CompsFromSpreadsheet 5
  • After I select my spreadsheet I am getting the Script Alert

    "You need to select a field with the template name"

    what am i doing wrong?

    Hi Michael,

    Open up a support ticket and I will help you figure it out.
  • Is there any way to adjust the start time of a pre-comp with in the min comp?? I have a :30 second main camp, using a pre-comp that 2:00 minutes. I would like to have the pre-comp start at different times. Possible to do?? or do I need to create several different pre-comps that have different start times from the original pre-comp??
  • Hi Michael

    I purchased the script and have a question regarding setting render setting/output module. I would like to rendering png/jpg but both format are not in the output module list. There are only two for rendering image, photoshop and tiff image sequence. Is there a way to set the script so it render in png/jpg?
  • Hi Michael

    I purchased the script and have a question regarding setting render setting/output module. I would like to rendering png/jpg but both format are not in the output module list. There are only two for rendering image, photoshop and tiff image sequence. Is there a way to set the script so it render in png/jpg?
    If you go to edit_>templates->output module; then create a png output module.

    Next, in comprFromSpreadsheet, go to settings->processing, click on change render settings and select your newly created png output module.
  • I finally got this for my project and works great. However I have a question about parenting using this script and wonder if anyone could help. What I am trying to do is get a persons name from the spreadsheet in two locations; which works fine; but one is in the middle of a sentence and I am not sure how to do that.

    The work around I am using is to break the sentence up so the dynamic linking works.

    The second part is I want to give possession to a text field, a name, that is brought in dynamically. Is there a way to parent a text object ['s] to the end of a dynamic text field?

  • Hi! 

    CompsFromSpreadsheet 5 suport video footage?

  • Hello Michael!
    I didn't see anyone asking this question, am I the only one?
    So let's say we have two comps, comp 1 has image 1 to replace from spreadsheet, and comp 2 has text 1.
    Do you have to do each comp in a separate run?
    because when I leave the image 1 column empty because comp 2 only have text and no image, the script shows me an error.
    I hope this is clear. Is there a workaround?
  • Hello Michael!
    I didn't see anyone asking this question, am I the only one?
    So let's say we have two comps, comp 1 has image 1 to replace from spreadsheet, and comp 2 has text 1.
    Do you have to do each comp in a separate run?
    because when I leave the image 1 column empty because comp 2 only have text and no image, the script shows me an error.
    I hope this is clear. Is there a workaround?
    Hi Nader,
    is comp 2 a precomp inside of comp 1? or are these two completely separate comps you want to update?
  • Hi! 

    CompsFromSpreadsheet 5 suport video footage?

  • I finally got this for my project and works great. However I have a question about parenting using this script and wonder if anyone could help. What I am trying to do is get a persons name from the spreadsheet in two locations; which works fine; but one is in the middle of a sentence and I am not sure how to do that.

    The work around I am using is to break the sentence up so the dynamic linking works.

    The second part is I want to give possession to a text field, a name, that is brought in dynamically. Is there a way to parent a text object ['s] to the end of a dynamic text field?

    In AE add a text fields (TEXT1) link it to the spreadsheet but make sure it is hidden (Disable eyeball)
    Now add another text field which is not connected to the spreadsheet, add an expression to the text:
    text.sourceText="Type here the text you want from the left " + thisComp.layer("TEXT1").text.sourceText + text.sourceText=" Type here the text you want from the Right"
    This will combine your text with the name in the middle of it.

    You can use expressions
  • Is there a fix for the "Unable to execute script at line 6. null is not an object" warning I have been getting upon installation?  It does it with and without anything in the project. Shot 2021-04-19 at 5.32.30 PM.png?dl=0


  • Hi Eric,

    Does this happen when you launch the script or after you hit the "Run compsFromSpreadsheet" button?

    How are you launching the script?
    Is there a fix for the "Unable to execute script at line 6. null is not an object" warning I have been getting upon installation?  It does it with and without anything in the project. Shot 2021-04-19 at 5.32.30 PM.png?dl=0


  • Hi Michael,

    Upon clicking on it in the Window drop down.  I just get the error message and a blank panel.  I tried it on a few different versions of AE and it was doing the same thing.  Wondering if perhaps I need to dump my preferences or something?

    Update: Uninstalled all of AE, re-installed and it still does the same thing unfortunately.
  • Hi Michael, 

    This looks awesome. Is there a way to name the new copy compositions from the spreadsheet rather than just 1,2,3??? This might already exist but I have not tried the plug in yet so was curious.
  • Hi Michael,

    For CompsFromSpreadsheet 5 License Type - Floating server license. How is the floating license leased out to users?
  • This script is simply astonishing. I am just staggered at what it can do. Thank you so much for saving me hours of work.
  • Two days ago I created 61 lower thirds, each with two text boxes in dissent different colors, and different text in each lower third. Previously that would have taken me at least 90 minutes. Using CompsFromSpreadsheet it took 17 seconds.
  • About to purchase this looks awesome. Ran the test version. How do I change the image in a subcomp inside the main comp?
  • Hi Anthony,

    you need the layer name of your subcomp to begin with a ! then jany layer in that subcomp will be updated be updated.

    so in your main comp there is a precomp named !precomp, the layer in !precomp named #image will recive the image from your image column of your spreadsheet
  • Ok, so one issue I have had is that every now and then it throws up the error "Pick a Template. line x has an error. there is no template named x". Sometimes the x is part of the text from the text file, sometimes it's just blank.
  • Is there a way to use media encoder for the exports?

    I'm trying to render a batch of H.264 files and now that there is no H.264 option in the output module of After Effects it makes this a bit of a pain. Current workaround is to render as ProRes files then batch these to H264, but this feels like it's adding time to my workflow when the whole point of the script is to save time!

    Any pointers would be appreciated!
  • Is there a way to use media encoder for the exports?

    I'm trying to render a batch of H.264 files and now that there is no H.264 option in the output module of After Effects it makes this a bit of a pain. Current workaround is to render as ProRes files then batch these to H264, but this feels like it's adding time to my workflow when the whole point of the script is to save time!

    Any pointers would be appreciated!
    if you go into compsFromSpreadsheet settings and make sure "auto render comps" is deselected in the processing tab.  run the script. go to the render queue. click the "queue in media encoder" button.

    You just have to make sure before you do this, you render something in the in encoder with the settings you want the batch to be rendered with, when your render que items get added to encoder, they will be set to be rendered the way the last item in encoder was rendered.
  • is there a way to control Effects from spreadsheet like
    checker boxes or sliders ?
  • I'm using the trial of compsfromspreadsheet, and running into a couple issues. When I run the script, it works - but only sends 3 comps to the render queue. Is this a limitation built into the trial, or am I possibly doing something wrong? It is pulling from a spreadsheet of 500 comps.

    Another issue is that checking "Auto Render Comps" doesn't automatically render them - it sends them to the queue, but I still have to click "Render." Is this also a limitation in the trial?

    Thank you
  • Hhh Ttt said:
    I'm using the trial of compsfromspreadsheet, and running into a couple issues. When I run the script, it works - but only sends 3 comps to the render queue. Is this a limitation built into the trial, or am I possibly doing something wrong? It is pulling from a spreadsheet of 500 comps.

    Another issue is that checking "Auto Render Comps" doesn't automatically render them - it sends them to the queue, but I still have to click "Render." Is this also a limitation in the trial?

    Thank you

    the trial is limited but you will always have to click render. for a fully automated solution check out Templater Bot, pt_OpenSesame Server or MoDeck.
  • Hhh Ttt said:
    I'm using the trial of compsfromspreadsheet, and running into a couple issues. When I run the script, it works - but only sends 3 comps to the render queue. Is this a limitation built into the trial, or am I possibly doing something wrong? It is pulling from a spreadsheet of 500 comps.

    Another issue is that checking "Auto Render Comps" doesn't automatically render them - it sends them to the queue, but I still have to click "Render." Is this also a limitation in the trial?

    Thank you
    There is no limit to how many comps you can create while in demo mode.  My gut instinct is that you have a field in your spreadsheet with a carriage return in it (a newline maybe in a text field).  This breaks the tab delimited text format (you need to replace any newline in your data with <br> the script will replace it when it runs).

    Open a ticket on aescripts and I can take a look and help you get it working.

  • I'm not able to get a Nested Comp to update its instances in the RenderComp. 

    When running the script, I get this error dialog - 

    Update - It looks like if the Nested Comp has its Layer Shied, the script will not update the instance. Un-shying helps. BUT, my Expressions in the sourceText is not updating to reflect the new instance of the Nested Comp.

    I have this line in the sourceText of a few layers in the RenderComp - 

    const sauceText=comp("bGEMs-RDMG-Minimalist-CLN-U_001 TextsInput").layer("^1st - Line").text.sourceText;

    After running the script, the comp should be renamed to 
    comp("bGEMs-RDMG-Minimalist-CLN-U_001 TextsInput n").layer("^1st - Line").text.sourceText;
    where n is the number of instances/comps.

    Something is either preventing the Expression from updating or there is no avenue for the Expression to update, to reflect the different RenderComp instances and its respective Nested Comps.

    The Text Layers in the Precomp instances are updated correctly but the Expressions in the Render Comps do not update and hence, they are all pointing to the Original Render Comp's source; the Nested Comp with Text Layers.

    Any ideas? TIA
  • Got things to work - most likely I had erroneous data in one of the cells. 

    However, there is still an error message that points to a comp that's present in the Project Panel but isn't involved in the versioning process. 

    Most importantly, there should be a feature to pick the output folder. Current constructs place the rendered files into the newly created folder. However, I'd prefer placing them into a pre-created AME Watchfolder, where I've set up optimized MP4 render settings. 

    Using the pre-built script, Change Render Locations, is a PITA since it asks for confirmation for the changed location for each comp - not ideal to be used for a workflow promising automation. I'm hopeful this can be implemented easily/quickly or perhaps there is a better option available now?
  • Great script, very helpful. 

    Question, if I place a # in front of a pre-comped layer, can I replace it with a different pre-comp layer in my project?
  • Great script but I think I've found a missing feature - it'll be great to be able to include a prefix to define a comp that ONLY NEEDS UPDATING of text/visuals without having to create a new comp. 

    Current workflows include the possibility of a client changing texts and other parameters. So, it'll be great to be able to run the script AFTER already creating the comps, to update certain Text Layers/Visual Layers. 

    The script, as is, is designed to be used at the end of a workflow and the beginning of an automation stage. But I'm also trying to use the script at the start of a workflow where I begin with one Comp and then create versions with the script. 
  • hi! is there a way to auto-change a layer's hex code with this tool? i have a spreadsheet full of hex codes and when I try to link up that column with the layer in ae, nothing happens. Is this something that this program is capable of doing?
  • Can someone explain this to me like I'm a 2 year old?
    I've tried the most basic name swapping and I can't get it to to work.
    It makes a "compsfromspreadsheet" folder and a subfolder called "imports" and a subfolder called "preComps" and nothing else, including nothing in the render queue

    I've seen the 7 & 12 year old videos on YouTube and another guy that kind of goes through it, but I would like to see something where it starts a project from scratch...even the most basic.
  • hi! is there a way to auto-change a layer's hex code with this tool? i have a spreadsheet full of hex codes and when I try to link up that column with the layer in ae, nothing happens. Is this something that this program is capable of doing?
    Probably using a text layer and hexToRgb() expression
  • Can someone explain this to me like I'm a 2 year old?
    I've tried the most basic name swapping and I can't get it to to work.
    It makes a "compsfromspreadsheet" folder and a subfolder called "imports" and a subfolder called "preComps" and nothing else, including nothing in the render queue

    I've seen the 7 & 12 year old videos on YouTube and another guy that kind of goes through it, but I would like to see something where it starts a project from scratch...even the most basic.
    Alright, turns out it was that particular machine... I have no idea why it wouldn't work, I actually just got a new machine and it worked without a hitch, so that is sort of solved :)

    FEATURE REQUEST: What if you use the "create text object"/"create layer object" etc etc buttons and it made a .tsv file from that? Is that even something that's possible?
  • I love this script, worth every penny! After struggling with Photoshop's native spreadsheet import tool, I thought I was going to be in for a big hassle with this one but it just worked and it made sense. Thanks Michael!
  • Thanks for making this. Really love what it does. Every time I run it, I get a "warning: Undo group mismatch, will attempt to fix." and then I have to close and reopen to render the next file in the queue. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Or is this a bug? Using AE 23.2.1 on a MacBook Pro.
  • Brilliant idea. Just purchased and excited to use this. Thank you!
  • Thanks for making this. Really love what it does. Every time I run it, I get a "warning: Undo group mismatch, will attempt to fix." and then I have to close and reopen to render the next file in the queue. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Or is this a bug? Using AE 23.2.1 on a MacBook Pro.

    If you have any questions or need help please open a support ticket and we will be happy to assist you:
  • Hello, I have a question about using the compsfromspreadsheet. 
    When you load a script through the compsfromspreadsheet and work on it, there is a phenomenon that one letter of the work is unspecified once or twice a month. (ex. Only E is broken during LOVE) Why is this happening and is there a solution?
  • ruru ruru said:
    Hello, I have a question about using the compsfromspreadsheet. 
    When you load a script through the compsfromspreadsheet and work on it, there is a phenomenon that one letter of the work is unspecified once or twice a month. (ex. Only E is broken during LOVE) Why is this happening and is there a solution?
    Hi ruru,
    Open a support ticket here and I can work with you to get this solved.
  • Hi Michael,

    I use this script to make the LED Wall graphics for a World Championship with over 300 crews and 5000 participants. You are a life saver!

    I would like to enhance this script with a new update that adds a basic spreadsheet editor inside of After Effects, with the ability to view, create, edit, export and import tab delimited spreadsheet files, so as to remove the need to use external software like Excel. This is also very useful for QUICKLY running CompsFromSpreadsheet on the fly without creating a new .txt file in an outside folder directory. 

    I will commission you for this update, including additional features, if you would like to partner on this idea. 

    The 2023 World Championship is coming up next week, and I would like to have the new version ready for Q1 of 2024. 

    Are you interested? Thanks!!!

    You can reach me by email at 710 [dot] avfx [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Hello! I have a question:

    I'm about to buy some licenses. Does it work in new versions of After effects 2024 and AE updates that may come in the future?

    Thank you!
  • Hello, 
    I will need a script like this one for an upcoming gig. Can your script work with other languages than english i.e. french with all the accents and punctuations/symbols?
  • Any chance of getting a version of this for Davinci Resolve?
  • Hello. I keep getting quotation marks around certain parts of text. How can I remove??
  • Hello. I keep getting quotation marks around certain parts of text. How can I remove??
    Hi Chris,

    Open a ticket at and upload yours spreadsheet so I can have a look
  • Purchased the full version. I have a list of numbers ranging from double digits to six figures. Is there a way for the script to auto resize the text to match the text box depending on how big or small the number is? 

    Currently, if the number is too big, only the first few digits appear. 

    Thanks! This is a great script!
  • Hello,

    Thank you for the excellent script. I've tested the trial version and believe it's exactly what I need for my work. However, I need to verify if the script can handle specific requirements.

    When using the script in After Effects, it duplicates comps, precomps, and files. For instance, if the quiz has 10 questions, each with its own comp, precomp, and files, editing comp 1 results in the same changes being applied to all other comps. I suspect this issue stems from the duplication process.

    The project is a trivia quiz with different correct answer variations, animations, sliders, etc. I'm interested in knowing if it's possible to customize the script so that changes can be automatically applied using a spreadsheet.

    Thank you.
  • This could be exactly what I'm looking for. Is there an option to update a dropdown effect on a text layer?
  • How can I set 2 output modules? I want export my composition in MOV. & MP4. How can I set this in my spreadsheet?