• Please add open extension like the one you did with scripts so i can finally ditch my kbar. Thanks!
  • Hey hey! Any updates on custom icons/scriptlets? Thanks!
    We're busy working on the exciting next update! You can expect it to be ready in the first month of the upcoming year.
    Good morning dellium ☺, Where is your exciting next update? We are already nearing the end of the second month now.
  • 4f51e 14 said:
    Hey hey! Any updates on custom icons/scriptlets? Thanks!
    We're busy working on the exciting next update! You can expect it to be ready in the first month of the upcoming year.
    Good morning dellium ☺, Where is your exciting next update? We are already nearing the end of the second month now.
    Hello again.
    No update after almost 2 months.. any news about your exciting next update?
  • Sorry to keep you waiting but there are so many things to put together in the new version. We're also going though all the tools and improving them. Here's a screen recording of what you can expect from the new version.
  • Sorry to keep you waiting but there are so many things to put together in the new version. We're also going though all the tools and improving them. Here's a screen recording of what you can expect from the new version.
    Thanks for the update. The new version seems great!
  • Hi

    I'm in the fence between purchasing MoBar2 vs upgrading the Kbar to version 3. I installing the Try version and start adding my buttons with effects, like Curves, Tint, etc. But I'm having a hard time finding a way to customize that button, Am I missing something here ? or this is not a option at this point available in MoBar 2.3 ?

    Looking forward for your answer.
  • Hello Motion Ape,

    I have a small problem. I can't scroll down to my other favourite options. How I can do that? With Mousewheel / Keyboard Keys arent possible? Is there a solution? Thanks in Advice
  • Hello Motion Ape,

    I have a small problem. I can't scroll down to my other favourite options. How I can do that? With Mousewheel / Keyboard Keys arent possible? Is there a solution? Thanks in Advice

    Hi Daniel,

    Unfortunately, the script panel doesn't support scrolling. But here's the good news: we're developing a new version and turning MoBar into an extension. So, all those UI/UX features will be doable in the new version.

  • Hello Motion Ape,

    Thats sound incredible! Thank you very much for the response. Do you have any ideas when the new version will be release? Thanks in advice
  • Good afternoon. How can I update to version 2.4 if I made a purchase on this site?
  • Good afternoon. How can I update to version 2.4 if I made a purchase on this site?
    v2.4 will be published on this site soon.
  • Good afternoon. How can I update to version 2.4 if I made a purchase on this site?
    v2.4 will be published on this site soon.
    Thank you very much!
  • Guys...the extension is GREAT!!
    Finally we have scriptlets and commands shortcuts, if this works without bugs it's gonna be a game changer!!

    Thank you so much for your efforts!
  • Nice! Looks great in the videos.

    I'm really curious about the new extension. Although, mine looks exactly the same after updating to v2.4.

    Something i'm missing?
  • Updated interface looks the same?
  • Updated interface looks the same?
    There are no interface changes to the main panel in v2.4. However, the tools library has been updated. We have redesigned some of the tools UI and added new features. The extension version is in the beta phase.
  • Try this if you're having issues seeing some of the new updates. 

    Download from:

    Move the file downloaded from the link above (version 3.0.11) into the ZXP installer.

    TBH I was confused, because I updated using the AEscripts installer and it didn't seem like anything really changed? This did the trick for me! Correct me if I'm wrong @Motion Ape and thank you for all of your hard work developing this great tool.

  • Yes, that's correct. As previously stated, the new version is currently in the Beta phase. You can participate in the beta test by using the link provided below.

  • Hey dellium, why can't Gumroad users update to version 2.4? The page has been completely wiped clean.
  • 4f51e 14 said:
    Hey dellium, why can't Gumroad users update to version 2.4? The page has been completely wiped clean.
    Can you try again please?
  • Wait so I'm confused..Being a Mobar 1 owner do I have to pay full price again? I installed the Mobar 2 trial as my MoBar 1 broke so I assumed I needed a new version..But I had the latest one that was in my account.

    Will this trial run out after a set time meaning I need to pay full price again? I was under the impression the marketing behind this is 'buy once, get lifetime updates' but I'm stuck on MoBar 1????
  • Wait so I'm confused..Being a Mobar 1 owner do I have to pay full price again? I installed the Mobar 2 trial as my MoBar 1 broke so I assumed I needed a new version..But I had the latest one that was in my account.

    Will this trial run out after a set time meaning I need to pay full price again? I was under the impression the marketing behind this is 'buy once, get lifetime updates' but I'm stuck on MoBar 1????

    Hi Michael,

    MoBar 2 was released last year as a free update. A few days ago, we published another update, which we will continue to provide for free as promised. If you have any concerns, please contact our support team using the link below.

  • Is there a feature in MoBar to do below:
    I want to keep the previous transformations of the layer after i unlink it from the null object.
    Here is the audio-visual demonstration.
    If that's the case, take my money now!
  • Is there a feature in MoBar to do below:
    I want to keep the previous transformations of the layer after i unlink it from the null object.
    Here is the audio-visual demonstration.
    If that's the case, take my money now!

    This can be done in only a specific situation if your null always starts from the center of the screen. This would serve as a possible reference point. Otherwise, it is not possible to get the null and the child layer's positions when they are parented to make a proper calculation.

    There is a tool in MoBar's library that helps you create null layers. One of the options creates a null in the center and parents the selected layers maintaining the current hierarchy. Starting with this will make it easier to reach your starting point. Additionally, there is another tool that helps you select the child layer of a null. I think using this combination would make this process easier.

    Parent to Null: 

    Select Complete Hierarchy: 

  • Is there a feature in MoBar to do below:
    I want to keep the previous transformations of the layer after i unlink it from the null object.
    Here is the audio-visual demonstration.
    If that's the case, take my money now!

    This can be done in only a specific situation if your null always starts from the center of the screen. This would serve as a possible reference point. Otherwise, it is not possible to get the null and the child layer's positions when they are parented to make a proper calculation.

    There is a tool in MoBar's library that helps you create null layers. One of the options creates a null in the center and parents the selected layers maintaining the current hierarchy. Starting with this will make it easier to reach your starting point. Additionally, there is another tool that helps you select the child layer of a null. I think using this combination would make this process easier.

    Parent to Null: 

    Select Complete Hierarchy: 

    hmm, Parenter by Aris Melachroinos just added this feature 4 hours ago after i requested. He just alt+clicks to remove button. Here is the video of it
    It's so quick and easy to do with that plugin. Can you add this feature to Mobar 2 near future? I'm about to buy it because i need this feature for procedural workflow.
  • hmm, Parenter by Aris Melachroinos just added this feature 4 hours ago after i requested. He just alt+clicks to remove button. Here is the video of it
    It's so quick and easy to do with that plugin. Can you add this feature to Mobar 2 near future? I'm about to buy it because i need this feature for procedural workflow.
    My response was about any hierarchy you're trying to unparent. Otherwise, if you create a null with a tool, it's easy to reset it.

  • hmm, Parenter by Aris Melachroinos just added this feature 4 hours ago after i requested. He just alt+clicks to remove button. Here is the video of it
    It's so quick and easy to do with that plugin. Can you add this feature to Mobar 2 near future? I'm about to buy it because i need this feature for procedural workflow.

    My response was about any hierarchy you're trying to unparent. Otherwise, if you create a null with a tool, it's easy to reset it.

    So how can i do it with Mobar 2?
  • So how can i do it with Mobar 2?
    Currently, there's no function to do this. But if you have already Parenter, you can add this tool as button to MoBar panel.
  • Hi, the search function is slow, and if the fx console plugin is installed after effects will crash always, maybe you can fix this or make the search function much faster 
  • Hi! Great tool, thanks. How can I get more information about the 2.4 updates please?
  • Hi! Great tool, thanks. How can I get more information about the 2.4 updates please?

    Please check out the VERSION HISTORY tab on this page:
  • Love the script! Hoping for an update that makes the panel responsive to AE's panel sizes.