequence for duplicating". And when I tried to duplicate an active sequence, it goes into duplicating process but theres nothing duplicated. Helps!
  • Will this be supported in PP2021, having bought it last year?
  • Will this be supported in PP2021, having bought it last year?
    Hey! Are you talking about Premiere 2021? Yes, it works in it, we tested in some versions. In any case, you can download the trial version and try it. Or did you want to know about something else?
  • Really wish this could 'exclude' certain comps like True Comp Duplicator. Does it and I'm missing it??
  • Great tool - thank you! Question: Is it possible to duplicate only the sequence and nested sequences, excluding the media? Will ask the same in a support ticket but wanted to share new knowledge if others are looking for the same. Thanks again! -Cx
  • Great tool - thank you! Question: Is it possible to duplicate only the sequence and nested sequences, excluding the media? Will ask the same in a support ticket but wanted to share new knowledge if others are looking for the same. Thanks again! -Cx
    Unfortunately, it is impossible to implement such functionality in Premiere, you can only duplicate a sequence along with all media files. Perhaps with the release of new versions we will be able to come up with something.
  • Really wish this could 'exclude' certain comps like True Comp Duplicator. Does it and I'm missing it??
    It looks like this is the same question. This is not possible yet
  • portion of original "Is it possible to duplicate only the sequence and nested sequences, excluding the media?"  -Cx
    Just to clarify, is what Chris is asking the equivalent of copying the sequence, making copies of the nested/sub-sequences and replacing those manually
    ? Versus, Duplicate It! does this automatically with the same result, except it also requires that the source footage be re-encoded, rather than making copies and just renaming those?
  • Is there an option to not duplicate the media and folders in my project? The work of duplicating the comp just got offset by my entire folder structure and all the media items doubling—so now I have to Edit > Consolidate Duplicates, then delete/merge the duplicate folders... AE's True Comp Duplicator can do this easy peasy. Am I not seeing a checkbox somewhere?