BeatEdit for DaVinci Resolve
  • Hi Mathias,

    I have a quick question. Do the colors of the marks indicate something specific, or are they randomly colored? Thanks.
  • Hi Mathias,

    I have a quick question. Do the colors of the marks indicate something specific, or are they randomly colored? Thanks.

    I wanted to express my gratitude for your help. After watching your YouTube video, everything makes sense now. I really appreciate your hard work and I wish you all the best.

    Also, I want to let you know that I have purchased the product we were discussing.

    Thank you again for your assistance.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Mohamed,

    great to hear that you could answer your question already with the help of the tutorials.

    Have fun with BeatEdit!  :-)

    Hi Mathias,

    I have a quick question. Do the colors of the marks indicate something specific, or are they randomly colored? Thanks.

    I wanted to express my gratitude for your help. After watching your YouTube video, everything makes sense now. I really appreciate your hard work and I wish you all the best.

    Also, I want to let you know that I have purchased the product we were discussing.

    Thank you again for your assistance.

    Best regards,

  • Hey Mathias,

    i wanted to start the Script but there is nothing happening.
    My Version is directly from Black Magic and is up to date.
    May u can help me?

    Best Regards
  • Hi Marcel,
    could you please open a support ticket here:
    If BeatEdit shows up in your menu, but no BeatEdit window appears, when you click on it please
    1. open the Console (in Resolve's menu Workspace->Console) and check if any error message show up there. Include a screenshot of the console in your ticket
    2. make sure you don''t use the verison of Resolve from the Mac OS app store (it sounds like you did this already)
    3. if you have multiple monitors, check if the window maybe shows up on another monitor or behind the main window.
    4. also mention which operating system you are using (the current version does not support Linux, yet, but we will publish an update with Linux support soon).
    5. if you have any antivirus software, check if it blocked some processes and if disabling it temporarily makes a difference.

    Hey Mathias,

    i wanted to start the Script but there is nothing happening.
    My Version is directly from Black Magic and is up to date.
    May u can help me?

    Best Regards

  • Downloaded the latest version, installed on latest DaVinci release, activated as trial just to test it.
    When it starts the "beat detection" just get suck there until it crashes DaVinci.

  • Hi Marco,
    please open a support ticket here
    and include as many details as possible (your OS version, DaVinci version, error messages you see,..).
    In particular interesting details:
    1) do you have any antivirus installed and does it work if you disable it temporarily (maybe it blocks the beat detector for some reason)
    2) if you open Resolve's console window, do you see any error messages there when you try to start the beat detector?
    3) do you use the DaVinci version from the Mac OS App store? (this  version does not support third party extensions like BeatEdit, unfortunately).
  • If there are updates to the plugin will those be included with the initial purchase? 
  • Hi Gerardo,

    minor version upgrades (which typically fix bugs or compatibility issues with new Davinci versions or operating systems) are free. But from time to time we may also release a new major version with substantial new featues and then we will also charge for it. However, we always have a very fair upgrade pricing in that case.

    We released BeatEdit for Premiere Pro V1 in 2015 and in 2019 we released V2. BeatEdit for Premiere Pro V2 costs $100, but the upgrade from V1 to V2 is only $20. Since the release of V2, we published 8 free minor version updates. In addition to bug and compatibility fixes they even contained new features like the quantization option.

    If there are updates to the plugin will those be included with the initial purchase? 

  • Would Beat Edit work on Davinci for the iPad?
  • Hi Hunter,

    BeatEdit is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux, but not with iOS, unfortunately. If you want us to support this in the future, please contact Black Magic Design with a feature request to add scripting support to Resolve for iPad. Only if they add that, we are able to develop BeatEdit for Resolve.

    Would Beat Edit work on Davinci for the iPad?

  • Hello, is it possible that clip markers stopped working after the latest update of DaVinci Resolve? It worked fine like week ago, than I remember I updated to the latest version (not the beta) and clip markers are not showing up. Other functions are working perfectly.
  • Hi Jakub,

    note that when you create clip markers, those markers won’t show up on clips which you already have in the timeline. You have to insert the clip in the timeline AFTER you created the clip markers. If you already had the music track in the timeline, just delete it and insert it in the timeline again to see the markers.

    Effectively, there are three kinds of markers in Resolve:
    A ) Timeline Markers 
    B ) Clip markers inside a clip in the media pool
    C ) Clip Markers on clip instances of a clip in a timeline

    What you want to create are markers of type C.
    However, scripts like BeatEdit cannot create markers of type C, unfortunately. Resolves scripting API has no function to create markers of type C, only for type A and B. 
    However, when a clip has markers (type B ), and you insert the clip into the timeline, then Resolve automatically adds markers (type C) on the clip instance in the timeline. Therefore, BeatEdit creates the markers of type B on the clip itself as a workaround. 
    It would make a lot of sense that if you create markers on a clip, that these markers would also show up on all instances of the clip in the timeline (i.e. for each new marker of type B also corresponding markers of type C would be created in the timeline). But for whatever reason, Resolve does not behave that way. Therefore, you always have to first create the markers and after that insert the clip in the timeline.

    If Resolve adds functions to the scripting API to create type C markers, we will definitely improve this behavior. Until then you have to live with the workaround, unfortunately.

    Hello, is it possible that clip markers stopped working after the latest update of DaVinci Resolve? It worked fine like week ago, than I remember I updated to the latest version (not the beta) and clip markers are not showing up. Other functions are working perfectly.

  • Hi.  Is there a possibility of porting this over to Davinci Resolve for the iPad?  IF so, how to install?
  • Hi Rahim,
    Resolve for the iPad does not support third party extensions, unfortunately. Please submit a feature request to Blackmagic Design to enable their scripting features on the iPad. The more people request it, the more likely they will add the scripting features such that we can port BeatEdit to the iPad, too.

    Hi.  Is there a possibility of porting this over to Davinci Resolve for the iPad?  IF so, how to install?

  • How do I do this on my MAC computer? Do you have a step by step for that. The only ones I’ve seen are on a PC
  • Hi Tarik,

    The easiest way to install BeatEdit is our Manager App:

    If you want to install it manually, installation for all platforms (Mac, Win, Linux) are explained in the "HOW TO INSTALL.pdf" which is included in the product download.

    Also, make sure you are NOT using the Resolve version, which is available on Apple's app store, since since version does not support third party tools like BeatEdit. Instead, use the version available at the website of BlackMagic Design.

    How do I do this on my MAC computer? Do you have a step by step for that. The only ones I’ve seen are on a PC

  • Hey guys... Love this tool and I really mean that... however I have a problem. Ever since I updated to 18.5 beta the tool no longer marks the right tempo, the markers are completely off tempo. I tried multiple songs and its the same outcome.. Can you guys please take a look at that.. This tool was saving me a lot of time of post work and I want it back lol!! 
  • Hi Miguel,

    could it be that your timeline has a different frame rate than the project?
    If so, please try to set the frame rate in the project settings to the same frame rate that your timeline has, before you create the markers.

    Resolve has a very annoying limitation in its scripting API - scripts like BeatEdit cannot figure out what frame rate a timeline has. Therefore, if it is not the same frame rate as the one of the project, the markers will be placed at the wrong frames.

    Hey guys... Love this tool and I really mean that... however I have a problem. Ever since I updated to 18.5 beta the tool no longer marks the right tempo, the markers are completely off tempo. I tried multiple songs and its the same outcome.. Can you guys please take a look at that.. This tool was saving me a lot of time of post work and I want it back lol!! 

  • Hi Mathias,

     nice plugin you created. Is there a limit on how many markers can be set? I noticed that timeline markers as well as clip markers in Version1.2.000 and DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.1.4 (Windows) are not set for the whole audio clip. I tried it on multiple audio files but the markers are only set to about the one-minute mark of each audio file (depending on the audio file). Is this a limitation or a bug?

  • Hi Hennig,

    there is no limit on the number of markers. Could it be that your timeline has a different frame rate than the project? If so, please try to set the frame rate in the project settings to the same frame rate that your timeline has, before you create the markers.

    Resolve has a very annoying limitation in its scripting API - scripts like BeatEdit cannot figure out what frame rate a timeline has. Therefore, if it is not the same frame rate as the one of the project, the markers will be placed at the wrong frames.

    Hi Mathias,

     nice plugin you created. Is there a limit on how many markers can be set? I noticed that timeline markers as well as clip markers in Version1.2.000 and DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.1.4 (Windows) are not set for the whole audio clip. I tried it on multiple audio files but the markers are only set to about the one-minute mark of each audio file (depending on the audio file). Is this a limitation or a bug?

  • I just wanted to chime in here as I saw another comment regarding clip markers being off..  I am not sure if it is 18.5 on windows or not but I am seeing at least a beat of offset in many cases. I even used beat edit to create a click track and with quantize off the first marker was a on the second click and not the first.  The music tracks I've been trying are electronic techno with no tempo variation.  Timeline and Project FPS are both set to 29.97.  Something is not quite right here. 

  • Hi Chat,
    could you please open a support ticket here:
    and attach the song such that I can check what is going wrong?

    I just wanted to chime in here as I saw another comment regarding clip markers being off..  I am not sure if it is 18.5 on windows or not but I am seeing at least a beat of offset in many cases. I even used beat edit to create a click track and with quantize off the first marker was a on the second click and not the first.  The music tracks I've been trying are electronic techno with no tempo variation.  Timeline and Project FPS are both set to 29.97.  Something is not quite right here. 

  • Hi Mathias,

    thank you for your answer. The problem indeed had to do with mismatched frame rates. With the same framerate in the project and in the timeline everything works fine. Thanks for your help!

    Hi Hennig,

    there is no limit on the number of markers. Could it be that your timeline has a different frame rate than the project? If so, please try to set the frame rate in the project settings to the same frame rate that your timeline has, before you create the markers.

    Resolve has a very annoying limitation in its scripting API - scripts like BeatEdit cannot figure out what frame rate a timeline has. Therefore, if it is not the same frame rate as the one of the project, the markers will be placed at the wrong frames.

    Hi Mathias,

     nice plugin you created. Is there a limit on how many markers can be set? I noticed that timeline markers as well as clip markers in Version1.2.000 and DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.1.4 (Windows) are not set for the whole audio clip. I tried it on multiple audio files but the markers are only set to about the one-minute mark of each audio file (depending on the audio file). Is this a limitation or a bug?

  • I love Beat Edit for Premiere and have started using Beat Edit for Resolve.  I'd like to request similar functionality for the Resolve version.  In Premiere, there is the option to only create markers for every 'x' number of beats, I find this much more useful than seeing every beat of the music.  It allows the user to set markers for every measure or phrase of a song which is much better for seamless music edits.  Thank you for all your hard work on this indispensable tool!  I look forward to future updates.

  • Hi Matt,
    in Resolve you can control the visibility of markers for each color separately. That way you can hide everything except every 4th marker easily, for example. See:

    In the long term it would in deep be great to have a more comprehensive user interface, where you can select the beats directly. Currently, Resolve's scripting engine does not support such complex user interfaces with waveform previews, audio playback etc. Hopefully, Black Magic Design adds the features needed for this in the future.

    Matt Lee said:
    I love Beat Edit for Premiere and have started using Beat Edit for Resolve.  I'd like to request similar functionality for the Resolve version.  In Premiere, there is the option to only create markers for every 'x' number of beats, I find this much more useful than seeing every beat of the music.  It allows the user to set markers for every measure or phrase of a song which is much better for seamless music edits.  Thank you for all your hard work on this indispensable tool!  I look forward to future updates.


  • Hello, I'm on MacOS on Resolve 18,6. I've the same issue with the markers offset.. I looked over my project framerates, timelines and more and the marker are still offset ... I need this to be fixed as I can use the plugin anymore.. It worked fine before but now.. Can you please fix that ? Thx in advance
  • Hi Florent,

    I just replied to your support ticket :-)

    Hello, I'm on MacOS on Resolve 18,6. I've the same issue with the markers offset.. I looked over my project framerates, timelines and more and the marker are still offset ... I need this to be fixed as I can use the plugin anymore.. It worked fine before but now.. Can you please fix that ? Thx in advance

  • Hola hice compra del programa pero davinci no me abre ninguna ventana al poner en ejecución betaedit no entender por que no me lo ejecuta
  • Hi Antonio,

    please open a support ticket at
    and include as many details as possible.

    In particular I need to know:
    - Which operating system you are using
    - which version of Resolve you are using
    - if you are on Mac OS, did you install Resolve from the Mac OS App-Store? If so, please install the version from the Blackmagic Design website instead. The version of Resolve from the App Store does not support third party extensions like BeatEdit, unfortunately.
    - Please open DaVinci Resolve's Console window (in the menu at Workspace->Console). Does it show any error messages when you try to launch BeatEdit? Best include a screenshot of the console with the messages.
    - Do you have any antivirus software? Does it work if you disable it temporarily? In some rare cases, antivirus might block some processes of BeatEdit.

    Let's discuss all of that in a support ticket :-)

    Hola hice compra del programa pero davinci no me abre ninguna ventana al poner en ejecución betaedit no entender por que no me lo ejecuta

  • Hi, I'm intrested in this plugine. I was trying to install the trial version but I could'nt. I tried both the manual and via the installer methods, nether worked. I am on Windwos 11 and Davinci 18.6.3. Any help?
  • Hi Reza,

    BeatEdit is compatible with 18.6.3. 
    Please open a support ticket at
    and include as many details as possible. 
    In particular:
    - does the installer show any error messages?
    - does the menu entry "Workspace->Scripts->mamoword->BeatEdit for Resolve" exist after installation?
    - do you get any error message when you try to open BeatEdit?
    - If you open the console (in the Resolve menu Workspace->Console) and then try to open BeatEdit, does the console show any error messages?

    The more details I know, the quicker and better I am able to help.


    Hi, I'm intrested in this plugine. I was trying to install the trial version but I could'nt. I tried both the manual and via the installer methods, nether worked. I am on Windwos 11 and Davinci 18.6.3. Any help?

  • this doesnt work at all.
    create clip markers doesnt work

    onlyworks mode that works is timeline markers

    is it possible a refund?

  • Hi Zeta,

    note that when you create clip markers, those markers won’t show up on clips which you already have in the timeline. You have to insert the clip in the timeline AFTER you created the clip markers. If you already had the music track in the timeline, just delete it and insert it in the timeline again to see the markers.
    That's a limitation in the extension API of Resolve, which does not allow to add markers to existing clip instances in the timeline.

    Also note that the Edit tab of Resolve shows both clip markers and timeline markers whereas the Cut tab only shows timeline markers. So if you want to work in the Cut tab, you have to use timeline markers.

    Another reason why you might not see clip markers is that your track is maybe not high enough:

    I am sure that this solves your issues. If you still have issues, please open a support ticket. If we cannot solve your issues, we can also invalidate your license and give you a refund.

    this doesnt work at all.
    create clip markers doesnt work

    onlyworks mode that works is timeline markers

    is it possible a refund?

  • Bit disappointed after putting it to use to find a number of caveats. 1. It just throws down a 4/4 grid of what it assumes are downbeats. If you have a section(s) of the song that drops to just big chords or accents that are not on downbeats, you're on your own placing those. And you cannot change the subdivisions to give yourself the between beats. 2. It doesn't always find the downbeat, very first usage it mapped all the upbeats for me. And again, no way to subdivide and request in between markers for the downbeats. ... I have bought and used this product for After Effects, and the features that make it usable are there. Not so much in the Davinci version, the toolbar doesn't even exist. Frustrating to assume I'd get the same level of product I've been using, and find the feature set wildly reduced. 
  • Hi Terry,

    thank you for your feedback! Yes, the versions for After Effects and Premiere Pro have more features - that's why they also cost significantly more. The reason, why we currently don't support the advanced features is that scripts in Resolve cannot have complex user interfaces with waveform previews etc. I am confident that the scripting engine of Resolve will grow over time such that we can add more features on the way.
    If you have sections in your song where the tempo changes, uncheck the quantization option to get better results.
    If it finds the up- instead of down-beats, as a workaround you can manually move the beat clip audio or the markers by half a beat. I know, not ideal, but still much easier than setting all the beats manually.

    Bit disappointed after putting it to use to find a number of caveats. 1. It just throws down a 4/4 grid of what it assumes are downbeats. If you have a section(s) of the song that drops to just big chords or accents that are not on downbeats, you're on your own placing those. And you cannot change the subdivisions to give yourself the between beats. 2. It doesn't always find the downbeat, very first usage it mapped all the upbeats for me. And again, no way to subdivide and request in between markers for the downbeats. ... I have bought and used this product for After Effects, and the features that make it usable are there. Not so much in the Davinci version, the toolbar doesn't even exist. Frustrating to assume I'd get the same level of product I've been using, and find the feature set wildly reduced. 

  • I am a Premiere Pro 2024 user here. I paid $100 and submitted three tickets, and nobody has responded, so I'm trying this. Long story short, BeatEdit will not produce markers on the music clip. I have read previous comments that none apply to Premiere Pro 24. My timelines frame rates are fine. What is wrong with this program
    Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 9.56.49 AM.png
    1919 x 1072 - 779K
  • Hi Ahmad,
    I am sorry for the late reply. I am currently traveling and still try to reply within 24 hours of each request.

    In your support ticket you wrote that you can create sequence markers but no clip markers. Could you please test if you can create clip markers for that clip manually? If this is not working either, most likely your user has no write permissions for the audio file. Premiere Pro saves clip markers directly inside the audio file itself as metadata. Hence, the markers cannot be saved, if you don’t have permissions to modify the file.


    I am a Premiere Pro 2024 user here. I paid $100 and submitted three tickets, and nobody has responded, so I'm trying this. Long story short, BeatEdit will not produce markers on the music clip. I have read previous comments that none apply to Premiere Pro 24. My timelines frame rates are fine. What is wrong with this program

  • Hi, quick question. If a buy a single user license can I use install it on different machines? Obviously I wouldn't use it at the same time, one machine or another...
    Let me know.

  • Hi Stuart,
    the SUL license allows for the software to be installed on up to two user accounts/computers as long as they are not being used at the same time. See

    Hi, quick question. If a buy a single user license can I use install it on different machines? Obviously I wouldn't use it at the same time, one machine or another...
    Let me know.

  • The quantization button (assume no tempo changes) doesn’t seem to make a difference. I created a custom click track with tempo changes for my song and analyzed only from this track but beatedit detects one constant tempo. Will this ever work? Would love to see this in a update, to always create a marker when a loudness threshold is reached.
  • Hi Arbundius,

    the quantization definitely makes a difference. Can you please open a support ticket and send me your example audio file? Then I can take a look at what is going wrong.

    By the way: in the text output at the top of the BeatEdit window always a single BPM number is given (namely the median bpm, also with quantization off). But the beat markers and beat click audio should be different, with and without quantization, if the song has tempo changes.


    The quantization button (assume no tempo changes) doesn’t seem to make a difference. I created a custom click track with tempo changes for my song and analyzed only from this track but beatedit detects one constant tempo. Will this ever work? Would love to see this in a update, to always create a marker when a loudness threshold is reached.

  • I am using this for the first time for Resolve and I have tried to load several tracks and they have all said "beat detection failed" what do I need to do? I am using latest 19.0b5 beta for davinici. 
  • Hi J,

    are you using Bitdefender? I had several customer for whom the beat detection process failed. These customers reported that the issue could be solved by deactivating the "Advanced Threat Defence” of Bitdefender. 

    If you are not using Bitdefender, please try to deactivate temporarily any antivirus software you have installed before launching the extension. If it works without the antivirus, please try to configure the antivirus such that it trusts all files signed by "Aescripts, Inc”.
    BeatEdit needs to execute the process ibtMac (on Mac OS) or ibtWin.exe (on Windows) which is included in the BeatEdit installation. If the beat detection produces no files, this process is most likely blocked somehow.

    I saw that you opened a support ticket in parallel, which is generally the best way to get help. So if this does not solve the issue, let's continue the discussion in the ticket.


    J ac Mac said:
    I am using this for the first time for Resolve and I have tried to load several tracks and they have all said "beat detection failed" what do I need to do? I am using latest 19.0b5 beta for davinici. 

  • Hi J,

    are you using Bitdefender? I had several customer for whom the beat detection process failed. These customers reported that the issue could be solved by deactivating the "Advanced Threat Defence” of Bitdefender. 

    If you are not using Bitdefender, please try to deactivate temporarily any antivirus software you have installed before launching the extension. If it works without the antivirus, please try to configure the antivirus such that it trusts all files signed by "Aescripts, Inc”.
    BeatEdit needs to execute the process ibtMac (on Mac OS) or ibtWin.exe (on Windows) which is included in the BeatEdit installation. If the beat detection produces no files, this process is most likely blocked somehow.

    I saw that you opened a support ticket in parallel, which is generally the best way to get help. So if this does not solve the issue, let's continue the discussion in the ticket.


    J ac Mac said:
    I am using this for the first time for Resolve and I have tried to load several tracks and they have all said "beat detection failed" what do I need to do? I am using latest 19.0b5 beta for davinici. 

    I have the same problem as Ralph. All of the solutions suggested so far do not work. In previous versions it worked perfectly.
  • Hi Frank,

    thank you for your feedback! Could you please open a support ticket and include as much information as possible. In particular
    - what operating system and version of Resolve Beta are you using exactly?
    - does the Console Window (in the main menu of Resolve at Workspace->Console) show any messages when the error happens?

    The more details I know, the quicker and better I can find the issue.

    Hi J,

    are you using Bitdefender? I had several customer for whom the beat detection process failed. These customers reported that the issue could be solved by deactivating the "Advanced Threat Defence” of Bitdefender. 

    If you are not using Bitdefender, please try to deactivate temporarily any antivirus software you have installed before launching the extension. If it works without the antivirus, please try to configure the antivirus such that it trusts all files signed by "Aescripts, Inc”.
    BeatEdit needs to execute the process ibtMac (on Mac OS) or ibtWin.exe (on Windows) which is included in the BeatEdit installation. If the beat detection produces no files, this process is most likely blocked somehow.

    I saw that you opened a support ticket in parallel, which is generally the best way to get help. So if this does not solve the issue, let's continue the discussion in the ticket.


    J ac Mac said:
    I am using this for the first time for Resolve and I have tried to load several tracks and they have all said "beat detection failed" what do I need to do? I am using latest 19.0b5 beta for davinici. 

    I have the same problem as Ralph. All of the solutions suggested so far do not work. In previous versions it worked perfectly.

  • have the same problem as Ralph and Jac Mac. Only occured after updating to newest version today. Product is great. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
  • Thank you for the feedback! Yes, this is an issue with the most recent beta v19B5. I can reproduce this on my machine now, too, and I am working on a solution.

    Until then, the only option is to use v18 instead of the 19 beta.
    In case you use both Mac and Win: It seems like only Win is affected by this issue.

    have the same problem as Ralph and Jac Mac. Only occured after updating to newest version today. Product is great. Hopefully it's fixed soon.