• I am still unable to use KBar (2.0.7) with 18.4,  so sadly back to 18.2.1...because I'm unable to function without KBar
    Hi Alejandro, can you please open a support ticket with details and a screenshot of what you are experiencing?
  • KBar still has some issues in 18.4. Sometimes it loads correctly but most of the time it does not and the
    Main: Logger tells this may be caused because of being behind a firewall. I never had this in previous versions of Ae.
    I also rolled back to Ae 18.2.1 KBar is running smoothly there!
    Hi Alejandro, can you please open a support ticket with details and a screenshot of what you are experiencing?
  • KBar still has some issues in 18.4. Sometimes it loads correctly but most of the time it does not and the
    Main: Logger tells this may be caused because of being behind a firewall. I never had this in previous versions of Ae.
    I also rolled back to Ae 18.2.1 KBar is running smoothly there!
    Same here. 
    Hi Huw, can you please open a support ticket with details and a screenshot of what you are experiencing?
  • I cant get rid of the firewall message now. Even changed back to previous AE versions...
    Hi TM, can you please open a support ticket with details and a screenshot of what you are experiencing?
  • 最新版本还是显示:

    The toolbar could not be loaded. This is usually caused by a firewall. 

  • Hi, I try to edit buttons in setting but I can't delete or move any buttons, my work around is to edit code of setting's .json file manually. Any suggestion for this issue? Thanks.
  • Hi, I try to edit buttons in setting but I can't delete or move any buttons, my work around is to edit code of setting's .json file manually. Any suggestion for this issue? Thanks.
    Please open a support ticket with a copy of your toolbar file
  • wang run said:

    The toolbar could not be loaded. This is usually caused by a firewall. 

    Please wait for an update

  • KBar is not showing up in CC2021!
    When licensed it's just black if in trial-mode it's just white.

    Any news on the Update..?


  • KBar is not showing up in CC2021!
    When licensed it's just black if in trial-mode it's just white.

    Any news on the Update..?

    Lasse, it looks like you're on a very very old version of KBar. It doesn't work in the latest AE anymore. You'll need to purchase 2.0.7
  • Thank you for fixing the firewall issue! Loving KBar, my most used extension!
  • Hi,

    The ZXP installer cant open this version of Kbar..I have tried my previous and latest versions of the ZXP installer...please help...
  • Hi,

    The ZXP installer cant open this version of Kbar..I have tried my previous and latest versions of the ZXP installer...please help...
    Please open a support ticket.
  • AE启动时,Kbar2加载太慢了,导致AE无法操作
  • URL: http://localhost:5029/static/toolbar.html
  • Kbar cannot connect to the server. Connects once. It sometimes opens perfectly, but basically, it is always necessary to overload it in the  After Effects - VERY UNCOMFORTABLE and infuriates!
  • Kbar cannot connect to the server. Connects once. It sometimes opens perfectly, but basically, it is always necessary to overload it in the  After Effects - VERY UNCOMFORTABLE and infuriates!
    The same thing it happens to me. 
  • Kbar cannot connect to the server. Connects once. It sometimes opens perfectly, but basically, it is always necessary to overload it in the  After Effects - VERY UNCOMFORTABLE and infuriates!
    The same happens to me too. Is there a solution?
  • URL: http://localhost:5029/static/toolbar.html
    This is caused by a firewall. You need to open this port to use KBar.
  • Kbar cannot connect to the server. Connects once. It sometimes opens perfectly, but basically, it is always necessary to overload it in the  After Effects - VERY UNCOMFORTABLE and infuriates!

    Kbar cannot connect to the server. Connects once. It sometimes opens perfectly, but basically, it is always necessary to overload it in the  After Effects - VERY UNCOMFORTABLE and infuriates!
    The same thing it happens to me. 

    Kbar cannot connect to the server. Connects once. It sometimes opens perfectly, but basically, it is always necessary to overload it in the  After Effects - VERY UNCOMFORTABLE and infuriates!
    The same happens to me too. Is there a solution?
    Hi, I'm sorry you're experiencing these issues. Unfortunately AE 18.4+ introduced a lot of changes that broke or slowed down KBar. The only way to fix it is to rebuild KBar. I'm currently doing that and plan to release KBar 3.0 in the future but it will take a while.

    Until then customers have mentioned these things help:
    • Use an older version of AE (anything before 18.4).
    • Reboot your computer.
    • Close all other scripts/extensions and restart AE.
    • Start AE without a project.
    • Upgrade your computer.

  • Is there a fix for Kbar appearing all black yet please?
  • Any idea why i cannot invoke menu item for "freeze on last frame" ? 
    Anyone else struggle with this? 
  • If I hvae Kbar 1, is there a discount? 
  • When to update the 2022 version
  • Doesn't seem to load with the new AE 2022. Any idea when an update will be available? 
  • Is there a fix for Kbar appearing all black yet please?

    Doesn't seem to load with the new AE 2022. Any idea when an update will be available? 

    pipi Wang said:
    When to update the 2022 version

    As I mentioned in some earlier posts. People with older machines and lots of scripts/plugins running AE 2022 are hitting this issue. The only workarounds are listed below. KBar 3.0 will try to make this better but is still a ways out and will be a paid upgrade.

    • Use an older version of AE (anything before 18.4).
    • Reboot your computer.
    • Close all other scripts/extensions and restart AE.
    • Start AE without a project.
    • Upgrade your computer.
  • Build fun, sleek, customizable toolbars with a slick and easy UI. For Adobe After Effects CC 2017 and above.

    No it's not


    • Use an older version of AE (anything before 18.4).
    • Reboot your computer.
    • Close all other scripts/extensions and restart AE.
    • Start AE without a project.
    • Upgrade your computer.
  • Yeah, what kind of answer is that? 

    I have a pretty recent computer, AMD Threadripper, TRX40 Creator, and 2080 TI GPUs and K-Bar does not load with the new Ae version. I tried all the fixes, no luck. So you're telling me I should upgrade my computer? I mean... Can you please work on a fix?

    Thank you.

  • Yeah, what kind of answer is that? 

    I have a pretty recent computer, AMD Threadripper, TRX40 Creator, and 2080 TI GPUs and K-Bar does not load with the new Ae version. I tried all the fixes, no luck. So you're telling me I should upgrade my computer? I mean... Can you please work on a fix?

    Thank you.

    I want to assure you and everyone else that I'm well aware about the recent issues in 18.4+ and working on it. Unfortunately it's going to take a while.

    KBar has a LOT of complicated internals and the recent changes After Effects broke them badly. Tweaking these internals might fix it for you but can easily break it for a lot of other people. 

    I'm currently rewriting all of KBar to make it work better in 18.4 and also adding new features people have asked for but as you might imagine it's a major project. I've been chipping away at it for over a year and it still has a ways to go.

    Thank you for being patient.

  • I thought that it would never work in the new AE 2022 as it would never load, but I found that if I reinstalled KBAR (sometimes requiring several times) AE finally recognized it and my prior KBAR interface opened and worked fine. There are stil some moments where it will not load and reopening AE a few times will kick it back into gear. I'm hoping for a more stable version, but I can confirm that I did get it working for the most part in the latest AE 22.0.1
  • I understand that After Effects changes can affect plugins but I've got to say I'm not happy that I bought this plugin in October, with no idea about the stability issue, and can barely use it now. Reading through the comments this seems to have been a known issue and yet the plugin is still being sold to people. Why is this still in the store if you know that it's broken in After Effects? Why isn't there a warning on the page? At this point I have no choice but to try and get a refund from aescripts because I paid $50 (Canadian) for something that is acknowledged to be broken in After Effects. This isn't a hobby for you if you're selling a product to people who use it professionally. Saying you've been plugging away at it for over a year and there's still a long way to go to fix it, and it's a paid upgrade to get the fix, is pretty crazy. I get that you're one guy but so are a lot of us and we spend our money carefully when it comes to this stuff. I've contacted aescripts for a refund or even a credit.
    Hi Sean, I saw your request for a refund and am having it processed now.

    As to your comments -- I don't treat KBar as a hobby and I build it at the best quality that I can but at the same time it only covers gas and beer. I built it 5-6 years ago to fill a void when ft-Toolbar was no longer supported. My goal was to offer the broader AE community a similar tool that was easier to use. I've put ~2000 hours of my nights and weekends into this over the years and charge to get something in return for all that work. The money isn't worth it but I keep chipping away at it because it makes motion designers lives easier. It was fine up until 18.4 and it broke horrifically. 

    Hopefully the approach seems less crazy now and you'll give KBar 3.0 a shot once it's ready.

  • I thought that it would never work in the new AE 2022 as it would never load, but I found that if I reinstalled KBAR (sometimes requiring several times) AE finally recognized it and my prior KBAR interface opened and worked fine. There are stil some moments where it will not load and reopening AE a few times will kick it back into gear. I'm hoping for a more stable version, but I can confirm that I did get it working for the most part in the latest AE 22.0.1
    Thanks for sharing Justin!
  • Rafi Khan said:
    I understand that After Effects changes can affect plugins but I've got to say I'm not happy that I bought this plugin in October, with no idea about the stability issue, and can barely use it now. Reading through the comments this seems to have been a known issue and yet the plugin is still being sold to people. Why is this still in the store if you know that it's broken in After Effects? Why isn't there a warning on the page? At this point I have no choice but to try and get a refund from aescripts because I paid $50 (Canadian) for something that is acknowledged to be broken in After Effects. This isn't a hobby for you if you're selling a product to people who use it professionally. Saying you've been plugging away at it for over a year and there's still a long way to go to fix it, and it's a paid upgrade to get the fix, is pretty crazy. I get that you're one guy but so are a lot of us and we spend our money carefully when it comes to this stuff. I've contacted aescripts for a refund or even a credit.
    Hi Sean, I saw your request for a refund and am having it processed now.

    As to your comments -- I don't treat KBar as a hobby and I build it at the best quality that I can but at the same time it only covers gas and beer. I built it 5-6 years ago to fill a void when ft-Toolbar was no longer supported. My goal was to offer the broader AE community a similar tool that was easier to use. I've put ~2000 hours of my nights and weekends into this over the years and charge to get something in return for all that work. The money isn't worth it but I keep chipping away at it because it makes motion designers lives easier. It was fine up until 18.4 and it broke horrifically. 

    Hopefully the approach seems less crazy now and you'll give KBar 3.0 a shot once it's ready.
    Sorry if that didn't come off properly. All I meant to say is that if something is being sold to people as a professional tool to use then, regardless of how much it's being sold for or how much time it takes to make it right, there's a responsibility to treat it as a full-time concern. I think the term "chipping away at it" implied that you're addressing it once in a while which makes customers think that it isn't a major concern. That could be completely wrong, it's just the way it sounded which is why I responded the way I did. I know there's no easy way to do it when you're a one-man team. I'm sure the work is huge but, unfortunately, a lot of us have finite budgets to buy plugins and we need to make sure that whatever we're spending our money on is a reliable investment (which is why I asked for the refund). To be clear, I love Kbar 2. I think it's invaluable to users which is why I'll definitely buy V3 once it's ready. I'm also more than happy to be a beta tester along the way if you need one.
  • Rafi Khan said:
    I understand that After Effects changes can affect plugins but I've got to say I'm not happy that I bought this plugin in October, with no idea about the stability issue, and can barely use it now. Reading through the comments this seems to have been a known issue and yet the plugin is still being sold to people. Why is this still in the store if you know that it's broken in After Effects? Why isn't there a warning on the page? At this point I have no choice but to try and get a refund from aescripts because I paid $50 (Canadian) for something that is acknowledged to be broken in After Effects. This isn't a hobby for you if you're selling a product to people who use it professionally. Saying you've been plugging away at it for over a year and there's still a long way to go to fix it, and it's a paid upgrade to get the fix, is pretty crazy. I get that you're one guy but so are a lot of us and we spend our money carefully when it comes to this stuff. I've contacted aescripts for a refund or even a credit.
    Hi Sean, I saw your request for a refund and am having it processed now.

    As to your comments -- I don't treat KBar as a hobby and I build it at the best quality that I can but at the same time it only covers gas and beer. I built it 5-6 years ago to fill a void when ft-Toolbar was no longer supported. My goal was to offer the broader AE community a similar tool that was easier to use. I've put ~2000 hours of my nights and weekends into this over the years and charge to get something in return for all that work. The money isn't worth it but I keep chipping away at it because it makes motion designers lives easier. It was fine up until 18.4 and it broke horrifically. 

    Hopefully the approach seems less crazy now and you'll give KBar 3.0 a shot once it's ready.
    Sorry if that didn't come off properly. All I meant to say is that if something is being sold to people as a professional tool to use then, regardless of how much it's being sold for or how much time it takes to make it right, there's a responsibility to treat it as a full-time concern. I think the term "chipping away at it" implied that you're addressing it once in a while which makes customers think that it isn't a major concern. That could be completely wrong, it's just the way it sounded which is why I responded the way I did. I know there's no easy way to do it when you're a one-man team. I'm sure the work is huge but, unfortunately, a lot of us have finite budgets to buy plugins and we need to make sure that whatever we're spending our money on is a reliable investment (which is why I asked for the refund). To be clear, I love Kbar 2. I think it's invaluable to users which is why I'll definitely buy V3 once it's ready. I'm also more than happy to be a beta tester along the way if you need one.
    Thanks for clarifying Sean. I understand your sentiment now. I can see how "chipping away at it" might make this seem less urgent/important than it actually is. It's quite the opposite. As you acknowledged I'm one person, it's a huge project, and any day of work I put into feels like I've moved an inch but I keep going at it.

    Anyway... I'm not too far from a very rough Beta and would love to line up beta testers. Please open a support ticket and send me your email address.
  • KBar 2 is working just fine on my Mac and my PC on AE 2022. Maybe some users are having extension conflicts...?

  • Any update on when Kbar3 or 2 will be available and supported on AE2022? I was hoping to buy kbar this cyber week. LMK!
  • If I buy kbar 2 this cyber week, do I still need to pay to upgrade to kbar 3.0 when it's ready?
  • Any update on when Kbar3 or 2 will be available and supported on AE2022? I was hoping to buy kbar this cyber week. LMK!
    It's a long ways out. You're better off buying it now.
  • Hi, very interested in getting this for my teams and have hopefully a simple question:
    Does Kbar2 have the ability to mimic AE
    Align Panel functions? As many of my editors use alignment constantly and would like to know if Kbar2 can create keyboard shortcuts for the main Align Top/Bottom...etc.
  • If I buy kbar 2 this cyber week, do I still need to pay to upgrade to kbar 3.0 when it's ready?
    KBar3 will be available at a discount for existing customers. If KBar3 is released within a month or two of your purchase it will be free. I have no release date for KBar3 but it will be a while.
  • Hi, very interested in getting this for my teams and have hopefully a simple question:
    Does Kbar2 have the ability to mimic AE
    Align Panel functions? As many of my editors use alignment constantly and would like to know if Kbar2 can create keyboard shortcuts for the main Align Top/Bottom...etc.
    Align Panel - KBar doesn't conveniently offer this functionality. This can be accomplished with a scriptlet but you would need to write that code yourself.

    Keyboard Shortcuts - KBar supports Keyboard modifiers but not shortcuts. This means you can make a button do different things if you press shift, alt, command/control or combine them. Many people ask about shortcuts this but it is not possible due to restrictions in AE. I desperately wish I could add it. :(.
  • Hi, it's quite expensive to buy 2 licences for just 2 home computers..
    can the pluggin still work if i install it on my other computer and add the same licence number?

  • any news about kbar 3? 
  • Hi, it's quite expensive to buy 2 licences for just 2 home computers..
    can the pluggin still work if i install it on my other computer and add the same licence number?

    Please open a support ticket
  • why a support ticket? it's a comon question
  • Upgrade your computer! Are you kidding?
  • On the compatibility page it says it is compatible with After Effect 2022, but in fact it is not! This is wrong, and it can be considered misleading advertising!! I demand that this be corrected immediately! I bought the tool to use in my work and I can't, for lack of support!
  • six month old-
    HP Z4 G4
    i9 XE
    128 GB Ram
    running on a solid state drive

    And you right, i do run quite a lot of scripts/plugins, and mostly one is giving me troubles. guess which one... dosent work for me on ae 2020 and 2022
    UPGRADE ur script!!!
  • why a support ticket? it's a comon question
    I don't control the licensing aspect of KBar and don't know what the options are here. Only the marketplace support staff can answer this question.
  • Upgrade your computer! Are you kidding?

    six month old-
    HP Z4 G4
    i9 XE
    128 GB Ram
    running on a solid state drive

    And you right, i do run quite a lot of scripts/plugins, and mostly one is giving me troubles. guess which one... dosent work for me on ae 2020 and 2022
    UPGRADE ur script!!!

    A handful of customers are attempting to use KBar 2.0.8 on older slow machines and this was the cause of their issue. This would not be the case for the two of you. I would appreciate it if you could open a support ticket so I can diagnose the specific issue on your machines.