• does it work on AE 2021?
  • Rafi Khan said:
    does it work on AE 2021?
    already got mine ... thanks!
  • Hello, is there any way to use the align and paragraph functions as KBar buttons? Thanks so much!
  • Hi Rafi,
    is there a way to make a script (jsx/jsxbin) that is stored in the script UI panel folder can be dockable when I launch it on kbar without making it just floated?
  • Rafi Khan said:
    Hi Rafi,
    is there a way to make a script (jsx/jsxbin) that is stored in the script UI panel folder can be dockable when I launch it on kbar without making it just floated?
    Unfortunately that's a behavior of After Effects. There's nothing I can do in KBar to control that. You'd have to ask Adobe for it at https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
    no worries, I calling the script via invoke menu item feature and it works the script can be dockable now :)
  • Will Kbar be on sale this week?
  • Will Kbar be on sale this week?
    It was on sale a couple of weeks ago. You missed it :/
  • Will there be an option to name the KBar tabs myself to my liking instead of the standard KBar1 , Kbar2 etc, in future releases?

    Anyway, Thanks for this awesome script!!

    Kind Regards,
  • Hi there, thanks for creating this awesome script.

    A question I haven't found an answer. Can I specify a function from a script set ?

    E.g, I have a script called trim pack, but I just want to create a button on Kbar for one feature called trim in the path, which is a  button in the whole script set, it has many other buttons for different functions but I just need one of them on my Kbar.

    Is that possible?

  • Will there be an option to name the KBar tabs myself to my liking instead of the standard KBar1 , Kbar2 etc, in future releases?

    Anyway, Thanks for this awesome script!!

    Kind Regards,
    I have desperately wanted to add that feature since day 1 but sadly that isn't possible :(
  • Tao Mao said:
    Hi there, thanks for creating this awesome script.

    A question I haven't found an answer. Can I specify a function from a script set ?

    E.g, I have a script called trim pack, but I just want to create a button on Kbar for one feature called trim in the path, which is a  button in the whole script set, it has many other buttons for different functions but I just need one of them on my Kbar.

    Is that possible?

    Yes it is! Follow these instructions - https://bitbucket.org/kraftyfx/kbar/wiki/Buttons/Scriptlet
  • Rafi Khan said:
    Tao Mao said:
    Hi there, thanks for creating this awesome script.

    A question I haven't found an answer. Can I specify a function from a script set ?

    E.g, I have a script called trim pack, but I just want to create a button on Kbar for one feature called trim in the path, which is a  button in the whole script set, it has many other buttons for different functions but I just need one of them on my Kbar.

    Is that possible?

    Yes it is! Follow these instructions - https://bitbucket.org/kraftyfx/kbar/wiki/Buttons/Scriptlet
    Hi Thanks for that, but do you have a tutorial for this? Where should I change in the codes to get the feature I want? Sorry I'm not a super coding guy but I can read the codes.
  • I'm getting a white "Page failed to Load" in my Kbar tab. I'm running Ae 2021 on Mac OS 11.4 I tried updating Kbar to 2.0.6 and un-installing and reinstalling, but the issue still persists. Was working fine until today.
  • Currently working on a new set of icons for kbar. I built l a table to try and create them at an optimal size, seeing as the scale mapping is 1.0 (78px) to 0 (18px). Going to build them at either use size 36px square (0.3) or maybe at 144px square to give some future flexibility. I need to be so rigid as I’ll have lots of single pixel artwork.

    Any notes or suggestions to do this the best way?
  • I'm getting a white "Page failed to Load" in my Kbar tab. I'm running Ae 2021 on Mac OS 11.4 I tried updating Kbar to 2.0.6 and un-installing and reinstalling, but the issue still persists. Was working fine until today.
    Hey Rob, if you're still having this issue please send in a support ticket with a screenshot of the error.
  • Currently working on a new set of icons for kbar. I built l a table to try and create them at an optimal size, seeing as the scale mapping is 1.0 (78px) to 0 (18px). Going to build them at either use size 36px square (0.3) or maybe at 144px square to give some future flexibility. I need to be so rigid as I’ll have lots of single pixel artwork. Any notes or suggestions to do this the best way?
    Hi Mark, I don't plan on messing with the zoom factor in the next update to KBar and your min/max sizes sound about right. Also, if your icons are for other KBar user you can assume most customers never adjust the size. Hopefully that helps.
  • I have a recently reinstalled my mac to Catalina and am in the process of installing scripts and plugins. I have loaded a backup version of kbar and everything seems to be work but.... I can not reorganize my buttons nor can I delete buttons. Any idea why that is?
  • I have a recently reinstalled my mac to Catalina and am in the process of installing scripts and plugins. I have loaded a backup version of kbar and everything seems to be work but.... I can not reorganize my buttons nor can I delete buttons. Any idea why that is?
    This occasionally happens with people upgrading from KBar 1.X to 2.X Please open a support ticket with a copy of your toolbar file and I'll patch it for you.
  • Hello! We use a version of KBar2 (2.0.6) in this office on my boss' machine. Recently he noticed he is unable to create a button for some very common effects, Tint and Noise specifically.  When a button is created and the search text 'Tint' is entered, other effects come up, but not Tint, specifically, and the list appears to be un-scrollable, are we missing something?
  • Hi, I am hoping to find some kind of database of scriptlets I can use with Kbar.
    I have searched github. And there are a lot on there. But if the dev, or anyone reading this has come across a way to add a fill effect with a specific color, as well as a scriptlet to change a shape layer to a specific color. Please point me in the right direction.
    Basically a kbar color palette.
    Many thanks!
  • Hello! We use a version of KBar2 (2.0.6) in this office on my boss' machine. Recently he noticed he is unable to create a button for some very common effects, Tint and Noise specifically.  When a button is created and the search text 'Tint' is entered, other effects come up, but not Tint, specifically, and the list appears to be un-scrollable, are we missing something?
    Hi Joseph, I see you already opened up a support ticket. Let's chat there.

  • I updated AfterEffects to 18.4
    KBar2 is no longer available.
    Will there be a corresponding update?
  • I also updated to AE 18.4 this morning and KBar2 no longer works for me either. Hope you can get an update out soon. Thanks. 

    I'm a Mac OS Big Sur user if that helps.
    .tb_button {padding:1px;cursor:pointer;border-right: 1px solid #8b8b8b;border-left: 1px solid #FFF;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;}.tb_button.hover {borer:2px outset #def; background-color: #f8f8f8 !important;}.ws_toolbar {z-index:100000} .ws_toolbar .ws_tb_btn {cursor:pointer;border:1px solid #555;padding:3px} .tb_highlight{background-color:yellow} .tb_hide {visibility:hidden} .ws_toolbar img {padding:2px;margin:0px}
  • After the update to AE 18.4 I get an Error in the KBar window:

    CSInterface.evalScript timed out

    Code Being Exectuted:

    typeof _kbar === 'undefined'
  • Same here, I updated today and KBar is a whole big black blank. When can we expect a solution?

  • Same here. Please help!!!
  • Same problem with 18.4. 
    Nothing is working.
  • Hi everyone, I am aware of break in 18.4. This is a known bug that only happens in the recent AE Beta. The issue is complicated and I am working on a bug fix for it. This will take a few days but I will update it as soon as possible.

    Thank you in advance for being patient.
  • Thanks Rafi

    I use KBar so much that I rolled back to an earlier ae Build. Please let us know when it's fixed, so I can run the newer AE.

    :) thanks

    KBar AE 18.4 .jpg
    571 x 741 - 37K
  • Thanks Rafi

    I use KBar so much that I rolled back to an earlier ae Build. Please let us know when it's fixed, so I can run the newer AE.

    :) thanks

    The same here..
    No life without kBar..
    And autor should also fix the bug when kBar sometimes do not load properly and you need to switch it off and on to load icons..

  • Not working in new AE 18.4
    2401 x 1357 - 94K
  • Hi, Kbar is not working with the last update of After effects (18.4.0 buil 41) I presume. I have reinstall it lastest version 2.0.6 but I have the error of the attached file.

    Can you help me please ?


    543 x 187 - 23K
  • Hi everyone. In case you missed my message earlier, I am aware of the issue in AE 18.4 and working on a fix. Thank you for being patient while I get it ready.
  • Where can i download an earlier version of KBar so at least i have something that works till the glitch is fixed?
  • Where can i download an earlier version of KBar so at least i have something that works till the glitch is fixed?
    The issue isn't with KBar. You'd have to downgrade AE.
  • just a friendly shoutout to the author for making a tool we all seem to need and love. thanks for your contribution to our lives.
  • SPI GOT said:
    just a friendly shoutout to the author for making a tool we all seem to need and love. thanks for your contribution to our lives.
    +1, thank you Rafi!
  • Hi, love the script. Could you please update to be compatible with 18.4 ASAP. I'm suffocating without it.
    Love X Peace 
  • Hi, love the script. Could you please update to be compatible with 18.4 ASAP. I'm suffocating without it.
    Love X Peace 
    I'm working on it! will have it out soon.
  • Just want to say thank you a lot for the really fast fix.
  • Just want to say thank you a lot for the really fast fix.
    I second that!! Excellent care for the users!
  • Just want to say thank you a lot for the really fast fix.
    I second that!! Excellent care for the users!
    I third it, you're the best @RafiKhan
  • Thanks for the quick feedback, and congratulations on the tool @RafiKhan

    We keep waiting.
  • Hi everyone. The latest version of KBar, 2.0.7, works in 18.4 and also works in the AE Beta. Thanks for being patient. Enjoy!
  • You're the man!   Thanks bro!!!
  • I am still unable to use KBar (2.0.7) with 18.4,  so sadly back to 18.2.1...because I'm unable to function without KBar
  • KBar still has some issues in 18.4. Sometimes it loads correctly but most of the time it does not and the
    Main: Logger tells this may be caused because of being behind a firewall. I never had this in previous versions of Ae.
    I also rolled back to Ae 18.2.1 KBar is running smoothly there!
  • KBar still has some issues in 18.4. Sometimes it loads correctly but most of the time it does not and the
    Main: Logger tells this may be caused because of being behind a firewall. I never had this in previous versions of Ae.
    I also rolled back to Ae 18.2.1 KBar is running smoothly there!
    Same here. 
  • I cant get rid of the firewall message now. Even changed back to previous AE versions...