We have cartoon characters made up of several body parts made in Photoshop. Each part has a skin color with a black outline.Can your plugin select the skin color and change it to another color while also affecting the anrtaliasing blend from the black outline?
Thanks for posting this video explaining how color swap works:
It looks like it's parameter based, so simply replacing the color and its anti-aliasing a la the Change Color plugin or Photoshop's paint bucket tool doesn't seem possible yet. We have a high volume of Photoshop layers that are not parameter based. SO it would be great to have a tool like yours that can do a batch switch based on RGB values.
This tool is AMAZING! Much needed, yet never done before.
I often start color picking from Pngs/Jpegs to make a quick start in a project, knowing many things will change along the way. Later having to correct A LOT of shapes in A LOT of comps. This tool is a huuuuge time saver.
There seems to be a bug when it's changing a text layer that has multiple sizes, it reverts the text size all to a uniformed size.
Actually that's more of a limitation in After Effects. There is no way to process multiple styles (sizes, weights, etc) in a single text layer. You should break up your text in separate layers for it to work.
its a script. You can download a free trial to test it before buying.
Much needed, yet never done before.
I often start color picking from Pngs/Jpegs to make a quick start in a project, knowing many things will change along the way. Later having to correct A LOT of shapes in A LOT of comps. This tool is a huuuuge time saver.