• Downloaded a trial version.. as soon as I click on the TextBox Effect

    After Effects crashes.

    Might not buy this after all :)
  • Neat little plugin. Trial works fine in CS6 and CC2017 on Mac.
  • Downloaded a trial version.. as soon as I click on the TextBox Effect

    After Effects crashes.

    Might not buy this after all :)
    Hi Alex. Could you please let me know which operating system and version of After Effects you're using so I could pinpoint the cause of this issue?
  • I have the same problem as Alex.

    Just bought the plugin and installed it. But when i apply the effect, After Effects crashes.

    I'm using the version 2017.2  ( of AE and i'm on 10.12.5 version of mac OS.

  • Same same on CRASH! Same specs as William
  • Just installed this Crashes AE when I try to use it.

    MAC OS 10.12.6 After Effects
  • Great tool! Joust bought it!

    -It would be great if you could draw box per word or per line.
    -If possible it would be great to be able to skew beyond 5%.

    Thanks! :)
  • +1 for the crashing. Just bought. Not usable.
  • Downloaded a trial version.. as soon as I click on the TextBox Effect

    After Effects crashes.

    Might not buy this after all :)
    Hi Alex, the issue has been resolved if you'd like to try it again.
  • Very buggy.  So much this plug in is unusable.  It is affecting my video on layers below, inserting one frame from what appears to be cached memory.  Very frustrating!  Will be asking for full refund.
  • Having same problem as above. Instant crash with original download from a week ago.  Downloaded again, deleted older version, dropped in new downloaded version.  Didn't crash.  Now testing it out.

  • Hey Guys,

    works great for me (AE CC 17.3 on a pc), however, I would love if you could add one feature:

    I use it for subtitles right now, but whenever the bottom sentence doesn't have a lower case (such as j, y, etc.) letter or a comma, the bottom border is slightly higher than with the other boxes. That looks minor irritating, so if you could add a feature like "fix bottom border), that would be great :) 
  • There's nothing particularly sexy about this plug-in. That's pretty awesome, though. It does exactly what it's supposed to do: Saves a lot of time. Now that the crashing bug has been fixed, I can wholeheartedly recommend this. Great job on a simple tool that saves me time every day.
  • Awesome plug-in!

    Is there any way to extract the dimensions of the resulting shape, for use in expressions?

    If not, please consider this a feature request as it would greatly multiply the plug-in's usefulness.

  • Is there any way to extract the dimensions of the resulting shape, for use in expressions?
    Hi Declan. This seems do-able, I'm interested in your ideas about new possibilities if this feature were to be implemented. Something to do with creating borders or beams by triangulating the box coordinates?
  • I second Patrick Poelchau on the need to have some kind of "force expansion width/height values" as the white space around the subtitles usually needs to be constant.

    Great stuff!
  • On second thoughts - I guess only the height should have a "force expansion value" checkbox since the variable character height and the various national hyphens, dots and dashes is what makes for the unwanted variation. The width is ruled by the text width and should be auto adjusted as it is now.
  • Love it, the only thing I'd suggest is an overall transform for the box that can be unlinked and linked dynamically. Overall, fantastic product.
  • nice plugin!

    3 thoughts:

    1 - option to make the expansion a percentage, that way scaling the text keeps the relative expansion
    2 - make the transform offsets anchor points keyframeable! lots of extra animation possibilities in 1 layer that way :)
    3 - if possible a way to matte the text to the fill SHAPE also (this way text can have different opacity than the fill opacity, but still be matted by the border of the shape if that makes sense)

    other than that, i love it!


    - j
  • There needs to be a way to lock the shape of the box, so that the shape doesn't change height when text is rotated.

    Unless there's a way to do this without pre-comping text
  • The Plugin is there. (Program​ ​Files\Adobe\Adobe​ ​After​ ​Effects​ ​<version>\Supportimage​ ​Files\Plug-ins)


  • The Plugin is there. (Program​ ​Files\Adobe\Adobe​ ​After​ ​Effects​ ​<version>\Supportimage​ ​Files\Plug-ins)


    Any news on this issue?
    Thank you!
  • There's a problem switching between macOS and Windows. Creating a AE File on Windows and opening it on macOS result to the "missing PlugIn" error message. The same happens the other way. I always have to add the effect (its actually there) again and copy the settings from the "old" Effect panel.

  • There's a problem switching between macOS and Windows. Creating a AE File on Windows and opening it on macOS result to the "missing PlugIn" error message. The same happens the other way. I always have to add the effect (its actually there) again and copy the settings from the "old" Effect panel.

    Hi Daniel. I'm aware of this issue and have a possible fix coming very soon.
  • Neat little plugin! Seems very promising. 

    Is it possible to get the text box to use the current visible size of the text, say if I'm animating the opacity the a range selector on the text. Basically the same way as sourceRectAtTime is working. 


  • Great plugin, very useful - however, despite registering it renders a cross across all the scenes where it is applied. Could having upgraded to CC2018 have anything to do with it?
  • Great plugin, very useful - however, despite registering it renders a cross across all the scenes where it is applied. Could having upgraded to CC2018 have anything to do with it?
    Should have opened a support ticket (saw the link too late) but I might have fixed it per these instructions: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/how-to-register-plugins/
  • Awesome plugin. Very useful,
    Could you please make templates and share. That will be very helpful to video editors like me. 
  • Hi there. I got a quick question: I work on two PCs and I was thinking of using the plugin in my project. Should I install the plugin on both machines or there is a way to save everything as a preset? Thanks.
  • Hi there. I got a quick question: I work on two PCs and I was thinking of using the plugin in my project. Should I install the plugin on both machines or there is a way to save everything as a preset? Thanks.
    Hi Andrew
    You can install the product on both machines and save your presets as .ffx files to make your workflow more efficient. You just can't have more than one computer running it at one time with only one license. 
  • Hi there. I got a quick question: I work on two PCs and I was thinking of using the plugin in my project. Should I install the plugin on both machines or there is a way to save everything as a preset? Thanks.
    Hi Andrew
    You can install the product on both machines and save your presets as .ffx files to make your workflow more efficient. You just can't have more than one computer running it at one time with only one license. 
    Thanks for the quick respond James :)  Just to make it clear, I won't be able to continue working on my project on a machine without plugin installed. Correct? Thanks.
  • Hi there. I got a quick question: I work on two PCs and I was thinking of using the plugin in my project. Should I install the plugin on both machines or there is a way to save everything as a preset? Thanks.
    Hi Andrew
    You can install the product on both machines and save your presets as .ffx files to make your workflow more efficient. You just can't have more than one computer running it at one time with only one license. 
    Thanks for the quick respond James :)  Just to make it clear, I won't be able to continue working on my project on a machine with no plugin installed. Correct? Thanks.
    That's correct, the plugin must be installed even if you use the .ffx preset.
  • Hi there. I got a quick question: I work on two PCs and I was thinking of using the plugin in my project. Should I install the plugin on both machines or there is a way to save everything as a preset? Thanks.
    Hi Andrew
    You can install the product on both machines and save your presets as .ffx files to make your workflow more efficient. You just can't have more than one computer running it at one time with only one license. 
    Thanks for the quick respond James :)  Just to make it clear, I won't be able to continue working on my project on a machine with no plugin installed. Correct? Thanks.
    That's correct, the plugin must be installed even if you use the .ffx preset.

    Hi there. I got a quick question: I work on two PCs and I was thinking of using the plugin in my project. Should I install the plugin on both machines or there is a way to save everything as a preset? Thanks.
    Hi Andrew
    You can install the product on both machines and save your presets as .ffx files to make your workflow more efficient. You just can't have more than one computer running it at one time with only one license. 
    Thanks for the quick respond James :)  Just to make it clear, I won't be able to continue working on my project on a machine with no plugin installed. Correct? Thanks.
    That's correct, the plugin must be installed even if you use the .ffx preset.
    Got it. Thank you James.
  • Feature requests
    -Expand with negative numbers
    - Turn border on/off for top, buttom, left and right.
  • Click this  - imagelink 

    Having this glitch problem in my textbox plugin....Do you have any solution for this ? else ....kindly fix this soon..thank you...
  • uma guru said:
    Click this  - imagelink 

    Having this glitch problem in my textbox plugin....Do you have any solution for this ? else ....kindly fix this soon..thank you...
    Hi Uma. That's the watermark, if you are getting this and have typed in your license code then please try purging your memory and/or deactivating the license and entering it again.

  • uma guru said:
    Click this  - imagelink 

    Having this glitch problem in my textbox plugin....Do you have any solution for this ? else ....kindly fix this soon..thank you...
    Hi Uma. That's the watermark, if you are getting this and have typed in your license code then please try purging your memory and/or deactivating the license and entering it again.
    Thank you James...i didn't register it with my key...since i am new i didn't see that register option....entered the key i purchased working fine...thank you..
  • First of all, I love this, and am so glad I found it. Thank you for making this.

    One question -- if I want a gradient fill for my box, what's the best method of achieving that?
  • First of all, I love this, and am so glad I found it. Thank you for making this.

    One question -- if I want a gradient fill for my box, what's the best method of achieving that?
    Hi Sam

    Thanks for your feedback. Currently you may want to solo the box and add the gradient fill effect. We'll be adding gradient options in a future update. 
  • Thank you for the plugin.
    I've got a question. Could there be an option for the box to disregard text animators? Let's say I want a position animaton of letters from top to bottom. Currently, it just expands the box to where the letters are, or moves around with them. If there would be a way to switch it off, would make this priceless:)
  • Thank you for the plugin.
    I've got a question. Could there be an option for the box to disregard text animators? Let's say I want a position animaton of letters from top to bottom. Currently, it just expands the box to where the letters are, or moves around with them. If there would be a way to switch it off, would make this priceless:)
    Thanks for your feedback Oz, it's a great idea. I think there could be a "freeze position of textbox" button which you click, and if enabled then the text would not update, but reference the frozen position. I'll do some experimenting this week. 
  • Is there a way to keep the Height the same constantly with the text? Whenever I use characters with a decender (g,y,q,j) the height of the box enlarges, but I just want it fixed at a certain height.

  • Is there a way to keep the Height the same constantly with the text? Whenever I use characters with a decender (g,y,q,j) the height of the box enlarges, but I just want it fixed at a certain height.

    Hi Robert

    Thanks for your suggestion. We've been working on a way to achieve this. Unfortunately it wouldn't be possible with multi-line text, but I think it will be implemented in a future update. 
  • When will this support 3D space? Would be very handy if it would, now it's useful only half of the time. If you add the 3D to this, it would be cool if you could disable it from the plugin, because sometimes you might want to have 2D text box on a 3D text layer. Today I needed this with 3D box :(
  • hi there
    just got this,, it's amazing
    but with multilines/paragraph, is there a way to to have a box per line,, so the width of the box is adjust at each line,, rather that one set width for the whole paragraph?
    if not currently possible natively, is there a way around to achieve this, like in combination with another script or something?
    please let me know 
  • hi there
    just got this,, it's amazing
    but with multilines/paragraph, is there a way to to have a box per line,, so the width of the box is adjust at each line,, rather that one set width for the whole paragraph?
    if not currently possible natively, is there a way around to achieve this, like in combination with another script or something?
    please let me know 
    Hi Nick

    Thanks for your comment. It's not currently possible but seems like a good feature to add, I'll give it a shot. In the meantime, I'd use decompose text script to separate by line and add a textbox to each. Not ideal but that's the best solution I can suggest. 
  • hi there
    just got this,, it's amazing
    but with multilines/paragraph, is there a way to to have a box per line,, so the width of the box is adjust at each line,, rather that one set width for the whole paragraph?
    if not currently possible natively, is there a way around to achieve this, like in combination with another script or something?
    please let me know 
    Hi Nick

    Thanks for your comment. It's not currently possible but seems like a good feature to add, I'll give it a shot. In the meantime, I'd use decompose text script to separate by line and add a textbox to each. Not ideal but that's the best solution I can suggest. 
    thanks for the speedy response
    looking forward to see if you can make it work,,, as it woudbe really great
    & thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately it would not work in this case, as the text is in a constant state of flux via the expressions text transitions,, so it's all dynamic. & never static
  • If someone would bother replying to my question about the 3D textbox feature that would have been great. In the meanwhile I asked about the same issue on another tool that does the same job. Their reply came within one day and that reply was that the feature was added within a day from me asking about it.
  • If someone would bother replying to my question about the 3D textbox feature that would have been great. In the meanwhile I asked about the same issue on another tool that does the same job. Their reply came within one day and that reply was that the feature was added within a day from me asking about it.
    Hi Miika

    I apologise for not replying to your previous comment. 3D is coming but not in the next release, it will be in the one afterwards I'm afraid. Out of curiosity which product does the same thing and in 3D?
  • hi there
    just got this,, it's amazing
    but with multilines/paragraph, is there a way to to have a box per line,, so the width of the box is adjust at each line,, rather that one set width for the whole paragraph?
    if not currently possible natively, is there a way around to achieve this, like in combination with another script or something?
    please let me know 
    Hi Nick

    Thanks for your comment. It's not currently possible but seems like a good feature to add, I'll give it a shot. In the meantime, I'd use decompose text script to separate by line and add a textbox to each. Not ideal but that's the best solution I can suggest. 

    Hi James
    have you had any luck with trying to add that feature?
    if so would love to beta test  : )