CompsFromSpreadsheet 5
  • Hey, how can you control a DROPDOWN menu from excel sheet?
  • I have a very important question, I have been using your plugin professionally for large stadium world championship events for 7 years now. 


    How can I pass a \n linebreak to a text layer ?

    ### IMPORTANT ###

    How can I pass a \n linebreak to a text layer ?

    put <br> in your text where you want a linebreak
  • Hi, is it possible to assign a line in the spreadsheet, to multiple template comps? In your examples you have the first "comp" column, but is it possible to asign it to more then one?
  • Hi, is it possible to assign a line in the spreadsheet, to multiple template comps? In your examples you have the first "comp" column, but is it possible to asign it to more then one?
    One ides would be to add the comp that is changed as a pre-comp to all the other comps that need to be affected by it.
  • Hi, is it possible to assign a line in the spreadsheet, to multiple template comps? In your examples you have the first "comp" column, but is it possible to asign it to more then one?
    One ides would be to add the comp that is changed as a pre-comp to all the other comps that need to be affected by it.
    Thank you for the quick response! But i don't really understand your explanation..

    Let's say i have 5 different template comps, with different dimensions & layouts. And i want the data out of line 1 in my spreadsheet to be assigned to all 5 templates. And after that, line 2 to all templates, line 3 etc.. Is this possible with your solution? And if so, can you maybe explain it a bit more?
  • Hi, is it possible to assign a line in the spreadsheet, to multiple template comps? In your examples you have the first "comp" column, but is it possible to asign it to more then one?
    One ides would be to add the comp that is changed as a pre-comp to all the other comps that need to be affected by it.
    Thank you for the quick response! But i don't really understand your explanation..

    Let's say i have 5 different template comps, with different dimensions & layouts. And i want the data out of line 1 in my spreadsheet to be assigned to all 5 templates. And after that, line 2 to all templates, line 3 etc.. Is this possible with your solution? And if so, can you maybe explain it a bit more?
    Instead of having the text in each comp directly, have the text layer in a pre-comp and then add that pre-comp to the 5 different template comps, adjusting it as necessary in each comp.
  • Hi, is it possible to assign a line in the spreadsheet, to multiple template comps? In your examples you have the first "comp" column, but is it possible to asign it to more then one?
    One ides would be to add the comp that is changed as a pre-comp to all the other comps that need to be affected by it.
    Thank you for the quick response! But i don't really understand your explanation..

    Let's say i have 5 different template comps, with different dimensions & layouts. And i want the data out of line 1 in my spreadsheet to be assigned to all 5 templates. And after that, line 2 to all templates, line 3 etc.. Is this possible with your solution? And if so, can you maybe explain it a bit more?
    Instead of having the text in each comp directly, have the text layer in a pre-comp and then add that pre-comp to the 5 different template comps, adjusting it as necessary in each comp.
    That sounds great! Thanks again for the quick response and the extra explanation! :)
  • Is it possible for the rows from the CSV to edit Essential Properties? So I can generate a bunch of comps, but then still edit the overarching style via the master comp's Essential Properties.
  • Do you have a video explainer/tutorial ?
  • Do you have a video explainer/tutorial

  • When will you support 2025 After effect?
  • When will you support 2025 After effect?
    Hi Chung,

    The product is supported in 2025, I just updated the compatability listing.