• Hi,
    I'm enjoying using Hover, but I am getting mixed results exporting to Lottie via Bodymovin. Do you have any tips? At present, it shows both the cursor and the hover finger when it mouses over a button. The grabber hand displays properly and so does the cursor in the cursor/grabber states. It's just when the hover state is activated that there is a problem.
    Hi Andy,
    Glad to hear you're liking Hover!

    You might be able to convert expressions to keyframes to resolve?
    If you continue running into issues, I'd suggest contacting Lottie/Bodymovin to see if they can support the needed features for hover to work.
    I'm guessing that either the expressions or the pre comp is what is giving Lottie trouble.

  • Howdy! I've purchased and have been using hover for a few months now. I've come to find that setting up and using the hover state really bogs down my machine. I am trying to replicate real life mouse movement during demos and love the feature that switches the icon when moving over areas on screen. One of my demos is roughly 7 minutes long, the comp is basic screens with some minimal animation. About 150 layers and I've built the "hover states" to be at the bottom hidden, because I just want the icon change when over certain areas. With all my hover states on, its taking 1 hour to 1 hour 25 minutes to render. With those states deleted, 20 minutes. 

    Is this normal for you? I can't image this being that taxing on the system
  • Howdy! I've purchased and have been using hover for a few months now. I've come to find that setting up and using the hover state really bogs down my machine. I am trying to replicate real life mouse movement during demos and love the feature that switches the icon when moving over areas on screen. One of my demos is roughly 7 minutes long, the comp is basic screens with some minimal animation. About 150 layers and I've built the "hover states" to be at the bottom hidden, because I just want the icon change when over certain areas. With all my hover states on, its taking 1 hour to 1 hour 25 minutes to render. With those states deleted, 20 minutes. 

    Is this normal for you? I can't image this being that taxing on the system

    Hi Eric, No this doesn’t seem normal for a machine to take that much longer to calculate a few expressions. I can’t be sure why it’s taking that much longer to render, but you could test a workaround. If you bake the expressions on your hover object and cursor, you’d know if the expressions are slowing your machine down Baking keyframes example:
  • Please fix it for After Effects 2024, I get "Unable to execute script at line 45. null is not an object".
  • Please fix it for After Effects 2024, I get "Unable to execute script at line 45. null is not an object".
    See this faq: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/dropbox-macos-warning/#null
  • If the button is not a shape or text layer, the hover does not work.
  • If the button is not a shape or text layer, the hover does not work.
    Hi Valentino,
    This hover should work well on pre comps (with "collapse transformations" toggled on)

    If you need to apply hover to an image, you can place the image in a pre comp, then toggle on "collapse transformations" and apply the "Convert to hover object button" to the precomp.

    Hope this helps :)