Ray Dynamic Color 2
  • Is there a way to merge 2 AE projects using the same palette without breaking the script/expressions?

    My first attempt with importing a project didn't work. It didn't update, wasn't using the same palette - all colors had to be reapplied

    (Im working on a large project with many different .AEP's having to be merged using the same palette.)
  • Is there a way to merge 2 AE projects using the same palette without breaking the script/expressions?

    My first attempt with importing a project didn't work. It didn't update, wasn't using the same palette - all colors had to be reapplied

    (Im working on a large project with many different .AEP's having to be merged using the same palette.)
    Hey Tom,

    This tutorial might help you achieve this:  It shows you how you can connect and disconnect colors from palettes.

  • Howdy.  I'm just curious if there will be a version coming out compatible with AE 2024?
  • Howdy.  I'm just curious if there will be a version coming out compatible with AE 2024?
    It works fine in 2024. If you need assistance please open a support ticket instead and explain in detail the issue you are experiencing.
  • Hi Lloyd. I think Jason means that the aescripts installer, doesn't install it in the 24 location. But manually copying the script does work. Maybe you can update compatibility, so aescripts manager also installs it in 2024.
  • Hi Lloyd. I think Jason means that the aescripts installer, doesn't install it in the 24 location. But manually copying the script does work. Maybe you can update compatibility, so aescripts manager also installs it in 2024.

    please see this faq: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/aescripts-aeplugins-manager-app-faq/#install-latest
  • Anyone else having the problem in AE 2024 that you cannot dock the Ray settings window in the AE layout? Thank you for your answers 
  • Anyone else having the problem in AE 2024 that you cannot dock the Ray settings window in the AE layout? Thank you for your answers 

    I need to install it properly. Use the aescripts + aeplugins manager app (https://aescripts.com/learn/aescripts-aeplugins-manager-app/) to install or see the faq: https://aescripts.com/faq/how-to-install-and-run-scripts/
  • Hi! 

    Ray dynamic color seems to go through all the layers and comps very slowly. Is there a way to speed it up?

    At a layer with puppet pins, it goes through all the pins, even though none of them have color properties.

    Or is there a way I can kind of control where it does and does not look? Or does that mean going through all the layers and comps manually for linking?
  • Hi. I'm geting an error message when opening the window now... "Unable to execute script at line 394. null is not an object". Ive tried reinstalling using the aescripts app on my map. I'm running 2024 ( build 50 ). Any help would be great. Cheers
  • Hi. I'm geting an error message when opening the window now... "Unable to execute script at line 394. null is not an object". Ive tried reinstalling using the aescripts app on my map. I'm running 2024 ( build 50 ). Any help would be great. Cheers

    Please see this FAQ: https://aescripts.com/knowledgebase/index/view/faq/null-is-not-an-object-error/
  • This is an awesome tool. Although there is one simple thing that IMO would improve UX of this tool a lot. The mous over tip on + button is "Adds a new RDC palette" and while that is true it also has at least couple dozen key combos :) and my memory doesn't work so well and needing to find a tutorial on what those key combos were (as I dont recall) isn't the greatest. Awesome tool though!
  • After Effects crashes with Version 24.4.0 when pressing the + key.
  • After Effects crashes with Version 24.4.0 when pressing the + key.
    Same Problem here! ☝
  • Same problem as below I'm afraid - AE crashes when pressing any + option
  • Ah - RDC now crashes in any current version of AE. I'd previously experienced it crashing the Beta version - which I'd reported. I'd always use the release version of AE to create a palette, then I could open that project in the Beta version and RDC would behave ok...but I guess Adobe has updated the release version to what the Beta version was, and RDC no longer works to create a new palette. Will we be seeing a fix for this soon, please?
  • After Effects crashes with Version 24.4.0 when pressing the + key.
    Same problem here, it seems that everyone is affected by this issue on the latest version of After Effects.