• Please add open extension like the one you did with scripts so i can finally ditch my kbar. Thanks!
  • Hey hey! Any updates on custom icons/scriptlets? Thanks!
    We're busy working on the exciting next update! You can expect it to be ready in the first month of the upcoming year.
    Good morning dellium ☺, Where is your exciting next update? We are already nearing the end of the second month now.
  • 4f51e 14 said:
    Hey hey! Any updates on custom icons/scriptlets? Thanks!
    We're busy working on the exciting next update! You can expect it to be ready in the first month of the upcoming year.
    Good morning dellium ☺, Where is your exciting next update? We are already nearing the end of the second month now.
    Hello again.
    No update after almost 2 months.. any news about your exciting next update?
  • Sorry to keep you waiting but there are so many things to put together in the new version. We're also going though all the tools and improving them. Here's a screen recording of what you can expect from the new version.
  • Sorry to keep you waiting but there are so many things to put together in the new version. We're also going though all the tools and improving them. Here's a screen recording of what you can expect from the new version.
    Thanks for the update. The new version seems great!
  • Hi

    I'm in the fence between purchasing MoBar2 vs upgrading the Kbar to version 3. I installing the Try version and start adding my buttons with effects, like Curves, Tint, etc. But I'm having a hard time finding a way to customize that button, Am I missing something here ? or this is not a option at this point available in MoBar 2.3 ?

    Looking forward for your answer.
  • Hello Motion Ape,

    I have a small problem. I can't scroll down to my other favourite options. How I can do that? With Mousewheel / Keyboard Keys arent possible? Is there a solution? Thanks in Advice
  • Hello Motion Ape,

    I have a small problem. I can't scroll down to my other favourite options. How I can do that? With Mousewheel / Keyboard Keys arent possible? Is there a solution? Thanks in Advice

    Hi Daniel,

    Unfortunately, the script panel doesn't support scrolling. But here's the good news: we're developing a new version and turning MoBar into an extension. So, all those UI/UX features will be doable in the new version.

  • Hello Motion Ape,

    Thats sound incredible! Thank you very much for the response. Do you have any ideas when the new version will be release? Thanks in advice