Hi, author of KBar here. I didn't know expressions had a performance problem. Can you open a support ticket with me so I can better understand the problem? Thanks!
Hi, author of KBar here. I didn't know expressions had a performance problem. Can you open a support ticket with me so I can better understand the problem? Thanks!
Actually, I reported it and you said you were working on that for the next release. Please go check the ticket # 1038272
Hi, author of KBar here. I didn't know expressions had a performance problem. Can you open a support ticket with me so I can better understand the problem? Thanks!
Actually, I reported it and you said you were working on that for the next release. Please go check the ticket # 1038272
Thanks Rafi!
Hi Saul,Thanks for the reminder. please use the trial version and let me know if it's working as you expect.
I bought and can not install, an error occurs: "The exctention cannot be installed at the moment. Please install a compatible CC application and try again". I have installed AE 2019, the installation path is standard.
Love KBar - am currently working out best uses, and the multiple toolbars etc. I'm making some icons but havig trouble with one aspect - I seem to be unable to find Tao in the list. It's installed fine and I can apply it manually but when I search in the dropdown list 5 other effects appear instead. Hooe you can help!
I'm using the trail version to see if it works for me. Does the trail version only support one kbar because as soon as I open another one and try to add entries to the list, all other kbars change as well so all 4 show the same entries
I'm using the trail version to see if it works for me. Does the trail version only support one kbar because as soon as I open another one and try to add entries to the list, all other kbars change as well so all 4 show the same entries
You need to create multiple toolbars in the config screen then right click each panel and set it to a different one.
I'm using the trail version to see if it works for me. Does the trail version only support one kbar because as soon as I open another one and try to add entries to the list, all other kbars change as well so all 4 show the same entries
You need to create multiple toolbars in the config screen then right click each panel and set it to a different one.
Sorry but I'm still not able to get it work. Can you maybe post a screenshot ot shot video. What config screen do you mean?
Thanks for your help
Sprache erkennenAfrikaansAlbanischAmharischArabischArmenischAserbaidschanischBaskischBengalischBirmanischBosnischBulgarischCebuanoChichewaChinesisch tradChinesisch verDänischDeutschEnglischEsperantoEstnischFilipinoFinnischFranzösischFriesischGalizischGeorgischGriechischGujaratiHaitianischHausaHawaiischHebräischHindiHmongIgboIndonesischIrischIsländischItalienischJapanischJavanesischJiddischKannadaKasachischKatalanischKhmerKirgisischKoreanischKorsischKroatischKurdischLaoLateinishLettischLitauischLuxemburgischMalagasyMalayalamMalaysischMaltesischMaoriMarathiMazedonischMongolischNepalesischNiederländischNorwegischPaschtuPersischPolnischPortugiesischPunjabiRumänischRussischSamoanischSchottisch-GälischSchwedischSerbischSesothoShonaSindhiSinghalesischSlowakischSlowenischSomaliSpanischSuaheliSundanesischTadschikischTamilTeluguThailändischTschechischTürkischUkrainischUngarischUrduUzbekischVietnamesischWalisischWeißrussischXhosaYorubaZulu
I still wasn't able to get multiple K-Bars to work :-(
Is there a tutorial written or video for that?
You open another instance of kbar under Window/Extensions and then on the panel options (3 vertical lines) you can switch which toolbar it should display. They are listed on the bottom of the dropdown menu. You also need to create another one in the kbar settings first.
I still wasn't able to get multiple K-Bars to work :-(
Is there a tutorial written or video for that?
You open another instance of kbar under Window/Extensions and then on the panel options (3 vertical lines) you can switch which toolbar it should display. They are listed on the bottom of the dropdown menu. You also need to create another one in the kbar settings first.
Thanks now I got it :-)
Sprache erkennenAfrikaansAlbanischAmharischArabischArmenischAserbaidschanischBaskischBengalischBirmanischBosnischBulgarischCebuanoChichewaChinesisch tradChinesisch verDänischDeutschEnglischEsperantoEstnischFilipinoFinnischFranzösischFriesischGalizischGeorgischGriechischGujaratiHaitianischHausaHawaiischHebräischHindiHmongIgboIndonesischIrischIsländischItalienischJapanischJavanesischJiddischKannadaKasachischKatalanischKhmerKirgisischKoreanischKorsischKroatischKurdischLaoLateinishLettischLitauischLuxemburgischMalagasyMalayalamMalaysischMaltesischMaoriMarathiMazedonischMongolischNepalesischNiederländischNorwegischPaschtuPersischPolnischPortugiesischPunjabiRumänischRussischSamoanischSchottisch-GälischSchwedischSerbischSesothoShonaSindhiSinghalesischSlowakischSlowenischSomaliSpanischSuaheliSundanesischTadschikischTamilTeluguThailändischTschechischTürkischUkrainischUngarischUrduUzbekischVietnamesischWalisischWeißrussischXhosaYorubaZulu
does anybody know how i can define a relative path (instead of absolute) for my kbar scripts? i launch scripts with kbar that i share between my home and work computer which are saved to my dropbox and i'd love to easily synchronize the two. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks
Can you install someone additional KBARs to our existing ones. For instance if a friend gave me his backed up KBAR settings can I load them into my KBAR settings without it overwriting my own existing KBARs?
Can you install someone additional KBARs to our existing ones. For instance if a friend gave me his backed up KBAR settings can I load them into my KBAR settings without it overwriting my own existing KBARs?
Would really love to have unlimited K-bars, rather than the restricted amount of 4-windows. Also would love to have the ability to name those bars so that we can separate them by subjects (ie. animation, rendering, workflow, etc.).
I apologize if this is a silly question... but is there a way to open up scripts in such a way that they can still be dockable? Are there parameters I can pass to it so it opens dockable or is that only possible by opening a script via the window dropdown?
Great script! Just wish the option to open scripts as dockable was also possible.
Hi there! Now that we have support for multiple bars, I'd love to be able to rename them so I can keep them collapsed to save screen space. Also seconding the request to be able to share configurations. It would be awesome for everyone on my team to have access to the same toolset for consistency.
Hello it's me again. I'm not trying to be disparaging but the script is basically unusable for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong with how I'm creating my Kbars. I'm working on a fairly typical motion graphics piece; nothing fancy. Not sure what's going on but would like a refund if this doesnt get sorted out.
Hey I can't seem to be able to get kbar to work on the latest version of AE. It install and displays fine, but I can't add, delete or move any of the buttons within the settings. When I hit delete it'll refresh the UI and the button re-appears.
Hey guys. Any chance of implementing oblong text buttons that hold more than 8 characters?? Would be great if these oblong text buttons wrapped either vertically or horizontally as you resized the tab. It's only right.
Hey I can't seem to be able to get kbar to work on the latest version of AE. It install and displays fine, but I can't add, delete or move any of the buttons within the settings. When I hit delete it'll refresh the UI and the button re-appears.
Hi, I wanted to know if there is a way to create macro actions in KBar. Things like a button that creates a solid and then applying an effect of it (like Element 3D for example) in one click.
hi there @Rafi Khan, I'm on 2017 AE 14.0 and tried to install 2.0.2 zxp file but it states "no compabile applications found on your system" ---> ignored an clicked "install"
leads to:
The extension cannot be installed at the moment.
Please install a compatible application and try again
We installed KBAR 2 on AE 15.1.2. But everytime we try to add a button > Apply Effect .. an Error message appears.
KBar Integration API
If you're an author and want your scripts to be more powerful, Integration guide for script/extension authors . <-- Is this link is dead?Things like a button that creates a solid and then applying an effect of it (like Element 3D for example) in one click.