• Hello, I am sorry to write on these dates, they have very good products, I have two questions, there is a maximum number of characters and how long is the trial period? Thank you and happy holidays.
  • Hey Daniel-
    Happy Holidays!
    The trial version allows for a maximum of 10 words and a 7 day limit.

  • Hi - I am using Textsyncr & Typemonkey to add text to a vo.  I am not creating a camera, but am using the Text. Box Commands to create the lines & customizing the layout & the OPACITY.  I got half way done & rewatched my work only to find all the text layer visible at once, even after I deleted my keyfames on the Text Layers opacity.  The opacity value, I noticed was RED on some but standard blue color on others....what is going on & how do I avoid having to redo work like this in the future?  
    Thanks so much! 
  • Hi - I am using Textsyncr & Typemonkey to add text to a vo.  I am not creating a camera, but am using the Text. Box Commands to create the lines & customizing the layout & the OPACITY.  I got half way done & rewatched my work only to find all the text layer visible at once, even after I deleted my keyfames on the Text Layers opacity.  The opacity value, I noticed was RED on some but standard blue color on others....what is going on & how do I avoid having to redo work like this in the future?  
    Thanks so much! 
    Hey Joshua- Best to open a support ticket...and send me the project so I can see what you're looking at (no assets needed). Thx!
  • Hi - I am using Textsyncr & Typemonkey to add text to a vo.  I am not creating a camera, but am using the Text. Box Commands to create the lines & customizing the layout & the OPACITY.  I got half way done & rewatched my work only to find all the text layer visible at once, even after I deleted my keyfames on the Text Layers opacity.  The opacity value, I noticed was RED on some but standard blue color on others....what is going on & how do I avoid having to redo work like this in the future?  
    Thanks so much! 
    Hey Joshua- Best to open a support ticket...and send me the project so I can see what you're looking at (no assets needed). Thx!
    It might help for the future iterations.  I'll do that for sure Orrin!  For now, my work around is to position a phrase in the layout I want, then duplicate the Master Control layer & then pre-compose the duplicate control+parent+children of that phrase so I can lower the opacity of the pre-comp.  That way I don't mess up the typemonkey expressions added to the opacity of the text layers...clear as mud....great.  haha!
  • Hi - I am using Textsyncr & Typemonkey to add text to a vo.  I am not creating a camera, but am using the Text. Box Commands to create the lines & customizing the layout & the OPACITY.  I got half way done & rewatched my work only to find all the text layer visible at once, even after I deleted my keyfames on the Text Layers opacity.  The opacity value, I noticed was RED on some but standard blue color on others....what is going on & how do I avoid having to redo work like this in the future?  
    Thanks so much! 
    Hey Joshua- Best to open a support ticket...and send me the project so I can see what you're looking at (no assets needed). Thx!
    It might help for the future iterations.  I'll do that for sure Orrin!  For now, my work around is to position a phrase in the layout I want, then duplicate the Master Control layer & then pre-compose the duplicate control+parent+children of that phrase so I can lower the opacity of the pre-comp.  That way I don't mess up the typemonkey expressions added to the opacity of the text layers...clear as mud....great.  haha!
    Excellent - the monkeys are a strange mix of easy and powerful, but sometimes they don't give you exactly what you need...so you have to figure out how to workaround. Sounds like a good life lesson. :-)
  • Hi - I am using Textsyncr & Typemonkey to add text to a vo.  I am not creating a camera, but am using the Text. Box Commands to create the lines & customizing the layout & the OPACITY.  I got half way done & rewatched my work only to find all the text layer visible at once, even after I deleted my keyfames on the Text Layers opacity.  The opacity value, I noticed was RED on some but standard blue color on others....what is going on & how do I avoid having to redo work like this in the future?  
    Thanks so much! 
    Hey Joshua- Best to open a support ticket...and send me the project so I can see what you're looking at (no assets needed). Thx!
    It might help for the future iterations.  I'll do that for sure Orrin!  For now, my work around is to position a phrase in the layout I want, then duplicate the Master Control layer & then pre-compose the duplicate control+parent+children of that phrase so I can lower the opacity of the pre-comp.  That way I don't mess up the typemonkey expressions added to the opacity of the text layers...clear as mud....great.  haha!
    Excellent - the monkeys are a strange mix of easy and powerful, but sometimes they don't give you exactly what you need...so you have to figure out how to workaround. Sounds like a good life lesson. :-)
    Life lesson indeed.  A thought:  perhaps there could be Text Box Keyboard Commands for each animation style.  That way I can group words together [ ] & then within that group add a custom animation to a specific word...?...or could the animation of a specific word be updatable kinda like the camera setting are...?  

    LOVE the product!  Gonna save me so much time!
  • Hey Josh- sadly theres only a few key that work as commands we're limited to - we used most (maybe all?) that are available. We'd love to make a force rotate too...we've head a few suggestions.

    You know you could always disable specific moves (use monkeytools to unshy text) and go from there...let me know if you need help.

    ...and thanks for the kind words!
  • Maybe this question has been asked before.. In the video you are using premiere to generate the markers but on research, the only version of premiere that can do this was cs6.. Could you please add another video that shows how to add markers automatically using any other version a adobe or any other tool.
  • Maybe this question has been asked before.. In the video you are using premiere to generate the markers but on research, the only version of premiere that can do this was cs6.. Could you please add another video that shows how to add markers automatically using any other version a adobe or any other tool.
    Hey Sat- check https://aescripts.com/textsyncr/ - theres a tut there. Its the closest thing to the old Content Analyzer. Hope that helps!
  • I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with Type Monkey and getting some great results. 

    Was wondering if there's a way to force Type Monkey to respect a mask - either forcing the words to appear within that mask or excluding words from the masked area. If that's not currently doable but it is possible through scripting, would like to enter that as a feature request.  

    One possibility in my case would be to have dour comps within a main comp, one positioned on the left, one on right, another for top, and another for the bottom - but doing it that way would add a lot of complexity.

    At any rate, wonderful script and appreciate any suggestions you might have.
  • Hard to say...I might have an option for you- please open a support ticket and send me some sort of visual or build of what you're looking to achieve.

  • In the open frame of the Typemonkey + Layermonkey tutorial you sync the text with your audio read in a paragraph format, where lines with shorter word counts are scaled to equal lines with longer word counts. I'm trying to figure out how this was achieved, and I dare say I'm overlooking something very basic. Is that setup using Typemonkey and Layermonkey or just Layermonkey?

    Thanks for your time.

  • In the open frame of the Typemonkey + Layermonkey tutorial you sync the text with your audio read in a paragraph format, where lines with shorter word counts are scaled to equal lines with longer word counts. I'm trying to figure out how this was achieved, and I dare say I'm overlooking something very basic. Is that setup using Typemonkey and Layermonkey or just Layermonkey?

    Thanks for your time.

    Hey Kevin- Thats the Justified Layout in LayerMonkey- it doesnt exist in TypeMonkey...but you can set the text in TypeMonkey (Text Only function) and then lay it out and animated it in LayerMonkey.

    Hope that helps...

  • Seems like I'm still not getting it. 

    As a test I'm using 3 lines of text. In Typemonkey I paste in the 3 lines then select text layers only and all caps. So that gives me each word of the 3 lines on it's own layer each stacked on top of another in the comp window. Do you then have to move each word individually to remake the line of text before going into Layermonkey? I must be missing something. I also tried the keyboard commands but the result was individual lines of text where the line would animate and not the words.
  • Hi! Will there be an update for Ae 2022 soon please?
  • Hi! Will there be an update for Ae 2022 soon please?
    Hey Neil- could you open a support ticket - we'd like to hear about the problems you're having.
  • Hello any try to utilize typemonkey with dataclay templater?
    Thanks a lot!
  • Hello any try to utilize typemonkey with dataclay templater?
    Thanks a lot!
    Hey Luca - as far as we know, no one has tried it, but my gut tells me it won't work...let us know if you play around with it.
  • It is a great tool, and I am a very happy user BUT could you do a feature in the future where the timing of each word is weighted by the number of characters it contains? Would be huge help to get to get natural flow of text rather than moving the word markers and eyeballing them....basically using the length of the word as a guide!
  • It is a great tool, and I am a very happy user BUT could you do a feature in the future where the timing of each word is weighted by the number of characters it contains? Would be huge help to get to get natural flow of text rather than moving the word markers and eyeballing them....basically using the length of the word as a guide!
    Interesting idea...not sure its possible, but I like the thought.
  • I have an older AE project that used TypeMonkey for several animated text compositions. When I open this file in the latest version of After Effects the comps are there but the type is gone. Is there a method for "expanding" or committing the type effects in the file so that it can be opened in future versions of after effects? This is also important for client hand-off. Thanks!
  • I have an older AE project that used TypeMonkey for several animated text compositions. When I open this file in the latest version of After Effects the comps are there but the type is gone. Is there a method for "expanding" or committing the type effects in the file so that it can be opened in future versions of after effects? This is also important for client hand-off. Thanks!

    Hey Ryan…this doesn’t sound familiar at all…once a TM build happens, it should be able to be opened in other versions of ae…even if you don’t have TM installed. can you open a support ticket?
  • I have an older AE project that used TypeMonkey for several animated text compositions. When I open this file in the latest version of After Effects the comps are there but the type is gone. Is there a method for "expanding" or committing the type effects in the file so that it can be opened in future versions of after effects? This is also important for client hand-off. Thanks!

     Hey Ryan…this doesn’t sound familiar at all…once a TM build happens, it should be able to be opened in other versions of ae…even if you don’t have TM installed. can you open a support ticket?
    Hey Orrin – 
     I did some more troubleshooting on my end and it ended up being the 3d render settings in my compositions. I had it switched to Cinema 4d from an earlier project and it appears that setting remained on by default when the file converted. All good now. 
    Thanks for the quick reply here!
  • Just purchased for a lyric video.
    So one thing of note is that the Kuler implementation is broken.
    Any workaround for that aside from manually inputting hex colors?

  • Just purchased for a lyric video.
    So one thing of note is that the Kuler implementation is broken.
    Any workaround for that aside from manually inputting hex colors?

    Hey Jay- yeah it works…the problem is they discontinued Kuler,..but you can hunt around for .asm files (and we supply some as well). Open up a support ticket and I’ll send you as many as I have on file. Oz
  • I'm trying out the trial version, using AE 2023. Most of the words are masked out, so I can only see pieces of them. It's like there is a box shaped matte attached to the word that is a little smaller than the word and the word is using it as an inverted mask.
  • I'm trying out the trial version, using AE 2023. Most of the words are masked out, so I can only see pieces of them. It's like there is a box shaped matte attached to the word that is a little smaller than the word and the word is using it as an inverted mask.

    Hey Patrick- make sure you’re not using the C4D renderer (use classic). If that’s not it, send us a frame grab of your set up and an ae fille with a build. Thx! Oz
  • Hello, I used type monkey in a project for a client and they liked the animation but they just wanted all the text to stay in frame. Silly question, how would I quickly adjust the camera to keep all of the animation within the frame? Or should I make this adjustment in the control layer? Sorry, I'm in a crunch and panicking lol. Thanks in advance!
  • Hello, I used type monkey in a project for a client and they liked the animation but they just wanted all the text to stay in frame. Silly question, how would I quickly adjust the camera to keep all of the animation within the frame? Or should I make this adjustment in the control layer? Sorry, I'm in a crunch and panicking lol. Thanks in advance!
    Hey Nick- 
    You have a couple easy options -

    1) Just turn off the MonkeyCam and just reposition the text using the Master Control Layer
    2) You can adjust the effects settings in the Target Layer (either Layer Source and/or Dolly)

    Try that...

  • Hello, I used type monkey in a project for a client and they liked the animation but they just wanted all the text to stay in frame. Silly question, how would I quickly adjust the camera to keep all of the animation within the frame? Or should I make this adjustment in the control layer? Sorry, I'm in a crunch and panicking lol. Thanks in advance!
    Hey Nick- 
    You have a couple easy options -

    1) Just turn off the MonkeyCam and just reposition the text using the Master Control Layer
    2) You can adjust the effects settings in the Target Layer (either Layer Source and/or Dolly)

    Try that...

    Wow, that was a huge help! It seems so obvious afterwards haha. Thank you so much!
  • Hey Type Monkey,

    I just purchased and downloaded the type monkey plugin. It's behaving inconsistantly. When I first tried, it worked. After that, sometimes it works perfectly, but most times, it only generates one text layer with the first word in what I've entered in the text field. I'm on a bit of a deadline, how can I get your plugin to work consistently? 

    Thank you for your help! 
  • beef wave,

    Sorry you're having issues with TypeMonkey. It would be helpful if you could open a trouble ticket and provide us with a screen shot of the TypeMonkey UI and an AE project  file where the build didn't work. Thanks!

  • beef wave said:
    Hey Type Monkey,

    I just purchased and downloaded the type monkey plugin. It's behaving inconsistantly. When I first tried, it worked. After that, sometimes it works perfectly, but most times, it only generates one text layer with the first word in what I've entered in the text field. I'm on a bit of a deadline, how can I get your plugin to work consistently? 

    Thank you for your help! 
    I’d first make sure you’re not using the C4D or Advanced 3 D remderer - when we usually see unusual results that’s the first thing we check. They we make sure it’s not some bizzaro garage font. After that, read Dans note above - please open a support ticket and we’ll go from there.
  • beef wave said:
    Hey Type Monkey,

    I just purchased and downloaded the type monkey plugin. It's behaving inconsistantly. When I first tried, it worked. After that, sometimes it works perfectly, but most times, it only generates one text layer with the first word in what I've entered in the text field. I'm on a bit of a deadline, how can I get your plugin to work consistently? 

    Thank you for your help! 
    I’d first make sure you’re not using the C4D or Advanced 3 D remderer - when we usually see unusual results that’s the first thing we check. They we make sure it’s not some bizzaro garage font. After that, read Dans note above - please open a support ticket and we’ll go from there.
    Thanks for the response. No, I am using the classic render engine. That's actually another thing I wanted to reach out to you about. I really need my text to be extruded in 3d space per this video I viewed prior to purchasing this plugin (this was the explicit reason I  purchased the plugin) . However, the Ray Traced engine is no longer supported. I even went back to download the the last version of AE with  Ray Tracing (2019) but I was still prompted by the version of Type Monkey I bought today that this plugin only supports Classic Render, which does not offer extrusion. I really need a solution to this. Can you help me? Is there an older version of Type Monkey that can use Ray Trace? My job depends on it.  
  • beef wave,

    Sorry you're having issues with TypeMonkey. It would be helpful if you could open a trouble ticket and provide us with a screen shot of the TypeMonkey UI and an AE project  file where the build didn't work. Thanks!

    Hello Dan, thanks for the quick response. I just subbed a ticket. Thank you so much for your help with this. Your plugin looks amazing and I really want it to work for this job. Thanks again. 
  • Curious if using this for a long script like 3 min long is a bad idea?  435 words for this script and I did it all at once and it's taking along time to generate.  I'm thinking maybe I should break it into sections?  
  • Curious if using this for a long script like 3 min long is a bad idea?  435 words for this script and I did it all at once and it's taking along time to generate.  I'm thinking maybe I should break it into sections?  

    Hey Don - I’d recommend breaking it into pieces for sure - and esthetcally making changes between them just so it doesn’t get too repetitive visually. Also, if you can simplify and use less text it might not be so frenetic and work better. There’s some more suggestions in the TypeMonkey faqs. Check it out.
  • Hi Orrin thanks for providing support -- Type monkey isnt starting with a space for me- it lays the first word at the start of the composition with no marker. Then it begins to animate near the second word, which is placed on the first marker of my guide layer. Am i missing something? Any advice? thank you! -Tyler
  • Really? "Hey Sat- check https://aescripts.com/textsyncr/ - theres a tut there. Its the closest thing to the old Content Analyzer. Hope that helps!" What would help is if you would update your app to accept other file types exported from the latest versions of editors like Premiere Pro, or come up with a non-obsolete way to sync the text with the audio. I tried "textsyncr" and its as useless as tits on a bull. Nothing from you since CS6? Really? Even your tutorials are terribly obsolete. This is a shame and you should pull you obsolete scripts off the market.