Masks to Cropped Layers II

  • imageMasks to Cropped Layers II

    Masks to Cropped Layers II is a utility that helps to animate vector graphics, as well as improving the performance of vfx compositing. It works on layers that have multiple masks, for example when artwork is pasted from Illustrator, or when areas are tracked in Mocha.  Each mask is copied to a new solid (for animation) or used to create a pre-comp. Each new layer is cropped to the size of the mask, providing flexibility for animation while dramatically improving performance.

  • Great script. Any chance you could share the expressions used in the tutorial?
  • There will be an upcoming tutorial that shows how to use the script to create the neon animations seen in the promo & overview videos.

    Until then, a range of expressions that can help flash layers automatically can be seen in an old tutorial I made for flashing lights, using Knoll Light Factory.  All of the expressions and background information mentioned in this tutorial are still relevant:

    But thanks for your interest, stay tuned for something more in-depth.  Unfortunately, based on my current work load, I think it's still a few weeks away.
  • Hello!

    There is now a tutorial posted on the main page that uses Masks to Cropped Layers II to generate a flickering Neon text reveal.  The project file / After Effects template can also be downloaded from the main page.

    I hope you find the project template and tutorial useful for your own projects.
  • Must say that this is really handy tool!

    It would be cool if there would be a feature where the cropped layer could be created in a way that only the mask that is cropped would be set to add and rest of the masks would be set into "substract". While this would happen there would be no masks in the comp itself but only within the comp. This feature would be useful when you dont want to have masks in the comp, but only within the comp and you have "overlapping" visuals that would show in other comps unless masked.

    Hopefully I was ably to convey my idea well enough :)
  • Looking everywhere for a script that converts a Layer's many masks to individual Shape layers.. (not mask layers)
  • Hi. Do you have an estimate when Masks to Cropped Layers II will be updated to work on AE 2022, please? Many thanks.
  • Hi. Do you have an estimate when Masks to Cropped Layers II will be updated to work on AE 2022, please? Many thanks.
    The script works with AE 2022, I have updated the compatibility tag to match.
  • Hi. Do you have an estimate when Masks to Cropped Layers II will be updated to work on AE 2022, please? Many thanks.
    The script works with AE 2022, I have updated the compatibility tag to match.
    All working now, thanks very much :)
  • There will be an upcoming tutorial that shows how to use the script to create the neon animations seen in the promo & overview videos.


    But thanks for your interest, stay tuned for something more in-depth.  Unfortunately, based on my current work load, I think it's still a few weeks away.
    Did this tutorial ever get released? If so, where may we find it? Thanks.
  • Did this tutorial ever get released? If so, where may we find it? Thanks.
    The first part, using expressions to animate neon text, can be viewed here: 

    I haven't finished the 2nd part, however it you work your way through these older articles then the principles / approach is the same. In the first video I manually mask solids, but the idea is to use the Masks to Cropped Layers script with imported Illustrator artwork instead:

    This longer video demonstrates the approach in more detail:

  • CZ - you're a legend. Wondering how this compares to V01 for exploding a layer with hundreds of masks? In terms of speed. Assuming it's the same. 
  • Cam Vokey said:
    CZ - you're a legend. Wondering how this compares to V01 for exploding a layer with hundreds of masks? In terms of speed. Assuming it's the same. 
    The speed should be very similar, if not faster. I've used it on layers with about 2000 masks without issues,  If you do find it slowing down, switching to a different app or minimising AE can sometimes make a difference.
  • I am not able to get this to work. I get this error message below. This is in AE 22.1.1 image
  • I am not able to get this to work. I get this error message below. This is in AE 22.1.1 
    Sorry to hear Harry,
    Are you on a Mac, and do you have an older version of AE to check it on?
    Just looking now and I'll update the plugin for AE 22 compatibility ASAP.
  • I have updated the licensing framework for compatibility with the latest version of AE running on Monterey Macs.  The new version should show up as v2.1
    Please let me know if this works / doesn't work for you.
  • I am not able to get this to work. I get this error message below. This is in AE 22.1.1 
    So apparently this is a Mac-only bug caused by dropbox:

    The script update to v2.1 (yesterday) should fix this problem - please let me know ASAP if it doesn't.
  • Hi, i get an Error in Line 53 (a has no constructor). Plugin won't work. Version 2.1
  • Hi, i get an Error in Line 53 (a has no constructor). Plugin won't work. Version 2.1
    Sorry about that, I'm looking into it now. Please lodge a support ticket so I can email you directly. Are you on a Mac or Windows? If you're on Windows I can send you an earlier version to use.
  • Hi, i get an Error in Line 53 (a has no constructor). Plugin won't work. Version 2.1
    Sorry about that, I'm looking into it now. Please lodge a support ticket so I can email you directly. Are you on a Mac or Windows? If you're on Windows I can send you an earlier version to use.
    Alright, i lodge a Ticket. I'm on Windows.
  • I’m working through your excellent AE series and immediately purchased this script. Amazing to me that it’s taken me more than three decades to hear the words “all the pixels all the time”. So, my question: I fully understand the principles and solutions you’re providing in your videos and with this script, when a layer’s bounds are clearly definable as shape layers or masks. But would there also be a way to reduce the number of “used pixels” even on a composited footage layer? Let’s take the examples of a fire, particulate or even fog. I just finished a composite that used multiple layers of filmed floating fire embers and sparks. With the help of your color management articles and the new videos from AE blues on YouTube, my new linear workflow was very gratifying and successful, but we all know that the embers layers were probably 98% pure black. I made sure of it, tbh. Same with the fire. To a lesser extent, the same with fog and smoke. Would it be redundant to pre-render such layers on black to have straight alphas before compositing, so that the final render gets to work with a reduced number of processed pixels, or is that just six of one; half a dozen of the other? The pre-renders would have to process all the pixels all the time to create the new alpha’d source, right? But, if it was done once and done at the beginning, then the workflow and scrubbing in the master comp should surely be much faster. (As fast as it can be). Is there any way a script could be imagined that could look at FOOTAGE and auto create tracked masks that held out anything that is/isn’t pure black? Then create new layers per mask. So, no pre-rendering to “remove” unwanted pixels. But the ability to try different footage sources and have masks automagically created to produce the same effect. I’ll shut up. Thanks for a great series and a great script.
  • Trying to precompose a mask of footage like you have in your headlight demo... It copies the mask to a different size and different position. It also creates the new precomp to the scrubber on the timeline instead of original time...?
  • I am not able to get this to work. I get this error message below. This is in AE 22.1.1 Unable to execute script at line 6. null is not an object
    Please see this faq:

  • Trying to precompose a mask of footage like you have in your headlight demo... It copies the mask to a different size and different position. It also creates the new precomp to the scrubber on the timeline instead of original time...?
    Are you choosing the option for layer duration or composition work area?  The masks should definitely not be copied to a different size and position, that isn't something I have seen before.  Please lodge a bug with a project file, and if possible a screen recording.  Thanks!
  • Is there any way a script could be imagined that could look at FOOTAGE and auto create tracked masks that held out anything that is/isn’t pure black? Then create new layers per mask. So, no pre-rendering to “remove” unwanted pixels.
    Generally you are looking at balancing the speed of rendering with the complexity of your project.  It's definitely possible to pre-comp smaller areas of your composition and work on them, the end result will render faster but your project does become more complex.
    Have a look at the excellent Lockdown plugin by Chris Vranos, he recently posted a tutorial on speeding up workflows by tracking and pre-composing.
  • Hey, there. Any plans for updated compatibility with CC 2023? 
    Love the plug-in but getting only alpha channel in my parent composition when masking with the plugin.
  • I'd love to buy this but we are near the end of 2023 and it looks like it's not compatible with the current version of AE which will be a year old next month. 
  • This script looks great! However I'm going to wait for an update to buy. The trial version won't run in 2023.
  • This script looks great! However I'm going to wait for an update to buy. The trial version won't run in 2023.
    Can you please let me know what's happening? There's no reason that the script shouldn't work with version 2023.  I have used it and tested it with After Effects 2023 & 2024 without problems.  Please let me know more about what's stopping you from using it so I can investigate further.