I always wanted to buy Kbar because it's the core of my workflow and I absolutely love this plugin but when I see that the Ae 2020 issues are still not fixed, I'm happy that I didn't buy it AND WILL NEVER DO. Thanks Rafi Khan I'm gonna spend my bucks on a more supported plugin
Hi everyone, there's a known issue with KBar if you upgraded from the previous button. The UI stops working. If you hit this please open a support ticket and email me your toolbar file so I can patch it for you. I'm still figuring out what's causing this but haven't isolated it yet. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks.
Hi, I wanted to know if there is a way to create macro actions in KBar. Things like a button that creates a solid and then applying an effect of it (like Element 3D for example) in one click.
Hi Motti, this requires you to create a scriptlet to do everything you want. You'd need to find someone more versed in AE scripting to build it but it's definitely possible.
I always wanted to buy Kbar because it's the core of my workflow and I absolutely love this plugin but when I see that the Ae 2020 issues are still not fixed, I'm happy that I didn't buy it AND WILL NEVER DO. Thanks Rafi Khan I'm gonna spend my bucks on a more supported plugin
Hey Will, I build and support KBar in my personal time. I don't get rich off of it. In fact I've lost a bunch of money relative to the time I put in. Regardless, I do it b/c the community don't have people building things for them and folks usually appreciates it when someone does. I charge for it to offset some of my losses and keep improving it.
Not sure if you ever even tried KBar or what your bar is on tools if you have a specific issue or constructive feedback to offer, please open a support ticket and I'll see what I can do.
I would like to ask you how to avoid launching scripts by KBar in undocked state. I would like them to be nicely parked as they are when I launch them using ordinary way (Window > scrpitName.jsx)
Thank you in advance (and thank you for this piece of magic as well!)
for quite some time I was able to use kbar in vertical mode but since a few month it doesn't really work in that mode. Do I overlook something here?
Sprache erkennenAfrikaansAlbanischAmharischArabischArmenischAserbaidschanischBaskischBengalischBirmanischBosnischBulgarischCebuanoChichewaChinesisch tradChinesisch verDänischDeutschEnglischEsperantoEstnischFilipinoFinnischFranzösischFriesischGalizischGeorgischGriechischGujaratiHaitianischHausaHawaiischHebräischHindiHmongIgboIndonesischIrischIsländischItalienischJapanischJavanesischJiddischKannadaKasachischKatalanischKhmerKirgisischKoreanischKorsischKroatischKurdischLaoLateinishLettischLitauischLuxemburgischMalagasyMalayalamMalaysischMaltesischMaoriMarathiMazedonischMongolischNepalesischNiederländischNorwegischPaschtuPersischPolnischPortugiesischPunjabiRumänischRussischSamoanischSchottisch-GälischSchwedischSerbischSesothoShonaSindhiSinghalesischSlowakischSlowenischSomaliSpanischSuaheliSundanesischTadschikischTamilTeluguThailändischTschechischTürkischUkrainischUngarischUrduUzbekischVietnamesischWalisischWeißrussischXhosaYorubaZulu
Does anyone else have problem deleting the individual button? in settings where you add buttons and toolbar. I can delete the whole toolbar but when I try to delete a individual button it doesn't work.
I would like to ask you how to avoid launching scripts by KBar in undocked state. I would like them to be nicely parked as they are when I launch them using ordinary way (Window > scrpitName.jsx)
Thank you in advance (and thank you for this piece of magic as well!)
Unfortunately I have no control over this. The windowing behavior is managed by AE directly
for quite some time I was able to use kbar in vertical mode but since a few month it doesn't really work in that mode. Do I overlook something here?
Sprache erkennenAfrikaansAlbanischAmharischArabischArmenischAserbaidschanischBaskischBengalischBirmanischBosnischBulgarischCebuanoChichewaChinesisch tradChinesisch verDänischDeutschEnglischEsperantoEstnischFilipinoFinnischFranzösischFriesischGalizischGeorgischGriechischGujaratiHaitianischHausaHawaiischHebräischHindiHmongIgboIndonesischIrischIsländischItalienischJapanischJavanesischJiddischKannadaKasachischKatalanischKhmerKirgisischKoreanischKorsischKroatischKurdischLaoLateinishLettischLitauischLuxemburgischMalagasyMalayalamMalaysischMaltesischMaoriMarathiMazedonischMongolischNepalesischNiederländischNorwegischPaschtuPersischPolnischPortugiesischPunjabiRumänischRussischSamoanischSchottisch-GälischSchwedischSerbischSesothoShonaSindhiSinghalesischSlowakischSlowenischSomaliSpanischSuaheliSundanesischTadschikischTamilTeluguThailändischTschechischTürkischUkrainischUngarischUrduUzbekischVietnamesischWalisischWeißrussischXhosaYorubaZulu
Does anyone else have problem deleting the individual button? in settings where you add buttons and toolbar. I can delete the whole toolbar but when I try to delete a individual button it doesn't work.
Can you open a support ticket and send me a video of what you're seeing?
Will it ever be possible to have the ability to set keyboard shortcuts to select buttons? I have the Elgato Stream Deck and I was really hoping I could use this a tool to open plugins and extensions with the Stream Deck.
Will it ever be possible to have the ability to set keyboard shortcuts to select buttons? I have the Elgato Stream Deck and I was really hoping I could use this a tool to open plugins and extensions with the Stream Deck.
Will it ever be possible to have the ability to set keyboard shortcuts to select buttons? I have the Elgato Stream Deck and I was really hoping I could use this a tool to open plugins and extensions with the Stream Deck.
Will it ever be possible to have the ability to set keyboard shortcuts to select buttons? I have the Elgato Stream Deck and I was really hoping I could use this a tool to open plugins and extensions with the Stream Deck.
I've downloaded kbar and worked for a while with it. Now, after some updates on After Effects (2020) I install kbar and get the following popup error:
KBarServer: Could not start server
Unable to load JSX File.
File or Folder does not exist "/Library/ApplicationSupport/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/jsx/all.jsx"
Do you have a solution to my problem? Can't use kBar due to this issue.
When opening Kbar1 on Windows/extensions I got the following error:
Logger: main
Unable to load JSX File. File or folder does not exist "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/jsx/all.jsx"
Error: Unable to load JSX File.
File or folder does not exist
"/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/jsx/all.jsx"
at t.<anonymous> (file:///Library/Application%20Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/static/js/main.js:1:17392)
at o (file:///Library/Application%20Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/static/js/main.js:1:14185)
at Object.next (file:///Library/Application%20Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/static/js/main.js:1:13489)
at a (file:///Library/Application%20Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/static/js/main.js:1:13231)
at <anonymous>
Is there any chance you could add the ability to have dropdown lists from an icon? Basically I'd love to create a kbar which is essentially a reflection of all my scripts in the script ui list, but categorised under different buttons in the kbar since you can't use sub-folders in the script ui panel. Then when you click one of the buttons a dropdown list would appear with the list of scripts related to that category.
Is there any chance you could add the ability to have dropdown lists from an icon? Basically I'd love to create a kbar which is essentially a reflection of all my scripts in the script ui list, but categorised under different buttons in the kbar since you can't use sub-folders in the script ui panel. Then when you click one of the buttons a dropdown list would appear with the list of scripts related to that category.
Also.. Perhaps a simple way of implementing an alternative to that would be to add an option to create a button that switches to a select kbar setup? That way you can set up different bars for 'Character Animation Scripts', 'Workflow Scripts' etc... and then easily switch between those scripts using buttons within the kbar itself.
Is there any chance you could add the ability to have dropdown lists from an icon? Basically I'd love to create a kbar which is essentially a reflection of all my scripts in the script ui list, but categorised under different buttons in the kbar since you can't use sub-folders in the script ui panel. Then when you click one of the buttons a dropdown list would appear with the list of scripts related to that category.
Also.. Perhaps a simple way of implementing an alternative to that would be to add an option to create a button that switches to a select kbar setup? That way you can set up different bars for 'Character Animation Scripts', 'Workflow Scripts' etc... and then easily switch between those scripts using buttons within the kbar itself.
Hi Saxon, you can sort of do this with keyboard modifiers. When you press Shift, Cmmd/Ctrl or Alt you can make KBar show a completely different set of commands. It's not the same as a drop down but it lets you switch between grouped commands more easily.
Will it ever be possible to have the ability to set keyboard shortcuts to select buttons? I have the Elgato Stream Deck and I was really hoping I could use this a tool to open plugins and extensions with the Stream Deck.
Hey Ryan, I don't quite understand your request. Can you explain this in more detail?
KBar crashes AE whenever I try to close one of the KBar windows...any known bugs for this? Working in 2019. Can't upgrade to 2020 due to studio policy yet.
KBar crashes AE whenever I try to close one of the KBar windows...any known bugs for this? Working in 2019. Can't upgrade to 2020 due to studio policy yet.
I used After Effects in french and wasn't be able to see the "Teinte" effect when I typed it in the effect search bar. So I turned AE in english to see if it would be better with "Tint".... But nothing. I don't see "Tint" appear in the search tool box.
When I type "Tint", KBar propose : uni.Picture in Picture / uni.Soft Gradient Picture / uni. Spectralicious Transition / Optics Compensation / Motion Tile...
Nothing with the word "Tint" in it. Is there a issue with the search tool ? Is there another way to ass an effect to the bar ?
Hi! I'm trying to run a script called Hose Maker but am unable to run it. The recommend FT-Toolbar, which has been discontinued and redirected to KBar. I'm unable to run Hose Maker on KBar trial mode but would like to know if anyone has already done this before I purchase it.
Hello ! I always have a problem with Kbar, instead of the bar I have a Logger toolbar, which is like a Fly out menu, so I constantly have to close and reboot Kbar, sometimes up to three times to get a functionnal bar. Exactly like Fernando Colares in the comments. Do you have a solution please ?
Hi - I have this same problem with AE CC 2020. If I select a button for a script or extension I added, click on the pencil icon to the right, and then choose 'Delete' and 'OK' -I see a little animation play across the OK button, but the information box does not close and the button is not deleted. Eventually I have to hit 'Cancel' to close the box.
Does anyone else have problem deleting the individual button? in settings where you add buttons and toolbar. I can delete the whole toolbar but when I try to delete a individual button it doesn't work.
Can you open a support ticket and send me a video of what you're seeing?
Hi - have a great custom toolset that I've built and saved as my default set. I would like to 'import/load' another set of buttons from the Motion Design School guys - the load file being 'kbar_MDS_exprlist_ENG'.
When I import load that all of my regular toolset is replaced - is there no way to merge or load a subsequent toolset AND retain your current one????
Do you have any requirements for PNG Icons ? I used a few of them of different sizes and they all are blurred. I also tried to change the scale in the settings and that didn't help. Any suggestions ?
Hello...I am trying to create a shortcut for Layer New Text, but I get no result when I do this. I've also tried using what may or may not be the current Command ID, but no response there either so that may be wrong. Finally, is it possible to use Kbar to execute keyboard shortcuts? I am otherwise very happy with this purchase. Thanks!
Hello! First off Kbar is absolutely essential to my workflow now. I just started using the toolbars and I was wondering if there was a way to add a kbar button or a keyboard shortcut to quickly switch between toolbars. Thanks!
Now, after some updates on After Effects (2020) I install kbar and get the following popup error:
Unable to load JSX File.
Do you have a solution to my problem? Can't use kBar due to this issue.
Logger: main
Unable to load JSX File. File or folder does not exist "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/kbar/jsx/all.jsx"
Please open a support ticket for assistance: https://aescripts.com/contact/
I have a license for 1 but accidentally installed 2.
Thanks a lot
► project cleaner
So I turned AE in english to see if it would be better with "Tint".... But nothing. I don't see "Tint" appear in the search tool box.
I'm trying to run a script called Hose Maker but am unable to run it. The recommend FT-Toolbar, which has been discontinued and redirected to KBar.
I'm unable to run Hose Maker on KBar trial mode but would like to know if anyone has already done this before I purchase it.
Thanks in advance!
When I import load that all of my regular toolset is replaced - is there no way to merge or load a subsequent toolset AND retain your current one????
Please open a support ticket for assistance https://aescripts.com/contact/?direct=1
Product page has the updated link: https://bitbucket.org/kraftyfx/kbar/issues/105/let-consuming-scripts-know-if-and-how-they
Unable to load JSX File.
Do you have a solution to my problem? Can't use kBar due to this issue.
Clean memory works fine, but not empty disk cache
Any help guys?