This is an amazing plugin. It has so many great features and is easy to use. However, when I create a text in Korean, I get a ?? error. Is it possible to support Korean?
This is an amazing plugin. It has so many great features and is easy to use. However, when I create a text in Korean, I get a ?? error. Is it possible to support Korean?
No unfortunately. GLTF files have limitations to do such things with textures. But we are looking for adding the ability to convert solid models to wireframe mesh in future updates
Is there any way to add this version the plugin to Motion Tools Pro? Would very much like to keep it all within the same panel set up as the "free" one that comes preinstalled on MTP.
Is there any way to add this version the plugin to Motion Tools Pro? Would very much like to keep it all within the same panel set up as the "free" one that comes preinstalled on MTP.
It is already there. We are using the same functionality for the Aescripts and MDS versions. But unfortunately, you can't use the license between them.
Hi, please can you tell me.... does this differ from the 3D tools that Adobe Illustrator offers?
Also, I'm guessing it can only be used with Advanced 3D setting turned on?
Yes, this is completely another tool. It works only with the newly supported GLTF and GLB files, only with the Advanced 3D engine, and cannot export vector files. However, it could parse After Effects shape layers and extrude 3D forms from them.
please open a support ticket for assistance: