• This is amazing, it will be a must have for my line of work. It will take out the middle man that's for sure. I can't wait!
  • Im an AI noob. Does this require some sort of subscription to Diffuse and if so, does using Diffuse cost something?
  • Hi Miika, thanks for your interest! The idea of Diffusae is to allow you to run everything locally on your GPU - no subscription needed. Initial plugin cost covers everything.
  • Where's the installation for Mac OS? ".exe" is a Windows file!
  • I'm getting this error can any one help? 

  • Haven't had a chance to play with this yet, but just purchased the plugin.
    Super exciting work.

    Does this need a subscription or any other steps of installation for Stable Diffusion itself?
    Or does installing the plugin take care of everything?
  • Oh my God, this is Insane! I am in the beginning of these AI stuff and the result so far was not the best, but i think this gave me access to a hole new world! Looks really cool and is so much fun to play with directly in AE. Thanks a lot!
  • I'm getting this error can any one help? 

    Looks like a network bandwidth issue while downloading the Stable Diffusion model the first time (let's follow up on this in the ticketing system: https://aescripts.com/contact/?direct=1
  • Where's the installation for Mac OS? ".exe" is a Windows file!
    It's still a Windows only plugin, it will be available on Mac within a few weeks.
  • Haven't had a chance to play with this yet, but just purchased the plugin.
    Super exciting work.

    Does this need a subscription or any other steps of installation for Stable Diffusion itself?
    Or does installing the plugin take care of everything?
    No subscription needed, the plugin is all you need!
  • Oh my God, this is Insane! I am in the beginning of these AI stuff and the result so far was not the best, but i think this gave me access to a hole new world! Looks really cool and is so much fun to play with directly in AE. Thanks a lot!
    Thanks for your interest, have fun experimenting
  • WOW,
    After testing for 10 minutes.

    I can see how I can let my imagination go crazy and create fun or wild stuff with AI
    I love it.

    And it's rendered local on your PC (Private - not on the web - nice) 

    In the video 

    You mention you're from Canada
    Are you from Montreal (I am)

     Cool plugin

  • WOW,
    After testing for 10 minutes.

    I can see how I can let my imagination go crazy and create fun or wild stuff with AI
    I love it.

    And it's rendered local on your PC (Private - not on the web - nice) 

    In the video 

    You mention you're from Canada
    Are you from Montreal (I am)

     Cool plugin

    Salut Sylvain!

    Thanks for the feedback, happy to learn you like it as much as we do :) 

    The team is currently split between Baie-St-Paul and Montreal
  • Hello, are you planning to add a feature that let's you purge cache? Curious as over time these frames will consume a lot of drive space and I have no clue where they are being stored. Thanks!
  • Hello, are you planning to add a feature that let's you purge cache? Curious as over time these frames will consume a lot of drive space and I have no clue where they are being stored. Thanks!


    The models are downloaded only once and are stored in your users directory (c:/users/your-user/BSKL_Cache)

    The frames generated are cached and managed by After Effects and doesn’t take more space than usual
  • I can't stop playing with this! If you're thinking about buying this, do it! 
  • It's not working for me. I have a Nvida RTX 2060. Any idea why? 

    I followed your instructions but nothing happens. It says 'error, see log'. 

  • Please submit a ticket with the logs (from the plugin panel click Options, then Logs. Zip those files and attach to the ticket). We'll do our best to assist you! 

  • If I am a Mac user and buy it now. Will I be able to get access to the Mac version in June when it comes out?
  • If I am a Mac user and buy it now. Will I be able to get access to the Mac version in June when it comes out?
  • Great plugin! ❤️ Where can I find more info about prompting, getting the most out of pompts, (in)possibilities, prompting techniques etc? Especially regarding this SD plugin…
  • Is there an ETA for the InstructPix2pix function? Would really like to alter my image by adding or swapping an object…
  • Can't wait to have It!!!!
    Do you hace date for Mac version???
  • Is there an ETA for the InstructPix2pix function? Would really like to alter my image by adding or swapping an object…
    We are actively working on the product, I expect this feature to be the next :)
  • Great plugin! ❤️ Where can I find more info about prompting, getting the most out of pompts, (in)possibilities, prompting techniques etc? Especially regarding this SD plugin…
    You can look at this link: https://stable-diffusion-art.com/prompt-guide/
  • Pablo Ces said:
    Can't wait to have It!!!! Do you hace date for Mac version???
    Somewhere in May :)
  • Hey, this looks awesome. 

    Would it work on Apple Intel processor with AMD graphics cards?


  • Hey, this looks awesome. 

    Would it work on Apple Intel processor with AMD graphics cards?


    Hi, Mac Intel (CPU) : probably, but this is going to be slow. AMD GPU on Mac : no, unfortunately
  • WHEN CAN I GET THIS FOR MAC? Is there a waiting list, and can you tell me when it's ready??
  • I keep getting error that its "Failed to load the model runwayML 1.5...". I have stable diffusion local on my computer already so I know it does run various models. Any suggestions why I would get this error within your plugin? THanks
  • me an both Kathleen Judge  have the same problem
    I keep getting error that its "Failed to load the model runwayML 1.5...". I have stable diffusion local on my computer already so I know it does run various models. Any suggestions why I would get this error within your plugin? Thanks

  • I keep getting error that its "Failed to load the model runwayML 1.5...". I have stable diffusion local on my computer already so I know it does run various models. Any suggestions why I would get this error within your plugin? THanks

    Hi, The workaround for this bug is currently to : delete the c:/users/your_user/BSKL_Cache. Then on the first frame it will try to render, the render engine will download the necessary files properly: let it run, don’t try to change anything or change the frame or param until it’s finished. And a fix will be issued for the next versions, thank you for your feedback !
  • WHEN CAN I GET THIS FOR MAC? Is there a waiting list, and can you tell me when it's ready??

    Hi, in a few weeks, but for Mac M1/M2
  • ok thanks- I will try that.

  • I get an error message saying that it's unable to start render engine, and to see log for details..
    Help! Im on an RTX 3090 and my drivers are up to date
  • I get an error message saying that it's unable to start render engine, and to see log for details..
    Help! Im on an RTX 3090 and my drivers are up to date
    Please open a support ticket, I'll be able to assist you
  • Hi There!

    How do I properly uninstall this plugin pls?

  • How do I remove it completely?
    And how do I back up the model so that I don't have to download it again when I reinstall it later?
  • Hi There!

    How do I properly uninstall this plugin pls?

    Hi, you can remove:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\BSKL\bskl_diffusae.aex
    C:\Program Files\BSKL
  • How do I remove it completely?
    And how do I back up the model so that I don't have to download it again when I reinstall it later?
    the models are stored in : C:\Users\YOUR_USER\BSKL_Cache
  • <a href="https://www.capricorntraits.us/capricorn-man-and-virgo-woman/">virgo woman and capricorn man soulmates</a>s
  • If we buy the single user will we be able to use on a PC and a mac (when the mac version is available)if we have both (desktop, laptop)? or can it only be used on one?
  • If we buy the single user will we be able to use on a PC and a mac (when the mac version is available)if we have both (desktop, laptop)? or can it only be used on one?

    Hi, in short: yes One user license = two seats (two computers) simultaneously and it’s the same license for Mac and PC Gab
  • When will the mac version be available? I bought Diffusae about a week ago not seeing it was only PC at the time, but happy accident seeing as the mac version will be coming out this month. Did the Update that just came out at May 13, 2023, 7:30 PM PST Release the mac version or with it be a few/several days?
  • When will the mac version be available? I bought Diffusae about a week ago not seeing it was only PC at the time, but happy accident seeing as the mac version will be coming out this month. Did the Update that just came out at May 13, 2023, 7:30 PM PST Release the mac version or with it be a few/several days?

    Hi, the Mac version is coming by the end of the month :)
  • Bitdefender is blocking the installation, says 'Infected web resource detected'. Is this safe to install?
  • Bitdefender is blocking the installation, says 'Infected web resource detected'. Is this safe to install?
    Hi !

    You can add an exception rule to C:\Program Files\BSKL\RenderEngine\python.exe
  • Hi !
     The error is  "Failed to load the model stabilityai/stable-diffusion-V1-5 from C:\User\..\BSKL_Cache\Diffusae". And i download "v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt"
    from https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5,  what filepath should  i copy the model flie?

  • li li said:
    Hi !
     The error is  "Failed to load the model stabilityai/stable-diffusion-V1-5 from C:\User\..\BSKL_Cache\Diffusae". And i download "v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt"
    from https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5,  what filepath should  i copy the model flie?
    You need to install the models, 
    https://bskl.xyz/diffusae/help you can listen to How to install models with the Models Manager
  • Does not work at all. Pic /video just freezes and whole ae freezed also.