• On the compatibility page it says it is compatible with After Effect 2022, but in fact it is not! This is wrong, and it can be considered misleading advertising!! I demand that this be corrected immediately! I bought the tool to use in my work and I can't, for lack of support!
    On the very top of the product page I have a large yellow banner stating that some customers are having issues (most can use it just fine). If you're having a specific issue, please open a support ticket and I'm happy to see what I can do.
  • Hi everyone, if you're running into issues with KBar on recent versions of After Effects 2022 make sure you're on the latest version (2.0.8)You can get it through the ZXP installer provided by aescripts.com here https://aescripts.com/learn/zxp-installer/

    Updating to the newest version is working for most customers.
  • Perfect in AE2022
  • Is it work on M1 MACOS?
  • Thank you for this plugin Its awesome. Any chance you can share with us the template buttons from screenshots? Also do you know when exactly will appear kbar v3? 
  • After years of using this script I had to retire it today. It's been a fun ride but it's far to buggy and is now impeading my workflow to the point where I have to reset it (and AE) too many times throughout the day for it to make sense. Will potentially revisit this script when 3.0 comes out but I am reluctant to pay for a new license until I actually see that it works. 
  • Is it work on M1 MACOS?
    If the trial version works on M1 the rest of it will work fine.
  • Thank you for this plugin Its awesome. Any chance you can share with us the template buttons from screenshots? Also do you know when exactly will appear kbar v3? 
    I'm not sure what you mean by "template buttons" Can you clarify?

    Also, no specific launch date for KBar3 yet. I'm still working on it though.
  • After years of using this script I had to retire it today. It's been a fun ride but it's far to buggy and is now impeading my workflow to the point where I have to reset it (and AE) too many times throughout the day for it to make sense. Will potentially revisit this script when 3.0 comes out but I am reluctant to pay for a new license until I actually see that it works. 
    Hi Tony, it pains me to see a post like this.  For what its worth the issue is bad enough that it has Adobe's attention. I've been working with the After Effect team to diagnose this but they haven't had any luck.  Apparently recent versions of AE are having a quiet internal crash triggered when KBar and some other script/plugin/tool run open at the same time. We don't know which ones and sometimes it's simply when too much is open at once.

    KBar 3.0 is a full rewrite in hopes that will alleviate (hopefully eliminate) all this. If you want to help me get it out faster I'd appreciate having some beta testers once it's ready. Just open a support ticket with your contact info if you're open to that.
  • Rafi,

    I just want to chime in and say KBar2 has been an invaluable addition to my toolset, and the additional features offered by newer versions of AE still aren't attractive enough in comparison to upgrade from 2020. So you've got me in your corner, for what it's worth. I completely understand developers can get blindsided by architectural changes when a host program is updated, and I know there's sometimes not a lot you or Adobe can do to head off unexpected issues like this.

    I appreciate you taking the time to write KBar3 from the ground up. Please count me in as a beta tester. I'd love to continue using the extension and be confident that it'll work before I migrate to a newer version of AE.
  • Can script function and description support Chinese characters?
  • Rafi,

    I just want to chime in and say KBar2 has been an invaluable addition to my toolset, and the additional features offered by newer versions of AE still aren't attractive enough in comparison to upgrade from 2020. So you've got me in your corner, for what it's worth. I completely understand developers can get blindsided by architectural changes when a host program is updated, and I know there's sometimes not a lot you or Adobe can do to head off unexpected issues like this.

    I appreciate you taking the time to write KBar3 from the ground up. Please count me in as a beta tester. I'd love to continue using the extension and be confident that it'll work before I migrate to a newer version of AE.
    Hi Adhish, pleasure to meet you. Can you please open a support ticket with your email address so I can add you as a beta tester?
  • zhou car said:
    Can script function and description support Chinese characters?
    Yes it can!
  • Hi everyone, I've posted a new version of KBar (v2.0.9).  It's a small update and made some experimental changes to help alleviate the "black screen" problem that a number of people have reported. This might not fix it for everyone but I'm hoping it will help. Please give this a try and file a support ticket if it does not help.

    Separately, I'm getting ready to start a beta for KBar 3.0. If you're interested in being part of this please open a support ticket with the title "KBar 3.0 Beta"

  • KBar v2.0.9,each time AE is run, a window will pop up and prompt for entering the license, which seriously affects the use !
  • KBar v2.0.9,After entering the license, the next time AE2022 is run, it will appear again and pop up the window of entering the license,
    which seriously affects the use ! 
    This problem has not occurred before.
  • KBar v2.0.9,After entering the license, the next time AE2022 is run, it will appear again and pop up the window of entering the license,
    which seriously affects the use ! 
    This problem has not occurred before.
    Hello. I talked to some other customers that used 2.0.9 and they are not experiencing this. Please open a support ticket so I can help you.
  • KBar, one of the best plugins so far, a must-have absolutely essential!
    5 stars!
  • Hey, I'm trying the KBar demo, but I'm having a problem with how it communicates with the internet & my firewall. It seems that the file that tries to connect to the internet has a different filename every time I load up KBar, which frustratingly means I can't add it to my exceptions list since the next time it loads up, it'll be seen as a different file anyway. Which means the only way around it is to either turn off my firewall (not doing that), allow port 5029 for EVERYTHING (again, that's not safe), or have to keep manually allowing it every single time I load up After Effects. Surely there's a better way to do this by having the file that wants to connect to the internet have the same name and location every time?
  • Saxon Rix said:
    Hey, I'm trying the KBar demo, but I'm having a problem with how it communicates with the internet & my firewall. It seems that the file that tries to connect to the internet has a different filename every time I load up KBar, which frustratingly means I can't add it to my exceptions list since the next time it loads up, it'll be seen as a different file anyway. Which means the only way around it is to either turn off my firewall (not doing that), allow port 5029 for EVERYTHING (again, that's not safe), or have to keep manually allowing it every single time I load up After Effects. Surely there's a better way to do this by having the file that wants to connect to the internet have the same name and location every time?
    You don't need to open up the firewall for everything. The port is only accessed to and from localhost. You can narrow the firewall rules to just that.
  • Rafi Khan said:
    You don't need to open up the firewall for everything. The port is only accessed to and from localhost. You can narrow the firewall rules to just that.
    Thanks Rafi, I think I've sorted it now :). One final thing; is it possible to somehow add line spacing in the 'description'/'tooltip popups? I'd like to be able to neatly put on the main buttons description what modifier version do. Eg:

    Button description:
    Click = Ease
    Ctrl+Click = EaseIn
    Alt+Click = EaseOut
  • Saxon Rix said:
    Rafi Khan said:
    You don't need to open up the firewall for everything. The port is only accessed to and from localhost. You can narrow the firewall rules to just that.
    Thanks Rafi, I think I've sorted it now :). One final thing; is it possible to somehow add line spacing in the 'description'/'tooltip popups? I'd like to be able to neatly put on the main buttons description what modifier version do. Eg:

    Button description:
    Click = Ease
    Ctrl+Click = EaseIn
    Alt+Click = EaseOut
    Glad it worked out!

    As for the tooltips this isn't supported out of the box but will look into it for a future update.
  • Hi,

    I've noticed a few menu commands that aren't available with Kbar. I don't remember most of them off the top of my head, but one I do remember is the fact that "Reveal in Explorer" (for Windows computers) won't come up. The script has Reveal in Finder, but not explorer. Is it possible to add this?

  • Hi,

    I've noticed a few menu commands that aren't available with Kbar. I don't remember most of them off the top of my head, but one I do remember is the fact that "Reveal in Explorer" (for Windows computers) won't come up. The script has Reveal in Finder, but not explorer. Is it possible to add this?

    You can type it in even if it's not in the list.
  • Hi,

    The KBar installer doesn't seem to recognize AE 2022. Any chance of an update to fix this?

  • Hi,

    The KBar installer doesn't seem to recognize AE 2022. Any chance of an update to fix this?

    It should definitely be recognized and open in AE 2022.  Can you open up a support ticket?
  • Hey, is there an example anywhere of how to use both a function AND arguments at the same time?

    For example, I have a script which I want to see if I can make it work with kbar. The script has a function which utilises a couple of arguments in order to determine how to process its action. I can't seem to figure out how to make those arguments changeable in kbar itself, rather than the code of script.


    Imagine this is the function I want to run:

        function doMyThing(Arg01, Arg02){
    if(scriptWasLaunchedFromKBar && Arg01 === 'true'){
       } else if (scriptWasLaunchedFromKBar && Arg01 === 'false') {
       } else {

    This is how I have it set within the kbar code:

          case 'DoMyThingInKBar':

    But if I try to pass the argument within kbar 'script' button setup like this it doesn't work:

    I've also tried a range of combos inside of the kbar button setup such as: doMyThing('true'), doMyThing({Arg01:'true'}), DoMyThingInKBar({Arg01:'true'})

    and I've also tried to change the case code such as:

          case 'DoMyThingInKBar':

          case 'doMyThing':

    But none of this has worked. Is this possible? And if so, is there a simple example anywhere please?

  • maybe I'm just missing something here. In Kbar settings I have the ability to name my toolbars, excellent, very helpful,  lets me know what I've put in the toolbar before I open it. 
    But no. In the extensions menu where I would go to open a Kbar, they remain labeled Kbar 1, Kbar 2, etc....
    Likewise on the header of each bar they just have Kbar 1, etc. that isn't helpful, every palette in AE has a title that makes sense. You gave me the ability to name them logically in settings, but those names don't appear anywhere. image
    bottom line: why name them if the names don't count? And if naming is useful in settings, it would certainly be useful everywhere else. 

  • Suggestion:
    We can change the title of each bar, instead of being called "Kbar 1, Kbar2, Kbar3...", we can change it to "Tools, Effects, Expressions..."
  • Saxon Rix said:
    Hey, is there an example anywhere of how to use both a function AND arguments at the same time?

    For example, I have a script which I want to see if I can make it work with kbar. The script has a function which utilises a couple of arguments in order to determine how to process its action. I can't seem to figure out how to make those arguments changeable in kbar itself, rather than the code of script.


    Imagine this is the function I want to run:

        function doMyThing(Arg01, Arg02){
    if(scriptWasLaunchedFromKBar && Arg01 === 'true'){
       } else if (scriptWasLaunchedFromKBar && Arg01 === 'false') {
       } else {

    This is how I have it set within the kbar code:

          case 'DoMyThingInKBar':

    But if I try to pass the argument within kbar 'script' button setup like this it doesn't work:

    I've also tried a range of combos inside of the kbar button setup such as: doMyThing('true'), doMyThing({Arg01:'true'}), DoMyThingInKBar({Arg01:'true'})

    and I've also tried to change the case code such as:

          case 'DoMyThingInKBar':

          case 'doMyThing':

    But none of this has worked. Is this possible? And if so, is there a simple example anywhere please?

    Have you looked at this: https://bitbucket.org/kraftyfx/kbar/issues/105/let-consuming-scripts-know-if-and-how-they
  • maybe I'm just missing something here. In Kbar settings I have the ability to name my toolbars, excellent, very helpful,  lets me know what I've put in the toolbar before I open it. 
    But no. In the extensions menu where I would go to open a Kbar, they remain labeled Kbar 1, Kbar 2, etc....
    Likewise on the header of each bar they just have Kbar 1, etc. that isn't helpful, every palette in AE has a title that makes sense. You gave me the ability to name them logically in settings, but those names don't appear anywhere. image
    bottom line: why name them if the names don't count? And if naming is useful in settings, it would certainly be useful everywhere else. 

    I desperately desperately wish this was possible but sadly its a limitation of AE's plugin infrastructure :(. To work around it is a LOT of work and a really really bad user experience which is why I haven't attempted it.  Believe me, as soon as it's possible I'll update KBar accordingly.
  • Suggestion:
    We can change the title of each bar, instead of being called "Kbar 1, Kbar2, Kbar3...", we can change it to "Tools, Effects, Expressions..."
    See my comment to Terry below. It's the same thing.
  • who buy it for now will have a free update to kbar3?
    can I be a kbar3 tester?
  • who buy it for now will have a free update to kbar3?
    can I be a kbar3 tester?

    KBar3 will not be free.

    If you wish to be a tester, please open a support ticket.
  • Not pushing for impossibly fast developement time; I was just wondering how development was going with the 3.0 version.
    Thanks for taking the time in updating the tool
  • Is it possible to turn kbar buttons into keyboard shortcuts?
    I'm also looking for this? Is there any plan to add this feature? Thank you in advance.
  • Is it possible to turn kbar buttons into keyboard shortcuts?
    I'm also looking for this? Is there any plan to add this feature? Thank you in advance.
    It's not possible to do this in After Effects in a way that's easy to use.  One day if it's possible I will absolutely add it.
  • Not pushing for impossibly fast developement time; I was just wondering how development was going with the 3.0 version.
    Thanks for taking the time in updating the tool
    It's pretty far a long. I'm in the thick beta testing right now and am fixing the bugs people found.  Can't quite give you a release date yet but it won't be forever.  Thanks for being patient!
  • Hi, the author. The description of Kbar is at the bottom of UI panel. Could you please fix it in the next version
  • Hello, how can I put a certain function of other scripts into the shortcut box of KBar2? Thanks!
  • Singo Ke said:
    Hi, the author. The description of Kbar is at the bottom of UI panel. Could you please fix it in the next version
    Thank you for sharing this.
  • Hello, how can I put a certain function of other scripts into the shortcut box of KBar2? Thanks!
    You have to email the author of the other scripts and ask them to integrate with KBar.  The instructions are here:

  • Hey Gys. When running a JSX/JSXBIN script. How can I get it to run as a Scriptui Panel. Rather then a undockable panel? Maybe I am missing something?
  • Hey Gys. When running a JSX/JSXBIN script. How can I get it to run as a Scriptui Panel. Rather then a undockable panel? Maybe I am missing something?
    I, too, would love to know if this is possible! 
  • Hello everyone can you share you toolbar files